Source code for ouster.sdk.viz.scans_accum

Copyright (c) 2023, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Ouster Scan Accumulator Visualizer

from typing import (Optional, Dict, Tuple, List, Callable, Union, Iterable,
                    no_type_check, Any)

import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
import threading
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
import time
import logging

from ._viz import (PointViz, WindowCtx, Label, Cloud, grey_palette,
                   grey_cal_ref_palette, spezia_palette, spezia_cal_ref_palette,
                   magma_palette, magma_cal_ref_palette,
                   viridis_palette, viridis_cal_ref_palette,
from .util import push_point_viz_handler
import ouster.sdk.client as client
from ouster.sdk.client import ChanField
import ouster.sdk.util.pose_util as pu

from .view_mode import (CloudMode, ReflMode, SimpleMode,
                        is_norm_reflectivity_mode, CloudPaletteItem)

logger = logging.getLogger("viz-accum-logger")

class ScanRecord:
    poses: List[Optional[np.ndarray]]
    scan: Optional[List[Optional[client.LidarScan]]] = None
    cloud_mode_keys: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[np.ndarray]]] = None

TRACK_MAX_POINTS_NUM: int = 100000
MAP_INIT_POINTS_NUM: int = 10000
MAP_MAX_POINTS_NUM: int = 1500000  # 1.5 M default
MAP_SELECT_RATIO: float = 0.001

    ACCUM_DEBUG = int(os.getenv("OUSTER_SDK_ACCUM_DEBUG", 0))
except Exception:

if not logger.hasHandlers():

[docs]class ScansAccumulator: """Accumulate scans, track poses and overall map view Could be used with or without ``PointViz`` immediate visualization. With ``PointViz`` it acts similarly to ``LidarScanViz`` and can be as a first argument passed to ``SimpleViz`` (or as a separate ``scans_accum`` parameter) Every new scan (``LidarScan`` or ``Tuple[Optional[LidarScan]]``) is passed through ``update(scan, num)``. Available visualization depends on whether poses are present or not and params set on init. View modes are combination of: * **TRACK** - scan poses (i.e. trajectories) of every scan "seen" (poses required) * **ACCUM** - set of accumulated scans (key frames) picked according to params * **MAP** - overall map with select ratio of random points from every scan passed through ``update()`` """ def __init__(self, metas: Union[client.SensorInfo, List[client.SensorInfo]], *, point_viz: Optional[PointViz] = None, accum_max_num: int = 0, accum_min_dist_meters: float = 0, accum_min_dist_num: int = 1, map_enabled: bool = False, map_select_ratio: float = MAP_SELECT_RATIO, map_max_points: int = MAP_MAX_POINTS_NUM, map_overflow_from_start: bool = False): """ Args: metas: one or many sensor metadatas for scans that will be passed on update point_viz: if present then the resulting ScansAccumulator could be used similar to LidarScanViz as first argument in SimpleViz or with ``scans_accum`` parameter. Without ``point_viz`` ScansAccumulator is intended to be used as a separate standalone component to accumulate points and get the resulting point clouds/tracks with color keys back. It's possible to add `PointViz` later using the function ``set_point_viz(point_viz)`` accum_max_num: aka, ``--accum-num``, the maximum number of accumulated (ACCUM) scans to keep accum_min_dist_meters: aka, ``--accum-every-m``, the minimum distance between accumulated (ACCUM) key frames accum_min_dist_num: aka, ``--accum-every``, the minimum distance in scans between accumulated (ACCUM) key frames map_enabled: enable overall map accumulation (MAP) (``--accum-map``) map_select_ratio: percent of points to select from the scans to the overall map (MAP), default 0.001 map_max_points: maximum number of points to keep in overall map (MAP) map_overflow_from_start: if True, on map overflow continue writing points from the beginning (as in ring buffer), if False, overwrite points randomly in the existing map """ self._viz: Optional[PointViz] = None self._metas = [metas] if isinstance(metas, client.SensorInfo) else metas self._kf_min_dist_m = accum_min_dist_meters self._kf_min_dist_n = accum_min_dist_num self._kf_max_num = accum_max_num self._map_enabled = map_enabled self._map_select_ratio = map_select_ratio self._map_max_points = map_max_points self._map_overflow_start = map_overflow_from_start # sets to True if non-identity poses were detected in processed scans self._poses_detected = False self._accum_mode_track = True self._accum_mode_accum = False self._accum_mode_map = False # sensor index used for all map/accum operations self._sensor_idx = 0 self._cloud_pt_size = 1 self._xyzlut = [ client.XYZLut(m, use_extrinsics=True) for m in self._metas ] self._lock = threading.Lock() # initialize TRACK structs # NOTE[pb]: default zeros are not working great due to how alpha # compositing is implemented (if I guess correctly, but # not 100% sure :() ) self._track_xyz_init = np.array([10000000, 10000000, 10000000], dtype=np.float32) self._track_xyz = np.full((TRACK_INIT_POINTS_NUM, 3), self._track_xyz_init, dtype=np.float32, order='F') self._track_key = np.zeros((TRACK_INIT_POINTS_NUM, 4), dtype=np.float32) self._track_key_color = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0], dtype=np.float32) self._track_idx = 0 self._track_overflow = False # initialize the cloud coloration modes self._cloud_modes: List[CloudMode] = [ ReflMode(info=self._metas[self._sensor_idx]), SimpleMode(ChanField.NEAR_IR, info=self._metas[self._sensor_idx], use_ae=True, use_buc=True), SimpleMode(ChanField.SIGNAL, info=self._metas[self._sensor_idx]), SimpleMode(ChanField.RANGE, info=self._metas[self._sensor_idx]), ] # index of available modes "pens" to get colors for point clouds # start with all _cloud_modes and then check on every seen scan # that is used for map/accum that we can still use available # modes on such scans self._available_modes: List[int] = list(range(len(self._cloud_modes))) # init view cloud mode toggle self._cloud_mode_ind = 0 self._cloud_mode_ind_prev = (self._cloud_mode_ind + 1) % len(self._cloud_modes) # Note these 2 palette arrays must always be the same length self._cloud_palettes: List[CloudPaletteItem] self._cloud_palettes = [ CloudPaletteItem("Ouster Colors", spezia_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Greyscale", grey_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Viridis", viridis_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Magma", magma_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref", calref_palette), ] self._refl_cloud_palettes: List[CloudPaletteItem] self._refl_cloud_palettes = [ CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref. Ouster Colors", spezia_cal_ref_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref. Greyscale", grey_cal_ref_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref. Viridis", viridis_cal_ref_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref. Magma", magma_cal_ref_palette), CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref", calref_palette), ] # init cloud palette toggle self._cloud_palette_ind = 0 self._cloud_palette_prev = self._refl_cloud_palettes[self._cloud_palette_ind] # initialize MAP structs map_init_points_num = MAP_INIT_POINTS_NUM if self._map_enabled else 0 self._map_xyz = np.zeros((map_init_points_num, 3), dtype=np.float32, order='F') # calculated color keys for every map point, indexed by cloud mode name self._map_keys: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = { np.zeros(map_init_points_num, dtype=np.float32) for mode in self._cloud_modes } self._map_idx = 0 self._map_overflow = False # viz.Cloud for map points self._cloud_map: Optional[Cloud] = None # initialize osd (on screen display text) self._osd: Optional[Label] = None self._osd_enabled = False self._scan_num = -1 self._scan_records: List[Optional[ScanRecord]] = [] # key frames is an index to self._scan_records data self._key_frames: List[Optional[int]] = [None] * (self._kf_max_num + 1) self._key_frames_dirty: List[int] = [0] * (self._kf_max_num + 1) self._key_frames_head = 0 self._key_frames_tail = 0 # viz.Clouds for accumulated key frames scans (+1 to match the # key_frames layout 1-to-1) self._clouds_accum: List[Optional[Cloud]] = [None] * (self._kf_max_num + 1) # pool of viz.Clouds, to not re-create on often change of key frames num self._clouds_accum_pool: List[Cloud] = [] # accum key frames track (i.e. trajectory