Source code for ouster.sdk.examples.client

Copyright (c) 2021, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Executable examples for using the sensor client APIs.

This module has a rudimentary command line interface. For usage, run::

    $ python -m ouster.sdk.examples.client -h

import argparse
from contextlib import closing

import numpy as np

from ouster.sdk import client
from ouster.sdk.client import LidarMode

[docs]def configure_dual_returns(hostname: str) -> None: """Configure sensor to use dual returns profile given hostname Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor """ config = client.get_config(hostname) if (config.lidar_mode in {LidarMode.MODE_2048x10, client.LidarMode.MODE_1024x20, client.LidarMode.MODE_4096x5}): print( f"Changing lidar_mode from {str(config.lidar_mode)} to 1024x10 to" " enable to dual returns on FW < 2.5. Will not persist change.") config.lidar_mode = client.LidarMode.MODE_1024x10 # [doc-stag-config-udp-profile] config.udp_profile_lidar = client.UDPProfileLidar.PROFILE_LIDAR_RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL # [doc-etag-config-udp-profile] try: client.set_config(hostname, config, persist=False, udp_dest_auto=False) except ValueError: print("error: Your sensor does not support dual returns. Please" " check the hardware revision and firmware version vs release" " notes.") return print("Retrieving sensor metadata..") with closing(client.Sensor(hostname, 7502, 7503)) as source: # print some useful info from print( f"udp profile lidar: {str(source.metadata.format.udp_profile_lidar)}" )
[docs]def configure_sensor_params(hostname: str) -> None: """Configure sensor params given hostname Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor """ # [doc-stag-configure] # create empty config config = client.SensorConfig() # set the values that you need: see sensor documentation for param meanings config.operating_mode = client.OperatingMode.OPERATING_NORMAL config.lidar_mode = client.LidarMode.MODE_1024x10 config.udp_port_lidar = 7502 config.udp_port_imu = 7503 # set the config on sensor, using appropriate flags client.set_config(hostname, config, persist=True, udp_dest_auto=True) # [doc-etag-configure] # if you like, you can view the entire set of parameters config = client.get_config(hostname) print(f"sensor config of {hostname}:\n{config}")
[docs]def fetch_metadata(hostname: str) -> None: """Fetch metadata from a sensor and write it to disk. Accurately reconstructing point clouds from a sensor data stream requires access to sensor calibration and per-run configuration like the operating mode and azimuth window. The client API makes it easy to read metadata and write it to disk for use with recorded data streams. Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor """ # [doc-stag-fetch-metadata] with closing(client.Sensor(hostname, 7502, 7503)) as source: # print some useful info from print("Retrieved metadata:") print(f" serial no: {}") print(f" firmware version: {source.metadata.fw_rev}") print(f" product line: {source.metadata.prod_line}") print(f" lidar mode: {source.metadata.mode}") print(f"Writing to: {hostname}.json") # write metadata to disk source.write_metadata(f"{hostname}.json")
# [doc-etag-fetch-metadata]
[docs]def filter_3d_by_range_and_azimuth(hostname: str, lidar_port: int = 7502, range_min: int = 2) -> None: """Easily filter 3D Point Cloud by Range and Azimuth Using the 2D Representation Args: hostname: hostname of sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data range_min: range minimum in meters """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: print("This example requires matplotlib and an appropriate Matplotlib " "GUI backend such as TkAgg or Qt5Agg.") exit(1) import math # set up figure plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') r = 3 ax.set_xlim3d([-r, r]) ax.set_ylim3d([-r, r]) ax.set_zlim3d([-r, r]) plt.title("Filtered 3D Points from {}".format(hostname)) metadata, sample = client.Scans.sample(hostname, 2, lidar_port) scan = next(sample)[1] # [doc-stag-filter-3d] # obtain destaggered range range_destaggered = client.destagger(metadata, scan.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)) # obtain destaggered xyz representation xyzlut = client.XYZLut(metadata) xyz_destaggered = client.destagger(metadata, xyzlut(scan)) # select only points with more than min range using the range data xyz_filtered = xyz_destaggered * (range_destaggered[:, :, np.newaxis] > (range_min * 1000)) # get first 3/4 of scan to_col = math.floor(metadata.mode.cols * 3 / 4) xyz_filtered = xyz_filtered[:, 0:to_col, :] # [doc-etag-filter-3d] [x, y, z] = [c.flatten() for c in np.dsplit(xyz_filtered, 3)] ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=z / max(z), s=0.2)
