
[20240425] [0.11.1]

Important notes

  • Dropped support for python3.7

  • Dropped support macOS 10.15

  • This will be the last release that supports Ubuntu 18.04.

  • Moved all library level modules under ouster.sdk, this includes ouster.client, ouster.pcap ouster.osf. So the new access name will be ouster.sdk.client, ouster.sdk.pcap and so on

  • [BREAKING] many of the ouster-cli commands and arguments have changed (see below.)

  • [BREAKING] moved configure_sensor method to ouster.sdk.sensor.util module

  • [BREAKING] removed the pcap_to_osf method.


  • Added a new async_client_example.cpp C++ example.

Python SDK

  • Add support for python 3.12, including wheels on pypi

  • Updated VCPKG libraries to 2023.10.19

  • New ScanSource API: * Added new MultiScanSource that supports streaming and manipulating LidarScan frames

    from multiple concurrent LidarScan sources * For non-live sources the MultiScanSource have the option to choose LidarScan(s) by index or choose a subset of scans using slicing operation * The MultiScanSource interface has the ability to fallback to ScanSource using the

    single_source(sensor_idx), ScanSource interface yield a single LidarScan on iteration rather than a List

    • The ScanSource interface obtained via single_source method supports same indexing and and slicing operations as the MultiScanSource

    • Added a generic open_source that accepts sensor urls, or a path to a pcap recording or an osf file

    • Add explicit flag index to index unindexed osf files, if flag is set to True the osf file will be indexed and the index will be saved to the file on first attempt

    • Display a progress bar during index of pcap file or osf (if unindexed)

  • Improved the robustness of the resolve_metadata method used to automatically identify the sensor metadata associated with a PCAP source.

  • [bugfix] SimpleViz complains about missing fields

  • [bugfix] Gracefully handle failed sensor connection attempts with proper error reporting

  • [bugfix] Fix assertion error when using viz stepping on a live sensor

  • [bugfix] Scope MultiLidarViz imports to viz commands

  • [bugfix] LidarScan yielded with improper header/status

  • [bugfix] OSF ScanSource fields property doesn’t report the actual fields

  • Removed ouster.sdkx, the open_source command is now part of ouster.sdk module

  • The FLAGS field is always added to the list fields of any source type by default. In case of a dual return lidar profile then a second FLAGS2 will also be added.


  • Updated SLAM API and examples.

  • Added real time frame dropping capability to SLAM API.

  • The ouster-mapping package now uses point-cloud-utils instead of open3d.

  • improved per-column pose accuracy, which is now based on the actual column timestamps


  • Many commands can now be chained together, e.g. ouster-cli source <src> slam viz.

  • New save command can output the result in a variety of formats.

  • Added --ts option for specifying the timestamps to use when saving an OSF file. Host packet receive time is the default, but not all scan sources have this info. Lidar packet timestamps can be used as an alternative.

  • Changed the output format of ouster-cli discover to include more information.

  • Added JSON format output option to ouster-cli discover.

  • Added a flag to output sensor user data to ouster-cli discover.

  • Update the minimum required version of zeroconf.

  • Removed python-magic package from required dependencies.

  • Made the output of ouster-cli source <osf> info much more user-friendly. (ouster-cli source <osf> dump gives old output.)

  • [breaking] changed the argument format of the slice command.

  • [breaking] removed the --legacy and --non-legacy flags.

  • [breaking] removed the ouster-cli mapping, ouster-cli osf, ouster-cli pcap, and ouster-cli sensor commands.

  • [bugfix] return a nonzero exit code on error.

  • [bugfix] fix an error that occurred when setting the IMU port using the -i option.


  • Added a new buffered UDP source implementation BufferedUDPSource.

  • The method version_of_string is marked as deprecated, use version_from_string instead.

  • Added a new method firmware_version_from_metadata which works across firmwares.

  • Added support for return order configuration parameter.

  • Added support for gyro and accelerometer FSR configuration parameters.

  • [bugfix] mtp_init_client throws a bad optional access.

  • [bugfix] properly handle 32-bit frame IDs from the FUSA_RNG15_RFL8_NIR8_DUAL sensor UDP profile.


  • [breaking] Greatly simplified OSF writer API with examples.

