
Client Initialization

std::shared_ptr<client> init_client(const std::string &hostname, int lidar_port, int imu_port)

Listen for sensor data on the specified ports; do not configure the sensor.

  • hostname[in] The hostname to connect to.

  • lidar_port[in] port on which the sensor will send lidar data.

  • imu_port[in] port on which the sensor will send imu data.


pointer owning the resources associated with the connection.

std::shared_ptr<client> init_client(const std::string &hostname, const std::string &udp_dest_host, lidar_mode ld_mode = MODE_UNSPEC, timestamp_mode ts_mode = TIME_FROM_UNSPEC, int lidar_port = 0, int imu_port = 0, int timeout_sec = DEFAULT_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, bool persist_config = false)

Connect to and configure the sensor and start listening for data.

  • hostname[in] hostname or ip of the sensor.

  • udp_dest_host[in] hostname or ip where the sensor should send data or “” for automatic detection of destination.

  • ld_mode[in] The lidar mode to use.

  • ts_mode[in] The timestamp mode to use.

  • lidar_port[in] port on which the sensor will send lidar data. When using zero the method will automatically acquire and assign any free port.

  • imu_port[in] port on which the sensor will send imu data. When using zero the method will automatically acquire and assign any free port.

  • timeout_sec[in] how long to wait for the sensor to initialize.

  • persist_config[in] if true, persists sensor settings between restarts


pointer owning the resources associated with the connection.

std::shared_ptr<client> mtp_init_client(const std::string &hostname, const sensor_config &config, const std::string &mtp_dest_host, bool main, int timeout_sec = DEFAULT_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, bool persist_config = false)

[BETA] Connect to and configure the sensor and start listening for data via multicast.


when main flag is set the config object will be used to configure the sensor, otherwise only the port values within the config object will be used and the rest will be ignored.

  • hostname[in] hostname or ip of the sensor.

  • config[in] sensor config to set on sensor.

  • mtp_dest_host[in] the address of the host network interface that should join the multicast group; if empty, use any appropriate interface.

  • main[in] a flag that indicates this is the main connection to the sensor in an multicast setup.

  • timeout_sec[in] how long to wait for the sensor to initialize.

  • persist_config[in] if true, persists sensor settings between restarts


pointer owning the resources associated with the connection.

Data Fetching

client_state ouster::sensor::poll_client(const client &cli, int timeout_sec = 1)

Block for up to timeout_sec until either data is ready or an error occurs.

NOTE: will return immediately if LIDAR_DATA or IMU_DATA are set and not cleared by read_lidar_packet() and read_imu_packet() before the next call.

  • cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.

  • timeout_sec[in] seconds to block while waiting for data.


client_state s where (s & ERROR) is true if an error occured, (s & LIDAR_DATA) is true if lidar data is ready to read, and (s & IMU_DATA) is true if imu data is ready to read.

bool ouster::sensor::read_lidar_packet(const client &cli, uint8_t *buf, const packet_format &pf)

Read lidar data from the sensor. Will not block.

  • cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.

  • buf[out] buffer to which to write lidar data. Must be at least lidar_packet_bytes + 1 bytes.

  • pf[in] The packet format.


true if a lidar packet was successfully read.

bool ouster::sensor::read_imu_packet(const client &cli, uint8_t *buf, const packet_format &pf)

Read imu data from the sensor. Will not block.

  • cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.

  • buf[out] buffer to which to write imu data. Must be at least imu_packet_bytes + 1 bytes.

  • pf[in] The packet format.


true if an imu packet was successfully read.

Config And Metadata

std::string ouster::sensor::get_metadata(client &cli, int timeout_sec = DEFAULT_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, bool legacy_format = false)

Get metadata text blob from the sensor.

Will attempt to fetch from the network if not already populated.


runtime_error – if the sensor is in ERROR state, the firmware version used to initialize the HTTP or TCP client is invalid, the metadata could not be retrieved from the sensor within the timeout period, a timeout occured while waiting for the sensor to finish initializing, or the response could not be parsed.

  • cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.

  • timeout_sec[in] how long to wait for the sensor to initialize.

  • legacy_format[in] whether to use legacy format of metadata output.


a text blob of metadata parseable into a sensor_info struct.

bool ouster::sensor::get_config(const std::string &hostname, sensor_config &config, bool active = true, int timeout_sec = DEFAULT_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)

Get sensor config from the sensor.

Populates passed in config with the results of get_config.

  • hostname[in] sensor hostname.

  • config[out] sensor config to populate.

  • active[in] whether to pull active or passive configs.

  • timeout_sec[in] set the timeout for the request, this argument is optional.


true if sensor config successfully populated.

bool ouster::sensor::set_config(const std::string &hostname, const sensor_config &config, uint8_t config_flags = 0, int timeout_sec = DEFAULT_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)

Set sensor config on sensor.

  • runtime_error – on failure to communcate with the sensor.

  • invalid_argument – when config parameters fail validation.

  • hostname[in] sensor hostname.

  • config[in] sensor config.

  • config_flags[in] flags to pass in.

  • timeout_sec[in] timeout in seconds for http requests


true if config params successfuly set on sensor.

enum ouster::sensor::config_flags

Flags for set_config()



Set udp_dest automatically.


Make configuration persistent.


Forces the sensor to re-init during set_config even when config params have not changed

Network Operations

int ouster::sensor::get_lidar_port(const client &cli)

Return the port used to listen for lidar UDP data.


cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.


the port number.

int ouster::sensor::get_imu_port(const client &cli)

Return the port used to listen for imu UDP data.


cli[in] client returned by init_client associated with the connection.


the port number.

enum ouster::sensor::client_state

Returned by poll_client.


enumerator TIMEOUT

Client has timed out.

enumerator CLIENT_ERROR

Client has reported an error.

enumerator LIDAR_DATA

New lidar data available.

enumerator IMU_DATA

New IMU data available.

enumerator EXIT

Client has exited.