points) self._kf_track_xyz = np.full((self._kf_max_num + 1, 3), self._track_xyz_init, dtype=np.float32, order='F') self._kf_track_key = np.zeros((self._kf_max_num + 1, 4), dtype=np.float32) self._kf_track_key_color = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 1.0]) # scan poses track self._cloud_track: Optional[Cloud] = None self._last_draw_dt: float = 0 self._last_update_dt: float = 0 # callback for any external vizs that need to hookup into the draw update # (currently used by LidarScanViz to update the OSD text) self._key_press_pre_draw: Callable[[], Any] = lambda: None if point_viz: self.set_point_viz(point_viz)
[docs] def set_point_viz(self, point_viz: PointViz): """Initialize point viz and cloud components.""" assert self._viz is None, "Can't set viz to ScansAccumulator again" self._viz = point_viz self._osd_enabled = True self._osd = Label("", 0, 1, align_right=False) self._viz.add(self._osd) self._ensure_cloud_map() self._cloud_kf_track = Cloud(self._kf_max_num + 1) self._cloud_kf_track.set_point_size(10) self._cloud_kf_track.set_xyz(self._kf_track_xyz) self._cloud_kf_track.set_key(self._kf_track_key[np.newaxis, ...]) self._ensure_cloud_track() self._initialize_accum_mode() self._initialize_key_bindings()
@property def viz(self) -> Optional[PointViz]: return self._viz def _initialize_accum_mode(self) -> None: """Set initial state of accum mode.""" if self._viz is None: return # switch accum mode and view for better UX if self._map_enabled: self.toggle_mode_map(True) elif self._kf_max_num > 0: self.toggle_mode_accum(True) self.toggle_mode_track(self._accum_mode_track) def _initialize_key_bindings(self) -> None: """Initialize key bindings and key definitions.""" if self._viz is None: return key_bindings: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable[[ScansAccumulator], bool]] = { (ord('J'), 0): partial(ScansAccumulator.update_point_size, amount=1), (ord('J'), 1): partial(ScansAccumulator.update_point_size, amount=-1), (ord('K'), 0): partial(ScansAccumulator.cycle_cloud_mode, direction=1), (ord('K'), 1): partial(ScansAccumulator.cycle_cloud_mode, direction=-1), (ord('G'), 0): partial(ScansAccumulator.cycle_cloud_palette, direction=1), (ord('G'), 1): partial(ScansAccumulator.cycle_cloud_palette, direction=-1), (ord('6'), 0): ScansAccumulator.toggle_mode_accum, (ord('7'), 0): ScansAccumulator.toggle_mode_map, (ord('8'), 0): ScansAccumulator.toggle_mode_track, } key_definitions: Dict[str, str] = { 'j / J': "Increase/decrease point size of accumulated clouds or map", 'k / K': "Cycle point cloud coloring mode of accumulated clouds or map", 'g / G': "Cycle point cloud color palette of accumulated clouds or map", '6': "Toggle scans accumulation view mode (ACCUM)", '7': "Toggle overall map view mode (MAP)", '8': "Toggle poses/trajectory view mode (TRACK)", } self._key_definitions = key_definitions def handle_keys(self: ScansAccumulator, ctx: WindowCtx, key: int, mods: int) -> bool: if (key, mods) in key_bindings: draw = key_bindings[key, mods](self) if draw: # notify neighbor vizs that need to update on key press re-draw self._key_press_pre_draw() # draw + _viz.update() inside self.draw() else: self._viz.update() # type: ignore return True push_point_viz_handler(self._viz, self, handle_keys) def _ensure_structs_map(self, xyz_size: int = 1) -> None: """Check map idx and array sizes and increase if needed""" if (not self._map_overflow and self._map_idx + xyz_size > self._map_xyz.shape[0]): new_size = min( self._map_max_points, int((self._map_xyz.shape[0] + xyz_size) * TRACK_MAP_GROWTH_RATE)) logger.debug("RESIZE: map_xyz: %d, max: %d", new_size, self._map_max_points) map_xyz = np.zeros((new_size, 3), dtype=np.float32, order='F') map_xyz[:self._map_xyz.shape[0]] = self._map_xyz del self._map_xyz self._map_xyz = map_xyz for map_key_name, map_key in self._map_keys.items(): new_map_key = np.zeros(new_size, dtype=np.float32) new_map_key[:map_key.shape[0]] = map_key self._map_keys[map_key_name] = new_map_key logger.debug(" RESIZE: map_keys[%s]: %d", map_key_name, new_size) del map_key self._map_overflow = (self._map_idx + xyz_size > new_size) # reset map_idx from the beginning if there is no space