  • [breaking] removed the to_native and from_native methods.

  • Updated Doxygen API documentation for OSF C++ API.

  • Removed support for the deprecated “standard” OSF file format. (The streaming OSF format is still supported.)

  • Added osf_file_modify_metadata that allows updating the sensor info associated with each lidar stream in an OSF file.

  • Warn the user if reading an empty or improperly indexed file.


  • Added scaled palettes for calibrated reflectivity.

  • Distance rings can now be hidden by setting their thickness to zero.

  • [bugfix] Fix some rendering issues with the distance rings.

  • [bugfix] Fix potential flickering in Viz

Known issues

  • ouster-cli discover may not provide info for sensors using IPv6 link-local networks on Python 3.8 or with older versions of zeroconf.

  • ouster-cli when combining slice command with viz the program will exit once iterate over the selected range of scans even when the --on-eof option is set to loop. - workaround: to have viz loop over the selected range, first perform a

    slice with save, then playback the generated file.

[20231031] [0.10.0]

Important notes

  • This will be the last release that supports Python 3.7.

  • This will be the last release that supports macOS 10.15.


  • Added point cloud accumulation support

  • Added an PointViz::fps() method to return the operating frame rate as a double


  • [BREAKING] Updates to sensor_info include:
    • new fields added: build_date, image_rev, prod_pn, status, cal (representing the value stored in the calibration_status metadata JSON key), config (representing the value of the sensor_config metadata JSON key)

    • the original JSON string is accessible via the original_string() method

    • The updated_metadata_string() now returns a JSON string reflecting any modifications to sensor_info

    • to_string is now marked as deprecated

  • [BREAKING] The RANGE field defined in parsing.cpp, for the low data rate profile, is now 32 bits wide (originally 16 bits.)
    • Please note this fixes a SDK bug. The underlying UDP format is unchanged.

  • [BREAKING] The NEAR_IR field defined in parsing.cpp, for the low data rate profile, is now 16 bits wide (originally 8 bits.)
    • Plase note this fixes a SDK bug. The underlying UDP format is unchanged.

  • [BREAKING] changed frame_id return size to 32 bits from 16 bits

  • An array of per-packet timestamps (called packet_timestamp) is added to LidarScan

  • The client now retries failed requests to an Ouster sensor’s HTTP API

  • Increased the default timeout for HTTP requests to 40s

  • Added FuSA UDP profile to support Ouster FW 3.1+

  • Improved ScanBatcher performance by roughly 3x (depending on hardware)

  • Receive buffer size increased from 256KB to 1MB

  • [bugfix] Fixed an issue that caused incorrect Cartesian point computation in the viz.Cloud Python class

  • [bugfix] Fixed an issue that resulted in some packet_format methods returning an uninitialized value

  • [bugfix] Fixed a libpcap-related linking issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed an eigen 3.3-related linking issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed a zero beam angle calculation issue

  • [bugfix] Fixed dropped columns issue with 4096x5 and 2048x10


  • Added source <FILE> slam and source <FILE> slam viz commands

  • All metadata CLI options are changed to -m/--metadata

  • Added discovery for FW 3.1+ sensors

  • Set signal multiplier by default in sensor/SOURCE sensor config

  • use PYBIND11_MODULE instead of deprecated module constructor

  • remove deprecated == in pybind for .is()

  • [bugfix] Fix report of fragmentation for ouster-cli pcap/SOURCE pcap info

  • [bugfix] Fixed issue regarding windows mDNS in discovery

  • [bugfix] Fixed cli pcap recording timestamp issue

  • [BREAKING] CSV output ordering switched


  • ouster-mapping is now a required dependency

  • [BREAKING] change the ouster.sdk.viz location to the ouster.viz package, please update the references if you used ouster.sdk.viz module

  • [bugfix] Fixed Windows pcap support for files larger than 2GB

  • [bugfix] Fixed the order of LidarScan’s w and h keyword arguments

  • [bugfix] Fixed an issue with LidarPacket when using data recorded with older versions of Ouster Studio

