Source code for ouster.sdk.client.core

"""Ouster sensor Python client.

Copyright (c) 2021, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.

This module contains more idiomatic wrappers around the lower-level module
generated using pybind11.
from contextlib import closing
from typing import (cast, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple,
                    Union, Callable)
from threading import Thread
import time
from math import ceil
import numpy as np

from more_itertools import take
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from ._client import (SensorInfo, SensorConnection, Client, ClientState,
                      PacketFormat, LidarScan, ScanBatcher, get_field_types)

from .data import (ChanField, FieldDType, ImuPacket,
                   LidarPacket, Packet, PacketIdError,

from .scan_source import ScanSource

[docs]class ClientError(Exception): """Base class for client errors.""" pass
[docs]class ClientTimeout(ClientError): """Raised when data does not arrive within the expected time.""" pass
[docs]class ClientOverflow(ClientError): """Raised when data loss is possible due to internal buffers filling up.""" pass
[docs]class PacketSource(Protocol): """Represents a single-sensor data stream."""
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]: """A PacketSource supports ``Iterable[Packet]``. Currently defined explicitly due to: """ ...
@property def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo: """Metadata associated with the packet stream.""" ...
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Release the underlying resource, if any.""" ...
@property def is_live(self): ...
[docs]class Packets(PacketSource): """Create a :class:`PacketSource` from an existing iterator.""" _it: Iterable[Packet] _metadata: SensorInfo def __init__(self, it: Iterable[Packet], metadata: SensorInfo): """ Args: it: A stream of packets metadata: Metadata for the packet stream """ self._it = it self._metadata = metadata @property def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo: return self._metadata
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]: """Return the underlying iterator.""" return iter(self._it)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: pass
@property def is_live(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]class Sensor(PacketSource): """A packet source listening on local UDP ports. Uses a separate thread that fills internal buffers without holding the GIL. Note: Make sure ``close()`` will be called on all instances before Python attempts to exit, or the interpreter will hang waiting to join the thread (like any other non-daemonized Python thread). """ _connection: SensorConnection _cli: Client _timeout: Optional[float] _metadata: SensorInfo _pf: PacketFormat _producer: Thread _cache: Optional[ClientState] _lidarbuf: LidarPacket _imubuf: ImuPacket _lidar_port: int _hostname: str def __init__(self, hostname: str, lidar_port: int, imu_port: int, *, metadata: Optional[SensorInfo] = None, buf_size: int = 128, timeout: Optional[float] = 2.0, _overflow_err: bool = False, _flush_before_read: bool = True, _flush_frames: int = 5, _legacy_format: bool = False, soft_id_check: bool = False, _skip_metadata_beam_validation: bool = False) -> None: """ Neither the ports nor udp destination configuration on the sensor will be updated. The metadata will be fetched over the network from the sensor unless explicitly provided using the ``metadata`` parameter. Args: hostname: hostname or IP address of the sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data imu_port: UDP port to listen on for imu data metadata: explicitly provide metadata for the stream buf_size: number of packets to buffer before dropping data timeout: seconds to wait for packets before signaling error or None _overflow_err: if True, raise ClientOverflow _flush_before_read: if True, try to clear buffers before reading _flush_frames: the number of frames to skip/flush on start of a new iter _legacy_format: if True, use legacy metadata format soft_id_check: if True, don't skip lidar packets buffers on, id mismatch (init_id/sn pair), _skip_metadata_beam_validation: if True, skip metadata beam angle check Raises: ClientError: If initializing the client fails. """ self._connection = SensorConnection( hostname, lidar_port, imu_port) self._timeout = timeout self._overflow_err = _overflow_err self._flush_before_read = _flush_before_read self._cache = None self._fetched_meta = "" self._flush_frames = _flush_frames self._legacy_format = _legacy_format self._soft_id_check = soft_id_check self._id_error_count = 0 self._skip_metadata_beam_validation = _skip_metadata_beam_validation self._hostname = hostname self._lidar_port = lidar_port # Fetch from sensor if not explicitly provided if metadata: self._metadata = metadata else: self._fetch_metadata() self._metadata = SensorInfo( self._fetched_meta, self._skip_metadata_beam_validation) self._pf = PacketFormat.from_info(self._metadata) self._cli = Client(self._connection, buf_size, self._pf.lidar_packet_size, buf_size, self._pf.imu_packet_size) self._lidarbuf = LidarPacket(None, self._metadata, _raise_on_id_check=not self._soft_id_check) self._imubuf = ImuPacket(packet_format=self._pf) # Use args to avoid capturing self causing circular reference self._producer = Thread(target=self._cli.produce) self._producer.start() @property def is_live(self) -> bool: return True @property def lidar_port(self) -> int: return self._connection.lidar_port @property def imu_port(self) -> int: return self._connection.imu_port def _fetch_metadata(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: timeout_sec = 45 if timeout: timeout_sec = ceil(timeout) if not self._fetched_meta: self._fetched_meta = self._connection.get_metadata( legacy=self._legacy_format, timeout_sec=timeout_sec) if not self._fetched_meta: raise ClientError("Failed to collect metadata")
[docs] def write_metadata(self, path: str) -> None: """Save metadata to disk. Args: path: path to write """ self._fetch_metadata() with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(self._fetched_meta)
@property def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo: return self._metadata def _next_packet(self) -> Optional[Packet]: st = self._peek() self._cache = None # TODO: revise this part and upper loop to eliminate ValueError if st & ClientState.OVERFLOW: if self._overflow_err: raise ClientOverflow("client packets overflow") else: raise ValueError() if st & ClientState.LIDAR_DATA: packet = LidarPacket(self._lidarbuf._data, self._metadata, self._lidarbuf.capture_timestamp, _raise_on_id_check = not self._soft_id_check) if packet.id_error: self._id_error_count += 1 return packet elif st & ClientState.IMU_DATA: return self._imubuf elif st == ClientState.TIMEOUT: raise ClientTimeout(f"No packets received within {self._timeout}s from sensor " f"{self._hostname} using udp destination {self._metadata.config.udp_dest} " f"on port {self._lidar_port}. Check your firewall settings and/or ensure " f"that the lidar port {self._lidar_port} is not being held open.") elif st & ClientState.ERROR: raise ClientError("Client returned ERROR state") elif st & ClientState.EXIT: return None raise AssertionError("Should be unreachable") def _peek(self) -> ClientState: if self._cache is None: st = self._cli.consume(self._lidarbuf, self._imubuf, -1 if self._timeout is None else self._timeout) self._cache = st return self._cache
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]: """Access the UDP data stream as an iterator. Reading may block waiting for network data for up to the specified timeout. Failing to consume this iterator faster than the data rate of the sensor may cause packets to be dropped. Returned packet is meant to be consumed prior to incrementing the iterator, and storing the returned packet in a container may result in the contents being invalidated. If such behaviour is necessary, deepcopy the packets upon retrieval. Raises: ClientTimeout: if no packets are received within the configured timeout ClientError: if the client enters an unspecified error state ValueError: if the packet source has already been closed """ if not self._producer.is_alive(): raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed packet source") # Attempt to flush any old data before producing packets if self._flush_before_read: self.flush(n_frames=self._flush_frames, full=True) while True: try: p = self._next_packet() if p is not None: yield p else: break except PacketIdError: self._id_error_count += 1 except ValueError: # bad packet size here: this can happen when # packets are buffered by the OS, not necessarily an error # same pass as in # TODO: introduce status for PacketSource to indicate frequency # of bad packet size or init_id errors pass
[docs] def flush(self, n_frames: int = 3, *, full=False) -> int: """Drop some data to clear internal buffers. Args: n_frames: number of frames to drop full: clear internal buffers first, so data is read from the OS receive buffers (or the network) directly Returns: The number of packets dropped Raises: ClientTimeout: if a lidar packet is not received within the configured timeout ClientError: if the client enters an unspecified error state """ if full: self._cli.flush() last_frame = -1 n_dropped = 0 last_ts = time.monotonic() while True: # check next packet to see if it's the start of a new frame st = self._peek() if st & ClientState.LIDAR_DATA: frame = self._pf.frame_id(self._lidarbuf._data) if frame != last_frame: last_frame = frame n_frames -= 1 if n_frames < 0: break last_ts = time.monotonic() elif st & ClientState.ERROR: raise ClientError("Client returned ERROR state") elif st & ClientState.EXIT: break # check for timeout if self._timeout is not None and (time.monotonic() >= last_ts + self._timeout): raise ClientTimeout( f"No packets received within {self._timeout}s") # drop cached packet self._cache = None n_dropped += 1 return n_dropped