for all # incoming points and map_overflow_start is enabled if (self._map_overflow_start and self._map_idx + xyz_size > self._map_xyz.shape[0]): self._map_idx = 0 def _ensure_structs_track(self) -> None: """Check track idx and array sizes and increase if needed""" if (self._track_idx >= self._track_xyz.shape[0] and self._track_xyz.shape[0] < TRACK_MAX_POINTS_NUM): new_size = min( TRACK_MAX_POINTS_NUM, int((self._track_key.shape[0] + 1) * TRACK_MAP_GROWTH_RATE)) logger.debug("RESIZE track_xyz: %d", new_size) track_xyz = np.full((new_size, 3), self._track_xyz_init, dtype=np.float32, order='F') track_xyz[:self._track_xyz.shape[0]] = self._track_xyz self._track_xyz = track_xyz track_key = np.zeros((new_size, 4), dtype=np.float32) track_key[:self._track_key.shape[0]] = self._track_key self._track_key = track_key # overflow of the max track size if self._track_idx >= self._track_key.shape[0]: self._track_idx = 0 self._track_overflow = True def _ensure_cloud_map(self) -> None: """Create/re-create the cloud MAP object""" def make_cloud_map(n: int): self._cloud_map = Cloud(n) self._cloud_map.set_point_size(self._cloud_pt_size) self._cloud_map.set_palette(self.active_cloud_palette.palette) if self.map_visible: self._viz.add(self._cloud_map) # type: ignore pnum = self._map_xyz.shape[0] if not self._cloud_map: make_cloud_map(pnum) elif self._cloud_map.size < pnum: self._viz.remove(self._cloud_map) # type: ignore del self._cloud_map make_cloud_map(pnum) def _ensure_cloud_track(self) -> None: """Create/re-create the cloud TRACK object""" pnum = self._track_xyz.shape[0] init_cloud_track = not self._cloud_track if init_cloud_track or (self._cloud_track and self._cloud_track.size < pnum): self._viz.remove(self._cloud_track) # type: ignore self._viz.remove(self._cloud_kf_track) # type: ignore del self._cloud_track self._cloud_track = Cloud(pnum) self._cloud_track.set_point_size(5) if init_cloud_track: self._cloud_track.set_xyz(self._track_xyz) self._cloud_track.set_key(self._track_key[np.newaxis, ...]) if self.track_visible: self._viz.add(self._cloud_track) # type: ignore self._viz.add(self._cloud_kf_track) # type: ignore
[docs] def update_point_size(self, amount: int) -> bool: """Change the point size of the MAP/ACCUM point cloud.""" with self._lock: self._cloud_pt_size = int(min(10.0, max(1.0, self._cloud_pt_size + amount))) for acloud in filter(lambda c: c is not None, self._clouds_accum): acloud.set_point_size(self._cloud_pt_size) # type: ignore if self._map_enabled and self._cloud_map is not None: self._cloud_map.set_point_size(self._cloud_pt_size) return True
def _draw_track(self) -> None: """Update the poses TRACK cloud""" self._ensure_cloud_track() if self._cloud_track is None: return self._cloud_track.set_xyz(self._track_xyz) self._cloud_track.set_key(self._track_key[np.newaxis, ...]) def _draw_map(self) -> None: """Update the MAP cloud""" self._ensure_cloud_map() if self._cloud_map is None: return self._cloud_map.set_xyz(self._map_xyz) self._cloud_map.set_key( self._map_keys[][np.newaxis, ...]) if ACCUM_DEBUG: update_palette = self._update_cloud_palette() if update_palette: palette_name = else: palette_name = "None" logger.debug("UPDATE CLOUD PALETTE (MAP): %s", palette_name) logger.debug("ACTIVE CLOUD PALETTE (MAP): %s", logger.debug("ACTIVE CLOUD MODE (MAP): %s", update_palette = self._update_cloud_palette() @no_type_check def _draw_accum(self) -> None: """Update the ACCUM clouds""" if self._viz is None: return for i, dirty in enumerate(self._key_frames_dirty): if not dirty: continue key_frame_idx = self._key_frames[i] if key_frame_idx is None: # remove cloud to pool if it's present if self._clouds_accum[i] is not None: self._viz.remove(self._clouds_accum[i]) self._clouds_accum_pool.append( self._clouds_accum[i]) self._clouds_accum[i] = None else: # add/update the cloud sr = self._scan_records[key_frame_idx] ls = sr.scan[self._sensor_idx] # add cloud if self._clouds_accum[i] is None: if self._clouds_accum_pool: self._clouds_accum[i] = self._clouds_accum_pool.pop() self._clouds_accum[i].set_point_size( self._cloud_pt_size) else: # create new Cloud self._clouds_accum[i] = Cloud( self._metas[self._sensor_idx]) self._clouds_accum[i].set_point_size( self._cloud_pt_size) if