Known issues

  • The dependency specifier for scipy is invalid per PEP-440

  • get_config always returns true

  • Repeated CTRL-C can cause a segmentation fault while visualizing a point cloud


  • Update vcpkg ref of build to 2023-02-24


  • Add Ouster OSF C++/Python library to save stream of LidarScans with metadata


  • Add LidarScan.pose with poses per column

  • Add _client.IndexedPcapReader and _client.PcapIndex to enable random pcap file access by frame number

  • [BREAKING] remove ouster::Imu object

  • [BREAKING] change the return type of ouster::packet_format::frame_id from uint16_t to uint32_t

  • [BREAKING] remove methods px_range, px_reflectivity, px_signal, and px_ambient from ouster::packet_format

  • Add get_field_types function for LidarScan, from sensor_info

  • bugfix: return metadata regardless of sensor_info status field

  • Make timeout on curl more configurable

  • [BREAKING] remove encoder_ticks_per_rev (deprecated)


  • [BREAKING] Changed Python binding for Cloud.set_column_poses() to accept [Wx4x4] array of poses, column-storage order

  • bugfix: fix label re-use

  • Add LidarScan.pose handling to viz.LidarScanViz, and new T keyboard binding to toggle column poses usage


  • bugfix: Use unordered map to store stream_keys to avoid comparison operators on map

Python SDK

  • Add Python 3.11 wheels

  • Retire simple-viz for ouster-cli utility

  • Add default ? key binding to LidarScanViz and consolidate bindings into stored definition

  • Remove pcap-to-csv for ouster-cli utility

  • Add validator class for LidarPacket


This release also marks the introduction of the ouster-cli utility which includes, among many features: * Visualization from a connected sensor with automatic configuration * Recording from a connected sensor * Simultaneous record and viz from a connected sensor * Obtaining metadata from a connected sensor * Visualization from a specified PCAP * Slice, info, and conversion for a specificed PCAP * Utilities for benchmarking system, printing system-info * Discovery which indicates all connected sensors on network * Automatic logging to .ouster-cli * Mapping utilities


  • Default metadata output across all functionality has been switched to the non-legacy format


  • Added a new method mtp_init_client to init the client with multicast support (experimental).

  • the class SensorHttp which provides easy access to REST APIs of the sensor has been made public under the ouster::sensor::util namespace.

  • breaking change: get_metadata defaults to outputting non-legacy metadata

  • add debug five_word profile which will be removed later

  • breaking change: remove deprecations on LidarScan


  • update viz camera with other objects in draw


  • add seek method to PcapReader

  • add port guessing logic


  • introduce utility to convert nonlegacy metadata to legacy

  • use resolve_metadata to find unspecified metadata for simple-viz

  • remove port guessing logic in favor of using new C++ ouster_pcap port guessing functionality

  • add soft-id-check to skip the init_id/sn check for lidar_packets with metadata

Numerous changes to SimpleViz and LidarScanViz including: * expose visible in viz to Python * introduce ImageMode and CloudMode * bugfix: remove spurious sqrt application to autoleveled images



  • breaking change: signal multiplier type changed to double to support new FW values of signal multiplier.

  • breaking change: make_xyz_lut takes mat4d beam_to_lidar_transform instead of lidar_origin_to_beam_origin_mm double to accomodate new FWs. Old reference Python implementation was kept, but new reference was also added.

  • address an issue that could cause the processed frame being dropped in favor or the previous frame when the frame_id wraps-around.

  • added a new flag CONFIG_FORCE_REINIT for set_config() method, to force the sensor to reinit even when config params have not changed.

  • breaking change: drop defaults parameters from the shortform init_client() method.

  • added a new method init_logger() to provide control over the logs emitted by ouster_client.

  • add parsing for new FW 3.0 thermal features shot_limiting and thermal_shutdown statuses and countdowns

  • add frame_status to LidarScan

  • introduce a new method cartesianT() which speeds up the computation of point projecion from range image, the method also can process the cartesian product with single float precision. A new unit test cartesian_test which shows achieved speed up gains by the number of valid returns in lidar scan.

  • add RAW_HEADERS ChanField to LidarScan for packing headers and footer (alpha version, may be changed/removed without notice in the future)


  • breaking change: drop defaults parameters of client.Sensor constructor.

