Ouster SDK Installation

Please proceed to the instructions for your language and platform of choice. Newer users may find the Python SDK more approachable.


Supported Platforms

Pre-built binaries are provided on PyPI for the following platforms:

  • Most glibc-based Linux distributions on x86_64 and ARM64 platforms (manylinux2010_x86_64, manylinux2014_aarch64)

  • macOS >= 10.13 on x86_64 platforms (macosx_10_13_x86_64)

  • macOS >= 11.0 on Apple M1 for Python >= 3.8 (macosx_11_0_arm64)

  • Windows 10 on x86_64 platforms (win_amd64)

Building from source is supported on:

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and Debian 10 (x86-64, aarch64)

  • macOS >= 10.13 (x86-64), >= 11.0 (arm64)

  • Windows 10 (x86-64)


The Ouster Python SDK requires Python >= 3.6 and pip >= 19.0.


Using a virtual environment with the Ouster Python SDK is recommended. Users newer to Python should read the official venv instructions and ensure that they upgrade pip after activating their venv. If you’re using venv on Windows, you’ll want to use python and pip instead of py -3 and py -3 -m pip in the following Powershell snippets.


If you’re running a non-glibc-based linux distribution, or wish to modify the Ouster Python SDK, you will need to build from source. See the build instructions for requirements needed to build from a source distribution or from a clone of the repository.


Apple M1 users should be aware that due to numpy support limitations they will need to use Python >=3.8.

To install on supported platforms, please upgrade your pip:

$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Now that your Python environment has an up-to-date pip, you can install ouster-sdk:

$ python3 -m pip install 'ouster-sdk[examples]'


While the optional examples component is not required for ouster-sdk, we recommend installing it so you can run the various examples.

To check that you’ve successfully installed the latest version of the Ouster Python SDK, run the following command and make sure that the ouster-sdk package is included in the output:

$ python3 -m pip list

You should see something like:

ouster-sdk                    0.4.0

Now you can visually confirm your installation with Download and Visualize Sample Data!

What’s Next

To get a feel for working with the Ouster Sensor Python API, check out the following sections:


The Ouster C++ SDK currently must be built and installed from sources. Please refer to Building the C++ Client from Source.


A sample ROS1 driver is provided. It must be built from source. Please refer to Example ROS Code.