self.accum_visible: self._viz.add(self._clouds_accum[i]) self._clouds_accum[i].set_palette( self.active_cloud_palette.palette) # update cloud logger.debug("clouds: updated idx: %d, for key_frame_idx: %d", i, key_frame_idx) self._clouds_accum[i].set_range(ls.field( client.ChanField.RANGE)) mode_name = if sr.cloud_mode_keys.get(mode_name) is None: sr.cloud_mode_keys[ mode_name] = self.active_cloud_mode._prepare_data( ls, return_num=0) self._clouds_accum[i].set_key(sr.cloud_mode_keys[mode_name]) self._clouds_accum[i].set_column_poses(ls.pose) self._key_frames_dirty[i] = 0 if not self.key_frames_num: # no accumulated clouds present return self._cloud_kf_track.set_xyz(self._kf_track_xyz) self._cloud_kf_track.set_key(self._kf_track_key[np.newaxis, ...]) update_palette = self._update_cloud_palette() logger.debug("Update palette (draw_accum): %s", ( if update_palette else None)) if (update_palette is not None or self._cloud_mode_ind_prev != self._active_cloud_mode_ind): logger.debug("Update colors to: %s", mode_name = for acloud, kf_idx in zip(self._clouds_accum, self._key_frames): if acloud and kf_idx is not None: sr = self._scan_records[kf_idx] ls = sr.scan[self._sensor_idx] # generate color keys if they are not yet cached in # mode_keys if sr.cloud_mode_keys.get(mode_name) is None: sr.cloud_mode_keys[ mode_name] = self.active_cloud_mode._prepare_data( ls, return_num=0) if self._cloud_mode_ind_prev != self._active_cloud_mode_ind: acloud.set_key(sr.cloud_mode_keys[mode_name])
[docs] @no_type_check def toggle_mode_accum(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """Toggle ACCUM view""" with self._lock: new_state = (not self._accum_mode_accum if state is None else state) if self._accum_mode_accum and not new_state: for acloud in self._clouds_accum: if acloud: self._viz.remove(acloud) elif not self._accum_mode_accum and new_state: for acloud in self._clouds_accum: if acloud: self._viz.add(acloud) self._accum_mode_accum = new_state return True
[docs] @no_type_check def toggle_mode_track(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """Toggle TRACK view""" with self._lock: new_state = (not self._accum_mode_track if state is None else state) if self._accum_mode_track and not new_state: self._viz.remove(self._cloud_track) self._viz.remove(self._cloud_kf_track) elif (not self._accum_mode_track and new_state): self._viz.add(self._cloud_track) self._viz.add(self._cloud_kf_track) self._accum_mode_track = new_state return True
[docs] @no_type_check def toggle_mode_map(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """Toggle MAP view""" with self._lock: new_state = (not self._accum_mode_map if state is None else state) if self._accum_mode_map and not new_state: self._viz.remove(self._cloud_map) elif not self._accum_mode_map and new_state: self._viz.add(self._cloud_map) self._accum_mode_map = new_state return True
[docs] def cycle_cloud_mode(self, *, direction: int = 1) -> bool: """Change the coloring mode of the point cloud for MAP/ACCUM clouds""" with self._lock: self._cloud_mode_ind = (self._cloud_mode_ind + direction) # update internal states immediately so the OSD text of scans accum # is switched already to a good state (needed for LidarScanViz osd # update) self._update_cloud_palette() return True
[docs] def cycle_cloud_palette(self, *, direction: int = 1) -> bool: """Change the color palette of the point cloud for MAP/ACCUM clouds""" with self._lock: npalettes = len(self._cloud_palettes) self._cloud_palette_ind = (self._cloud_palette_ind + direction + npalettes) % npalettes # update internal states immediately so the OSD text of scans accum # is switched already to a good state (needed for LidarScanViz osd # update) self._update_cloud_palette() return True
[docs] def toggle_osd(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """Show or hide the on-screen display.""" with self._lock: self._osd_enabled = (not self._osd_enabled if state is None else state) return True