  • breaking change: change Scans interface Timeout to default to 1 second instead of None

  • added a new method init_logger() to provide control over the logs emitted by client.Sensor.

  • add client.LidarScan methods __repr__() and __str__().

  • changed default timeout from 1 seconds to 2 seconds


  • add SimpleViz.screenshot() function and a key handler SHIFT-Z to save a screenshot. Can be called from a client thread, and executes asyncronously (i.e. returns immediately and pushes a one off callback to frame buffer handlers)

  • add PointViz.viewport_width() and PointViz.viewport_height() functions

  • add PointViz.push/pop_frame_buffer_handler() to attach a callbacks on every frame draw update that calls from the main rendering loop.

  • add SHIFT-X key to SimpleViz to start continuous saving of screenshots on every draw operation. (good for making videos)

  • expose Camera.set_target function through pybind


  • Moved ouster_ros to its own repo

  • pin openssl Conan package dependency to openssl/1.1.1s due to libtins and libcurl conflicting openssl versions



  • fix a bug in longform init_client() which was not setting timestamp_mode and lidar_mode correctly


  • drop support for buliding C++ libraries and Python bindings on Ubuntu 16.04

  • drop support for buliding C++ libraries and Python bindings on Mac 10.13, Mac 10.14

  • Python 3.6 wheels are no longer built and published

  • drop support for sensors running FW < 2.0

  • require C++ 14 to build


  • add `CUSTOM0-9 ChanFields to LidarScan object

  • fix parsing measurement status from packets: previously, with some UDP profiles, higher order bits could be randomly set

  • add option for EIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES, ON by default

  • use of sensor http interface for comms with sensors for FW 2.1+

  • propogate C++ 17 usage requirement in cmake for C++ libraries built as C++17

  • allow vcpkg configuration via environment variables

  • fix a bug in sensor_config struct equality comparison operator


  • clean up GL context logic to avoid errors on window/intel UHD graphics


  • windows extension modules are now statically linked to avoid potential issues with vendored dlls


  • drop ROS kinetic support

  • switch from nodes to nodelets

  • update topic names, group under single ros namespace

  • separate launch files for play, replay, and recording

  • drop FW 1.13 compatibility for sensors and recorded bags

  • remove setting of EIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES

  • add two new ros services /ouster/get_config and /ouster/set_config (experimental)

  • add new timestamp_mode TIME_FROM_ROS_TIME

  • declare PCL_NO_PRECOMPILE ahead of all PCL library includes



  • change single return parsing for FW 2.3.1


  • single return parsing for FW 2.3.1 reflects change from ouster_client


  • update supported vcpkg tag to 2022.02.23

  • update to manylinux2014 for x64 linux ouster-sdk wheels

  • Ouster SDK documentation overhaul with C++/Python APIs in one place

  • sample data updated to firmware 2.3


  • fix the behavior of BeamUniformityCorrector on azimuth-windowed data by ignoring zeroed out columns

  • add overloads in image_processing.h to work with single-precision floats

  • add support for new RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16 single-return and RNG15_RFL8_NIR8 low-bandwidth lidar UDP profiles introduced in firmware 2.3


  • switch to glad for OpenGL loading. GLEW is still supported for developer builds

  • breaking change: significant API update of the PointViz library. See documentation for details

  • the simple_viz example app and LidarScanViz utility have been removed. Equivalent functionality is now provided via Python

  • add basic support for drawing 2d and 3d text labels

  • update to OpenGL 3.3


  • fix a bug where incorrectly sized packets read from the network could cause the client thread to silently exit, resulting in a timeout

  • fix client.Scans not raising a timeout when using the complete flag and receiving only incomplete scans. This could cause readings scans to hang in rare situations

  • added bindings for the new PointViz API and a new module for higher-level visualizer utilities in ouster.sdk.viz. See API documentation for details

  • the ouster-sdk package now includes an example visualizer, simple-viz, which will be installed on that path for the Python environment


  • support new fw 2.3 profiles by checking for inclusion of fields when creating point cloud. Missing fields are filled with zeroes


  • add support for arm64 macos and linux. Releases are now built and tested on these platforms

  • add support for Python 3.10

  • update supported vcpkg tag to 2021.05.12

  • add preliminary cpack and install support. It should be possible to use a pre-built SDK package instead of including the SDK in the build tree of your project