[docs]def live_plot_reflectivity(hostname: str, lidar_port: int = 7502) -> None: """Display reflectivity from live sensor Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data """ import cv2 # type: ignore print("press ESC from visualization to exit") # [doc-stag-live-plot-reflectivity] # establish sensor connection with closing(, lidar_port, complete=False)) as stream: show = True while show: for scan in stream: # uncomment if you'd like to see frame id printed # print("frame id: {} ".format(scan.frame_id)) reflectivity = client.destagger(stream.metadata, scan.field(client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY)) reflectivity = (reflectivity / np.max(reflectivity) * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imshow("scaled reflectivity", reflectivity) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # [doc-etag-live-plot-reflectivity] # 27 is esc if key == 27: show = False break cv2.destroyAllWindows()
[docs]def plot_xyz_points(hostname: str, lidar_port: int = 7502) -> None: """Display range from a single scan as 3D points Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore # get single scan metadata, sample = client.Scans.sample(hostname, 1, lidar_port) scan = next(sample)[0] # set up figure plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') r = 3 ax.set_xlim3d([-r, r]) ax.set_ylim3d([-r, r]) ax.set_zlim3d([-r, r]) plt.title("3D Points from {}".format(hostname)) # [doc-stag-plot-xyz-points] # transform data to 3d points xyzlut = client.XYZLut(metadata) xyz = xyzlut(scan.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)) # [doc-etag-plot-xyz-points] # graph xyz [x, y, z] = [c.flatten() for c in np.dsplit(xyz, 3)] ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=z / max(z), s=0.2)
[docs]def record_pcap(hostname: str, lidar_port: int = 7502, imu_port: int = 7503, n_seconds: int = 10) -> None: """Record data from live sensor to pcap file. Note that pcap files recorded this way only preserve the UDP data stream and not networking information, unlike capturing packets directly from a network interface with tools like tcpdump or wireshark. See the API docs of :py:func:`.pcap.record` for additional options for writing pcap files. Args: hostname: hostname of the sensor lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data imu_port: UDP port to listen on for imu data n_seconds: max seconds of time to record. (Ctrl-Z correctly closes streams) """ import ouster.sdk.pcap as pcap from datetime import datetime # [doc-stag-pcap-record] from more_itertools import time_limited # connect to sensor and record lidar/imu packets with closing(client.Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, imu_port, buf_size=640)) as source: # make a descriptive filename for metadata/pcap files time_part ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") meta = source.metadata fname_base = f"{meta.prod_line}_{}_{meta.mode}_{time_part}" print(f"Saving sensor metadata to: {fname_base}.json") source.write_metadata(f"{fname_base}.json") print(f"Writing to: {fname_base}.pcap (Ctrl-C to stop early)") source_it = time_limited(n_seconds, source) n_packets = pcap.record(source_it, f"{fname_base}.pcap") print(f"Captured {n_packets} packets")
# [doc-etag-pcap-record] def main() -> None: examples = { "configure-dual-returns": configure_dual_returns, "configure-sensor": configure_sensor_params, "fetch-metadata": fetch_metadata, "filter-3d-by-range-and-azimuth": filter_3d_by_range_and_azimuth, "live-plot-reflectivity": live_plot_reflectivity, "plot-xyz-points": plot_xyz_points, "record-pcap": record_pcap, } description = "Ouster Python SDK examples. The EXAMPLE must be one of:\n " + str.join( '\n ', examples.keys()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('hostname', metavar='HOSTNAME', type=str, help='Sensor hostname, e.g. "os-122033000087"') parser.add_argument('example', metavar='EXAMPLE', choices=examples.keys(), type=str, help='Name of the example to run') args = parser.parse_args() try: example = examples[args.example] except KeyError: print(f"No such example: {args.example}") exit(1) print(f"example: {args.example}") example(args.hostname) # type: ignore if __name__ == "__main__": main()