[docs] def osd_text(self) -> str: """Prepare OSD text for use in draw_osd or elsewhere.""" osd_text = "" def append_with_nl(s1: str, s2: str): if s1 and s2: return f"{s1}\n{s2}" return s1 or s2 # Lines like: # scan, map accum [6, 7]: ON, OFF # mode [K]: REFLECTIVITY # palette [G]: Cal Ref accum_str = "" accum_states = [] if self._kf_max_num > 0: accum_str_debug = "" if ACCUM_DEBUG: accum_str_debug = f" ({self.key_frames_num}/{self._kf_max_num})" accum_states.append( ("scan", "6", f"ON{accum_str_debug}" if self.accum_visible else "OFF")) if self._map_enabled: map_str_debug = "" if ACCUM_DEBUG: map_points = (self._map_xyz.shape[0] if self._map_overflow else self._map_idx) map_str_debug = f" ({map_points}{', o' if self._map_overflow else ''})" accum_states.append(("map", "7", f"ON{map_str_debug}" if self.map_visible else "OFF")) if accum_states: accum_names_str = ", ".join([s[0] for s in accum_states]) accum_keys_str = ", ".join([s[1] for s in accum_states]) accum_status_str = ", ".join([s[2] for s in accum_states]) accum_str = f"{accum_names_str} accum [{accum_keys_str}]: {accum_status_str}\n" accum_str += f" mode [K]: {}\n" accum_str += f" palette [G]: {}\n" accum_str += f" point size [J]: {int(self._cloud_pt_size)}" osd_text = append_with_nl(osd_text, accum_str) # Line like: # poses [8]: ON (12, o) poses_str = f"poses [8]: {'ON' if self.track_visible else 'OFF'}" track_points = (self._track_xyz.shape[0] if self._track_overflow else self._track_idx) if ACCUM_DEBUG: poses_str += f" ({track_points}{', o' if self._track_overflow else ''})" # Lines like (debug only): # update_dt: 0.0032 s # draw_dt: 0.0002 s osd_text = append_with_nl(osd_text, poses_str) if ACCUM_DEBUG: osd_text = append_with_nl( osd_text, f"update dt: {self._last_update_dt:.4f} s") osd_text = append_with_nl(osd_text, f"draw dt: {self._last_draw_dt:.4f} s") return osd_text
def _draw_osd(self): """Update on screen display label text""" if self._osd_enabled: self._osd.set_text(self.osd_text()) else: self._osd.set_text("")
[docs] @no_type_check def update(self, scan: Union[client.LidarScan, Tuple[Optional[client.LidarScan]]], scan_num: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Register the new scan and update the states of TRACK, ACCUM and MAP""" t = time.monotonic() self._scan: List[Optional[client.LidarScan]] = [scan] if isinstance( scan, client.LidarScan) else scan if scan_num is not None: self._scan_num = scan_num else: self._scan_num += 1 logger.debug("update_scan: scan_num = %d", self._scan_num) # NOTE: copy() is very very important, without it the whole LidarScan # if captured and not GCed because it's all views all the way down scans_pose = [ client.first_valid_column_pose(s).copy() if s is not None else None for s in self._scan ] if len(self._scan_records) <= self._scan_num: self._scan_records.extend( [None] * (self._scan_num - len(self._scan_records) + 1)) if (self._scan_num < len(self._scan_records) and self._scan_records[self._scan_num] is not None): # skip all processing/updates if we've already seen this scan num return scan_record = ScanRecord(poses=scans_pose) self._scan_records[self._scan_num] = scan_record # refine available modes based on the current scan ls = self._scan[self._sensor_idx] if ls is None: return self._available_modes = list( filter(lambda midx: self._cloud_modes[midx].enabled(ls), self._available_modes)) assert self._available_modes, f"No view mode can be selected that" \ f" works for all scans for the sensor idx: {self._sensor_idx}" if not self._poses_detected: self._poses_detected = client.poses_present(ls) # ==================================================================== # extract/update scans track data self._update_track() # ==================================================================== # extract/update accumulated scans (i.e. key frames) data if self._kf_max_num > 0: self._update_accum() # ==================================================================== # extract/update map data if self._map_enabled: self._update_map() if ACCUM_DEBUG: logger.debug("scan_records: " + ", ".join([ f"{i}:{sr.scan[0].w}" for i, sr in enumerate(self._scan_records) if sr is not None and sr.scan is not None and sr.scan[self._sensor_idx] is not None ])) self._last_update_dt = time.monotonic() - t