  • update cmake package version to 0.3.0

  • avoid unnecessary DNS lookup when using numeric addresses with init_client()

  • disable collecting metadata when sensor is in STANDBY mode

  • breaking change: set_config() will now produce more informative errors by throwing std::invalid_argument with an error message when config parameters fail validation

  • use SO_REUSEPORT for UDP sockets on non-windows platforms

  • the set of fields available on LidarScan is now configurable. See the new LidarScan constructors for details

  • added RANGE2, SIGNAL2 and REFLECTIVITY2 channel fields to support handling data from the second return

  • ScanBatcher will now parse and populate only the channel fields configured on the LidarScan passed to operator()()

  • add support for new configuration parameters: udp_profile_lidar, udp_profile_imu and columns_per_packet

  • add udp ports, the new initialization id field, and udp profiles to the metadata stored in the sensor_info struct

  • sensor_info::name is now deprecated and will stop being populated in the future

  • add methods to query and iterate over available LidarScan fields and field types

  • breaking change: removed LidarScan::block and LidarScan::data members. These can’t be supported for different packet profiles

  • the LidarScan::Field defniition has been moved to sensor::ChanField and enumerators have been renamed to match the sensor user manual. The old names are still available, but deprecated

  • deprecate accessing encoder values and frame ids from measurement blocks using packet_format as these will not be reported by the sensor in some future configurations

  • add packet_frame_id member function to packet_format

  • add col_field member function to packet_format for parsing channel field values for an entire measurement block

  • add new accessors for measurement headers to LidarScan, deprecating the existing header member function

  • represent empty sensor config with an empty object instead of null in json representation of the sensor_config datatype

  • update cmake package version to 0.2.1

  • add a conservative socket read timeout so init_client() will fail with an error message when another client fails to close a TCP connection (addresses #258)

  • when passed an empty string for the udp_dest_host parameter, init_client() will now configure the sensor using set_udp_dest_auto. Previously, this would turn off UDP output on the sensor, so any attempt to read data would time out (PR #255)

  • fall back to binding ipv4 UDP sockets when ipv6 is not available (addresses #261)


  • report additional information in the packet_info struct and remove separate stream_info API

  • switch the default pcap encapsulation to ethernet for Ouster Studio compatibility (addresses #265)


  • update ROS package version to 0.3.0

  • allow setting the packet profile in ouster.launch with the udp_profile_lidar parameter

  • publish additional cloud and image topics for the second return when running in dual returns mode

  • fix os_node crash on shutdown due to Eigen alignment flag not being propogated by catkin

  • update ROS package version to 0.2.1

  • the udp_dest parameter to ouster.launch is now optional when connecting to a sensor


  • the second CLI argument of simple_viz specifying the UDP data destination is now optional

  • fixed bug in AutoExposure causing more points to be mapped to near-zero values

  • add functionality to display text over cuboids


  • update ouster-sdk version to 0.3.0

  • improve heuristics for identifying sensor data in pcaps, including new packet formats

  • release builds for wheels on Windows now use the VS 2017 toolchain and runtime (previously 2019)

  • fix potential use-after-free in LidarScan.fields

  • update ouster-sdk version to 0.3.0b1

  • return an error when attempting to initialize client.Sensor in STANDBY mode

  • check for errors while reading from a Sensor packet source and waiting for a timeout. This should make stopping a process with SIGINT more reliable

  • add PoC bindings for the ouster_viz library with a simple example driver. See the ouster.sdk.examples.viz module

  • add bindings for new configuration and metadata supported by the client library

  • breaking change: the ChanField enum is now implemented as a native binding for easier interop with C++. Unlike Python enums, the bound class itself is no longer sized or iterable. Use ChanField.values to iterate over all ChanField values or LidarScan.fields for fields available on a particular scan instance

  • breaking change: arrays returned by LidarPacket.field and LidarPacket.header are now immutable. Modifying the underlying packet buffer through these views was never fully supported

  • deprecate ColHeader, LidarPacket.header, and LidarScan.header in favor of new properties: timestamp, measurement_id, status, and frame_id