@property def buf_use(self) -> int: return self._cli.size @property def id_error_count(self) -> int: return self._id_error_count
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Shut down producer thread and close network connection. Attributes may be unset if constructor throws an exception. """ if hasattr(self, '_cli'): self._cli.shutdown() if hasattr(self, '_producer'): self._producer.join() if hasattr(self, '_connection'): self._connection.shutdown()
def __del__(self) -> None: self.close()
[docs]class Scans(ScanSource): """An iterable stream of scans batched from a PacketSource. Batching will emit a scan every time the frame_id increments (i.e. on receiving first packet in the next scan). Reordered packets will be handled, except across frame boundaries: packets from the previous scan will be dropped. Optionally filters out incomplete frames and enforces a timeout. A batching timeout can be useful to detect when we're only receiving incomplete frames or only imu packets. Can also be configured to manage internal buffers for soft real-time applications. """ def __init__(self, source: PacketSource, *, complete: bool = False, timeout: Optional[float] = 2.0, fields: Optional[Dict[ChanField, FieldDType]] = None, _max_latency: int = 0) -> None: """ Args: source: any source of packets complete: if True, only return full scans timeout: seconds to wait for a scan before error or None fields: specify which channel fields to populate on LidarScans _max_latency: (experimental) approximate max number of frames to buffer """ self._source = source self._complete = complete self._timeout = timeout self._max_latency = _max_latency # used to initialize LidarScan self._fields: FieldTypes = ( fields if fields is not None else get_field_types(self._source.metadata.format.udp_profile_lidar))
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[LidarScan]: """Get an iterator.""" w = self._source.metadata.format.columns_per_frame h = self._source.metadata.format.pixels_per_column columns_per_packet = self._source.metadata.format.columns_per_packet packets_per_frame = w // columns_per_packet column_window = self._source.metadata.format.column_window # If source is a sensor, make a type-specialized reference available sensor = cast(Sensor, self._source) if isinstance( self._source, Sensor) else None ls_write = None pf = PacketFormat.from_info(self._source.metadata) batch = ScanBatcher(w, pf) # Time from which to measure timeout start_ts = time.monotonic() it = iter(self._source) self._packets_consumed = 0 self._scans_produced = 0 while True: try: packet = next(it) self._packets_consumed += 1 except StopIteration: if ls_write is not None: if not self._complete or ls_write.complete(column_window): yield ls_write return if self._timeout is not None and (time.monotonic() >= start_ts + self._timeout): raise ClientTimeout(f"No valid frames received within {self._timeout}s") if isinstance(packet, LidarPacket): ls_write = ls_write or LidarScan( h, w, self._fields, columns_per_packet) if batch(packet, ls_write): # Got a new frame, return it and start another if not self._complete or ls_write.complete(column_window): yield ls_write self._scans_produced += 1 start_ts = time.monotonic() ls_write = None # Drop data along frame boundaries to maintain _max_latency and # clear out already-batched first packet of next frame if self._max_latency and sensor is not None: buf_frames = sensor.buf_use // packets_per_frame drop_frames = buf_frames - self._max_latency + 1 if drop_frames > 0: sensor.flush(drop_frames) batch = ScanBatcher(w, pf)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the underlying PacketSource.""" self._source.close()
@property def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo: """Return metadata from the underlying PacketSource.""" return self._source.metadata @property def is_live(self) -> bool: return self._source.is_live @property def is_seekable(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_indexed(self) -> bool: return False @property def fields(self) -> FieldTypes: return self._fields @property def scans_num(self) -> Optional[int]: return None def __len__(self) -> int: raise TypeError("len is not supported on live or non-indexed sources") def _seek(self, int) -> None: raise RuntimeError( "can not invoke __getitem__ on non-indexed source") def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, slice] ) -> Union[Optional[LidarScan], List[Optional[LidarScan]]]: raise RuntimeError( "can not invoke __getitem__ on non-indexed source") def __del__(self) -> None: pass