@no_type_check def _update_track(self) -> None: """Extract and update the scans poses TRACK""" with self._lock: self._ensure_structs_track() sr = self._scan_records[self._scan_num] if sr.poses[self._sensor_idx] is not None: self._track_xyz[self._track_idx] = sr.poses[ self._sensor_idx][:3, 3] self._track_key[self._track_idx] = self._track_key_color self._track_idx += 1 @no_type_check def _update_accum(self) -> None: """Update accumulated key frames scans (ACCUM) states""" # check is it a key frame if not self._is_key_frame(): return logger.debug("== KEY FRAME ======: scan_num = %d", self._scan_num) with self._lock: # add new key frame self._key_frames[self._key_frames_head] = self._scan_num self._key_frames_dirty[self._key_frames_head] = 1 # save scan to the scan_record self._scan_records[self._scan_num].scan = self._scan self._scan_records[self._scan_num].cloud_mode_keys = dict() # add pose to the key frame track sr = self._scan_records[self._scan_num] self._kf_track_xyz[self._key_frames_head] = sr.poses[ self._sensor_idx][:3, 3] self._kf_track_key[ self._key_frames_head] = self._kf_track_key_color # advance head self._key_frames_head = ((self._key_frames_head + 1) % (self._kf_max_num + 1)) # if we moved to the tail, clean up old key frame data and advance tail if self._key_frames_head == self._key_frames_tail: # evict tail sr_tail_idx = self._key_frames[self._key_frames_tail] if sr_tail_idx is not None: # clean ScanRecords at: self._scan_records[sr_tail_idx] logger.debug("kf remove scan for sr: %d tail: %d eviction", sr_tail_idx, self._key_frames_tail) self._scan_records[sr_tail_idx].scan = None self._scan_records[sr_tail_idx].cloud_mode_keys = None self._key_frames[self._key_frames_tail] = None self._key_frames_dirty[self._key_frames_tail] = 1 self._kf_track_xyz[ self._key_frames_tail] = self._track_xyz_init self._kf_track_key[self._key_frames_tail] = np.zeros(4) # advance tail to repare room for the next write to head self._key_frames_tail = ((self._key_frames_tail + 1) % (self._kf_max_num + 1)) if ACCUM_DEBUG: logger.debug( "kframes: head = %d, tail = %d, kf_num = %d, kf_max+1 = %d", self._key_frames_head, self._key_frames_tail, self.key_frames_num, self._kf_max_num + 1) logger.debug("kframes: " + ", ".join( ([f"{i}:{v}" for i, v in enumerate(self._key_frames)]))) logger.debug("key_frames_idx: %s", str(list(self.key_frames_idxs))) logger.debug("key_frames_dirty: %s", str(self._key_frames_dirty)) @no_type_check def _is_key_frame(self) -> bool: """Key frames selection logic for ACCUM modes Keys frames are selected using 2 params: _kf_min_dist_m (aka ``--accum-every-m``) - key frame if distance to the previous key frame gte than the value _kf_min_dist_n (aka ``--accum-every``) - key frame if distance in scan number to the previous key frame gte than value NOTE: Key frames are not used for overall map view (MAP) """ # any scan is a key frame if it's the first key frame to be added if not self.key_frames_num: return True prev_kf_idx = (self._kf_max_num + self._key_frames_head) % (self._kf_max_num + 1) prev_kf_scan_num = self._key_frames[prev_kf_idx] # accum every num scans if self._kf_min_dist_n > 0 and (abs(self._scan_num - prev_kf_scan_num) >= self._kf_min_dist_n): return True # accum every m meters if self._kf_min_dist_m > 0: prev_kf_sr = self._scan_records[prev_kf_scan_num] sr = self._scan_records[self._scan_num] dist_to_prev = np.linalg.norm( (sr.poses[self._sensor_idx][:3, 3] - prev_kf_sr.poses[self._sensor_idx][:3, 3])) if (dist_to_prev >= self._kf_min_dist_m): return True return False @no_type_check def _update_map(self) -> None: """Update the map (MAP) data. Extract the select ratio of random points from the current scan. The map size if bounded by ``map_max_points``, selected random points defined by ratio ``map_select_ratio``, flag that triggers the map overwrite from the beginning rather than randomly is ``map_overflow_from_start``. """ if self._scan is None: return ls = self._scan[self._sensor_idx] if ls is None: return # get random xyz points using map select ratio sel_flag = ls.field(client.ChanField.RANGE) != 0 nzi, nzj = np.nonzero(sel_flag) nzc = np.random.choice(len(nzi), int(self._map_select_ratio * len(nzi)), replace=False) row_sel, col_sel = nzi[nzc], nzj[nzc] xyz = self._xyzlut[0](ls.