  • replace LidarScan with native bindings implementing the same API

  • xyzlut can now accept a range image as an ndarray, not just a LidarScan

  • update ouster-sdk version to 0.2.2

  • fix open3d example crash on exit when replaying pcaps on macos (addresses #267)

  • change open3d normalization to use bound AutoExposure



  • update cmake package version to 0.2.0

  • add support for new signal multiplier config parameter

  • add early version of a C++ API covering the full sensor configuration interface

  • increase default initialization timeout to 60 seconds to account for the worst case: waking up from STANDBY mode


  • record_packet() now requires passing in a capture timestamp instead of using current time

  • work around libtins issue where capture timestamps for pcaps recorded on Windows are always zero

  • add preliminary C++ API for working with pcap files containing a single sensor packet capture


  • update ROS package version to 0.2.0

  • add Dockerfile to easily set up a build environment or run nodes

  • img_node now outputs 16-bit images, which should be more useful. Range image output is now in units of 4mm instead of arbitrary scaling (addresses #249)

  • img_node now outputs reflectivity images as well on the reflec_image topic

  • change img_node topics to match terminology in sensor documentation: ambient_image is now nearir_image and intensity_image is now signal_image

  • update rviz config to use flat squares by default to work around a bug on intel systems

  • remove viz_node and all graphics stack dependencies from the package. The viz flag on the launch file now runs rviz (addresses #236)

  • clean up package.xml and ensure that dependencies are installable with rosdep (PR #219)

  • the metadata argument to ouster_ros launch file is now required. No longer defaults to a name based on the hostname of the sensor


  • update reflectivity visualization for changes in the upcoming 2.1 firmware. Add new colormap and handle 8-bit reflectivity values

  • move most of the visualizer code out of public headers and hide some implementation details

  • fix visualizer bug causing a small viewport when resizing the window on macos with a retina display


  • update ouster-sdk version to 0.2.1

  • fix bug in determining if a scan is complete with single-column azimuth windows

  • closed PacketSource iterators will now raise an exception on read

  • add examples for visualization using open3d (see: ouster.sdk.examples.open3d)

  • add support for the new signal multiplier config parameter

  • preserve capture timestamps on packets read from pcaps

  • first release: version 0.2.0 of ouster-sdk. See the README under the python directory for details and links to documentation



  • switched to date-based version scheme. No longer tracking firmware versions

  • added a top-level CMakeLists.txt. Client and visualizer should no longer be built separately. See the README for updated build instructions

  • cmake cleanup, including using custom “find modules” to provide better compatibility between different versions of cmake

  • respect standard cmake BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE flags

  • make ouster_ros easier to use as a dependency by bundling the client and viz libraries together into a single library that can be used through catkin

  • updated client example code. Now uses more of the client APIs to capture data and write to a CSV. See ouster_client/src/example.cpp

  • replace callback-based batch_to_scan function with ScanBatcher. See lidar_scan.h for API docs and the new client example code

  • update LidarScan API. Now includes accessors for measurement blocks as well as channel data fields. See lidar_scan.h for API docs

  • add client version field to metadata json, logs, and help text

  • client API renaming to better reflect the Sensor Software Manual

[1.14.0-beta.14] - 2020-08-27


  • support for ROS noetic in ouster_ros. Note: this may break building on very old platforms without a C++14-capable compiler

  • an extra extrinsics field in sensor_info for conveniently passing around an extra user-supplied transform

  • a utility function to convert lidar_scan data between the “staggered” representation where each column has the same timestamp and “de-staggered” representation where each column has the same azimuth angle

  • mask support in the visualizer library in ouster_viz


  • ouster_ros now requires C++14 to support building against noetic libraries

  • replaced batch_to_iter with batch_to_scan, a simplified function that writes directly to a lidar_scan instead of arbitrary iterator


  • ipv6 support using dual-stack sockets on all supported platforms. This was broken since the beta.10 release

  • projection to Cartesian coordinates now takes into account the vertical offset the sensor and lidar frames

  • the reference frame of point cloud topics in ouster_ros is now correctly reported as the “sensor frame” defined in the user guide