[docs] @classmethod def sample( cls, hostname: str = "localhost", n: int = 1, lidar_port: int = 7502, *, metadata: Optional[SensorInfo] = None ) -> Tuple[SensorInfo, Iterator[List[LidarScan]]]: """Conveniently sample n consecutive scans from a sensor. Does not leave UDP ports open. Suitable for interactive use. Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor n: number of consecutive frames in each sample lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data metadata: explicitly provide metadata for the stream Returns: A tuple of metadata queried from the sensor and an iterator that samples n consecutive scans """ with closing(Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, 7503, metadata=metadata)) as sensor: metadata = sensor.metadata def next_batch() -> List[LidarScan]: with closing( Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, 7503, metadata=metadata, buf_size=n * 128, _flush_before_read=False)) as source: source.flush(full=True) scans = cls(source, timeout=2.0, complete=True, _max_latency=0) return take(n, scans) return metadata, iter(next_batch, [])
[docs] @classmethod def stream( cls, hostname: str = "localhost", lidar_port: int = 7502, *, buf_size: int = 640, timeout: Optional[float] = 2.0, complete: bool = True, metadata: Optional[SensorInfo] = None, fields: Optional[Dict[ChanField, FieldDType]] = None) -> 'Scans': """Stream scans from a sensor. Will drop frames preemptively to avoid filling up internal buffers and to avoid returning frames older than the scanning period of the sensor. Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data timeout: seconds to wait for scans before signaling error complete: if True, only return full scans metadata: explicitly provide metadata for the stream fields: specify which channel fields to populate on LidarScans """ source = Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, 7503, metadata=metadata, buf_size=buf_size, timeout=timeout, _flush_before_read=True) return cls(source, timeout=timeout, complete=complete, fields=fields, _max_latency=2)
class FrameBorder: """Create callable helper that indicates the cross frames packets.""" def __init__(self, pred: Callable[[Packet], bool] = lambda _: True): self._last_f_id = -1 self._last_packet_ts = None self._last_packet_res = False self._pred = pred def __call__(self, packet: Packet) -> bool: if isinstance(packet, LidarPacket): # don't examine packets again if (self._last_packet_ts and packet.capture_timestamp and self._last_packet_ts == packet.capture_timestamp): return self._last_packet_res f_id = packet.frame_id changed = (self._last_f_id != -1 and f_id != self._last_f_id) self._last_packet_res = changed and self._pred(packet) self._last_f_id = f_id return self._last_packet_res return False def first_valid_column(scan: LidarScan) -> int: """Return first valid column of a LidarScan""" return int(np.bitwise_and(scan.status, 1).argmax()) def last_valid_column(scan: LidarScan) -> int: """Return last valid column of a LidarScan""" return int(scan.w - 1 - np.bitwise_and(scan.status, 1)[::-1].argmax()) def first_valid_column_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int: """Return first valid column timestamp of a LidarScan""" return scan.timestamp[first_valid_column(scan)] def first_valid_packet_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int: """Return first valid packet timestamp of a LidarScan""" columns_per_packet = scan.w // scan.packet_timestamp.shape[0] return scan.packet_timestamp[first_valid_column(scan) // columns_per_packet] def last_valid_column_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int: """Return last valid column timestamp of a LidarScan""" return scan.timestamp[last_valid_column(scan)] def first_valid_column_pose(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray: """Return first valid column pose of a LidarScan""" return scan.pose[first_valid_column(scan)] def last_valid_column_pose(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray: """Return last valid column pose of a LidarScan""" return scan.pose[last_valid_column(scan)] def valid_packet_idxs(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray: """Checks for valid packets that was used in in the scan construction""" valid_cols = scan.status & 0x1 valid_packet_ts = scan.packet_timestamp != 0 sp = np.split(valid_cols, scan.packet_timestamp.shape[0]) # here we consider the packet is valid when either one is true: # - any columns in the packet has a valid status # - packet_timestamp is not zero, which may occur even when # all columns/px data in invalid state within the packet. # It means that we received the packet without per px data # but with all other headers in place valid_packets = np.logical_or(np.any(sp, axis=1), valid_packet_ts) return np.nonzero(valid_packets)[0] def poses_present(scan: LidarScan) -> bool: """Check whether any of scan.pose in not identity""" return not np.allclose(np.eye(4), scan.pose)