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)) xyz = pu.dewarp(xyz, column_poses=ls.pose)[row_sel, col_sel] xyz_num = xyz.shape[0] with self._lock: self._ensure_structs_map(xyz_num) if not self._map_overflow or self._map_overflow_start: idxs = list(range(self._map_idx, self._map_idx + xyz_num)) else: idxs = np.random.choice(self._map_xyz.shape[0], xyz_num, replace=False) self._map_xyz[idxs] = xyz for i in self._available_modes: key = self._cloud_modes[i]._prepare_data(ls, return_num=0)[row_sel, col_sel] self._map_keys[self._cloud_modes[i].name][idxs] = key # remove no longer available modes from map keys if len(self._available_modes) < len(self._map_keys): d = self._map_keys.keys() - [ self._cloud_modes[i].name for i in self._available_modes ] for mk in d: del self._map_keys[mk] assert len(self._available_modes) == len(self._map_keys), \ "Scans field types are not uniform" \ f" for the map/accum sensor idx: {self._sensor_idx}" self._map_idx += xyz_num @property def key_frames_num(self) -> int: """Current number of accumulated ACCUM key frames""" return (self._key_frames_head - self._key_frames_tail + self._kf_max_num + 1) % (self._kf_max_num + 1) @property @no_type_check def key_frames_idxs(self) -> Iterable[int]: """Indices of accumulated frames (ACCUM) in ScanRecords list""" if self._key_frames_head >= self._key_frames_tail: return self._key_frames[self._key_frames_tail:self. _key_frames_head] else: return chain(self._key_frames[self._key_frames_tail:], self._key_frames[:self._key_frames_head]) @property def track_visible(self) -> bool: """Whether TRACK is visible""" return self._accum_mode_track @property def accum_visible(self) -> bool: """Whether accumulated key frames (ACCUM) is visible""" return self._accum_mode_accum @property def map_visible(self) -> bool: """Whether overall map (MAP) is visible""" return self._accum_mode_map @property def active_cloud_palette(self) -> CloudPaletteItem: """Cloud palette used for ACCUM/MAP clouds""" return self._cloud_palette_prev @property def _active_cloud_palette_ind(self) -> int: """Cloud palette index used for ACCUM/MAP clouds""" self._cloud_palette_ind = self._cloud_palette_ind % len( self._cloud_palettes) return self._cloud_palette_ind def _update_cloud_palette(self) -> Optional[CloudPaletteItem]: """Switch cloud palettes states for ACCUM/MAP clouds but not sets it. Returns what cloud palette should be set to ACCUM/MAP clouds, None if no changes are needed to the cloud palettes to match the active cloud mode and coloring options. """ refl_mode = is_norm_reflectivity_mode(self.active_cloud_mode) current_palette = None if refl_mode: current_palette = self._refl_cloud_palettes[self._cloud_palette_ind] else: current_palette = self._cloud_palettes[self._cloud_palette_ind] if self._cloud_palette_prev is None or != self._cloud_palette_prev = current_palette # update palettes on everything if self._clouds_accum: for acloud, kf_idx in zip(self._clouds_accum, self._key_frames): if acloud: acloud.set_palette(current_palette.palette) if self._cloud_map: self._cloud_map.set_palette(current_palette.palette) return self.active_cloud_palette return None @property def active_cloud_mode(self) -> CloudMode: """Current color mode of point ACCUM/MAP point clouds""" return self._cloud_modes[self._active_cloud_mode_ind] @property def _active_cloud_mode_ind(self) -> int: """Current color mode index of point ACCUM/MAP point clouds""" nmodes = len(self._available_modes) self._cloud_mode_ind = (self._cloud_mode_ind + nmodes) % nmodes return self._available_modes[self._cloud_mode_ind] @property def metadata(self) -> List[client.SensorInfo]: """Metadatas for the displayed sensors.""" return self._metas def _draw(self) -> None: t = time.monotonic() self._draw_track() if self._map_enabled: self._draw_map() self._draw_accum() self._draw_osd() # saving the "pen" and palette that we drew everything with self._cloud_mode_ind_prev = self._active_cloud_mode_ind self._last_draw_dt = time.monotonic() - t
[docs] @no_type_check def draw(self, update: bool = True) -> bool: """Process and draw the latest state to the screen.""" with self._lock: self._draw() if update: return self._viz.update() else: return False