[1.14.0-beta.12] - 2020-07-10

no changes

[1.14.0-beta.11] - 2020-06-17

no changes

[1.14.0-beta.10] - 2020-05-21


  • preliminary support for Windows and macOS for ouster_viz and ouster_client


  • replaced VTK visualizer library with one based on GLFW

  • renamed all instances of “OS1” including namespaces, headers, node and topic names, to reflect support for other product lines

  • updated all xyz point cloud calculations to take into account new lidar_origin_to_beam_origin parameter reported by sensors

  • client and os_node and simple_viz now avoid setting the lidar and timestamp modes when connecting to a client unless values are explicitly specicified


  • increase the UDP receive buffer size in the client to reduce chances of dropping packets on platforms with low defaults

  • os_cloud_node output now uses the updated point cloud calculation, taking into account the lidar origin offset

  • minor regression with destaggering in img_node output in previous beta

[1.14.0-beta.4] - 2020-03-17


  • support for gen2 hardware in client, visualizer, and ROS sample code

  • support for updated “packed” lidar UDP data format for 16 and 32-beam devices with firmware 1.14

  • range markers in simple_viz and viz_node. Toggle display using g key. Distances can be configured from os1.launch.

  • post-processing to improve ambient image uniformity in visualizer


  • use random ports for lidar and imu data by default when unspecified

[1.13.0] - 2020-03-16


  • post-processing to improve ambient image uniformity in visualizer

  • make timestamp mode configurable via the client (PR #97)


  • turn on position-independent code by default to make using code in libraries easier (PR #65)

  • use random ports for lidar and imu data by default when unspecified


  • prevent legacy tf prefix from making invalid frame names (PR #56)

  • use iterator_traits to make batch_to_iter work with more types (PR #70)

  • use correct name for json dependency in package.xml (PR #116)

  • handle udp socket creation error gracefully in client

[1.12.0] - 2019-05-02


  • install directives for ouster_ros build (addresses #50)


  • flip the sign on IMU acceleration output to follow usual conventions

  • increase the update rate in the visualizer to ~60hz


  • visualizer issue where the point cloud would occasionally occasionally not be displayed using newer versions of Eigen

[1.11.0] - 2019-03-26


  • allow renaming tf ids using the tf_prefix parameter


  • use frame id to batch packets so client code deals with reordered lidar packets without splitting frames

  • use a uint32_t for PointOS1 timestamps to avoid unnecessary loss of precision


  • bug causing ring and reflectivity to be corrupted in os1_cloud_node output

  • misplaced sine in azimuth angle calculation (addresses #42)

  • populate timestamps on image node output (addresses #39)

[1.10.0] - 2019-01-27


  • os1_node now queries and uses calibrated beam angles from the sensor

  • os1_node now queries and uses imu / lidar frames from the sensor

  • os1_node reads and writes metadata to ${ROS_HOME} to support replaying data with calibration

  • ROS example code now publishes tf2 transforms for imu / lidar frames (addresses #12)

  • added metadata parameter to os1.launch to override location of metadata

  • added viz parameter to os1.launch to run the example visualizer with ROS

  • added image parameter to os1.launch to publish image topics to rviz (addresses #21)

  • added range field to PointOS1


  • split point-cloud publishing out of os1_node into os1_cloud_node

  • example visualizer controls:

    • press m to cycle through color modes instead of i, z, Z, r

    • r now resets the camera position

    • range/signal images automatically resized to fit window height

  • updated OS-1 client to use newer TCP configuration commands

  • updated OS-1 client to set the requested lidar mode, reinitialize on connection

  • changed point cloud batching to be based on angle rather than scan duration

  • ouster_client now depends on the jsoncpp library

  • switched order of fields in PointOS1 to be compatible with PointXYZI (addresses #16)

  • moved example visualizer VTK rendering into the main thread (merged #23)

  • the timestamp field of PointOS1 now represents time since the start of the scan (the timestamp of the PointCloud2 message) in nanoseconds


  • removed keyboard camera controls in example visualizer

  • removed panning and rotating of the image panel in example visualizer


  • no longer dropping UDP packets in 2048 mode on tested hardware

  • example visualizer:

    • point cloud display focus no longer snaps back on rotation

    • fixed clipping issues with parallel projection

    • fixed point coloring issues in z-color mode

    • improved visualizer performance