Copyright (c) 2021, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import islice
import os
import socket
import time
from threading import Lock
from typing import (Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple)
from ouster.client import (LidarPacket, ImuPacket, Packet, PacketSource,
SensorInfo, _client)
from . import _pcap
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class _UDPStreamKey:
"""Identifies a single logical 'stream' of UDP packets."""
src_ip: str
dst_ip: str
src_port: int
dst_port: int
class _UDPStreamInfo:
"""Info about packets in a stream."""
count: int = 0
payload_size: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
fragments_in_packet: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
ip_version: Set[int] = field(default_factory=set)
class _stream_info:
"""Gather some useful info about UDP data in a pcap."""
def __init__(self, infos: Iterable[_pcap.packet_info]) -> None:
self.total_packets = 0
self.encapsulation_protocol = set()
self.timestamp_min = float('inf')
self.timestamp_max = float('-inf')
self.udp_streams: Dict[_UDPStreamKey,
_UDPStreamInfo] = defaultdict(_UDPStreamInfo)
for i in infos:
self.total_packets += 1
self.timestamp_min = min(self.timestamp_min, i.timestamp)
self.timestamp_max = max(self.timestamp_max, i.timestamp)
val = self.udp_streams[_UDPStreamKey(i.src_ip, i.dst_ip,
i.src_port, i.dst_port)]
val.count += 1
def _guess_ports(udp_streams: Dict[_UDPStreamKey, _UDPStreamInfo],
info: SensorInfo) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Find possible UDP sources matching the metadata.
The current approach is roughly: 1) treat each unique source / destination
port and IP as a single logical 'stream' of data, 2) filter out streams that
don't match the expected packet sizes specified by the metadata, 3) pair up
any potential lidar/imu streams that appear to be coming from the same
sensor (have matching source IPs) 4) and finally, filter out the pairs that
contradict any ports specified in the metadata.
List of dst port pairs that probably contain lidar/imu data. Duplicate
entries are possible and indicate packets from distinct sources.
# allow lone streams when there's no matching data from the same ip
lidar_keys: Set[Optional[_UDPStreamKey]] = {None}
imu_keys: Set[Optional[_UDPStreamKey]] = {None}
# find all lidar and imu 'streams' that match expected packet sizes
pf = _client.PacketFormat.from_info(info)
ss = udp_streams.items()
lidar_keys |= {k for k, v in ss if pf.lidar_packet_size in v.payload_size}
imu_keys |= {k for k, v in ss if pf.imu_packet_size in v.payload_size}
# find all src ips for candidate streams
lidar_src_ips = {k.src_ip for k in lidar_keys if k}
imu_src_ips = {k.src_ip for k in imu_keys if k}
# yapf: disable
# "full outer join" on src_ip to produce lidar/imu streams from one source
keys = [(klidar, kimu) for klidar in lidar_keys for kimu in imu_keys
if (klidar and kimu and klidar.src_ip == kimu.src_ip)
or (not klidar and kimu and kimu.src_ip not in lidar_src_ips)
or (klidar and not kimu and klidar.src_ip not in imu_src_ips)]
# map down to just dst port pairs, with 0 meaning none found
ports = [(klidar.dst_port if klidar else 0, kimu.dst_port if kimu else 0)
for (klidar, kimu) in keys]
# filter out candidates that don't match specified ports
lidar_spec, imu_spec = info.udp_port_lidar, info.udp_port_imu
guesses = [(plidar, pimu) for plidar, pimu in ports
if (plidar == lidar_spec or lidar_spec == 0 or plidar == 0)
and (pimu == imu_spec or imu_spec == 0 or pimu == 0)]
# yapf: enable
# sort sensor ports to prefer both found > just lidar > just imu
guesses.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda p: (p[0] != 0, p[1] != 0, p))
return guesses
def _packet_info_stream(path: str) -> Iterator[_pcap.packet_info]:
"""Read just packet headers without payloads."""
handle = _pcap.replay_initialize(path)
while True:
pi = _pcap.packet_info()
if not _pcap.next_packet_info(handle, pi):
yield pi
[docs]class Pcap(PacketSource):
"""Read a sensor packet stream out of a pcap file as an iterator."""
_metadata: SensorInfo
_rate: float
_handle: Optional[_pcap.playback_handle]
_lock: Lock
def __init__(self,
pcap_path: str,
info: SensorInfo,
rate: float = 0.0,
lidar_port: Optional[int] = None,
imu_port: Optional[int] = None):
"""Read a single sensor data stream from a packet capture.
Packet captures can contain arbitrary network traffic or even multiple
valid sensor data streans. To avoid passing invalid data to the user,
this class assumes that lidar and/or imu packets are associated with
distinct destination ports, which may be recorded in the sensor metadata
or specified explicitly.
When not specified, ports are guessed by sampling some packets and
looking for the expected packet size based on the sensor metadata. If
packets that might be valid sensor data appear on multiple ports, one is
chosen arbitrarily. See ``_guess_ports`` for details. on the heuristics.
Packets with the selected destination port that clearly don't match the
metadata (e.g. wrong size or init_id) will be silently ignored.
When a rate is specified, output packets in (a multiple of) real time
using the pcap packet capture timestamps.
info: Sensor metadata
pcap_path: File path of recorded pcap
rate: Output packets in real time, if non-zero
lidar_port: Specify the destination port of lidar packets
imu_port: Specify the destination port of imu packets
# prefer explicitly specified ports (can probably remove the args?)
lidar_port = info.udp_port_lidar if lidar_port is None else lidar_port
imu_port = info.udp_port_imu if imu_port is None else imu_port
# override ports in metadata, if explicitly specified
self._metadata = copy(info)
self._metadata.udp_port_lidar = lidar_port
self._metadata.udp_port_imu = imu_port
# sample pcap and attempt to find UDP ports consistent with metadata
n_packets = 1000
stats = _stream_info(islice(_packet_info_stream(pcap_path), n_packets))
self._guesses = _guess_ports(stats.udp_streams, self._metadata)
# fill in unspecified (0) ports with inferred values
if len(self._guesses) > 0:
lidar_guess, imu_guess = self._guesses[0]
# guess != port only if port == 0 or guess == 0
self._metadata.udp_port_lidar = lidar_guess or lidar_port
self._metadata.udp_port_imu = imu_guess or imu_port
self._rate = rate
self._handle = _pcap.replay_initialize(pcap_path)
self._lock = Lock()
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
with self._lock:
if self._handle is None:
raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed packet source")
buf = bytearray(2**16)
packet_info = _pcap.packet_info()
real_start_ts = time.monotonic()
pcap_start_ts = None
while True:
with self._lock:
if not (self._handle
and _pcap.next_packet_info(self._handle, packet_info)):
n = _pcap.read_packet(self._handle, buf)
# if rate is set, read in 'real time' simulating UDP stream
# TODO: factor out into separate packet iterator utility
timestamp = packet_info.timestamp
if self._rate:
if not pcap_start_ts:
pcap_start_ts = timestamp
real_delta = time.monotonic() - real_start_ts
pcap_delta = (timestamp - pcap_start_ts) / self._rate
delta = max(0, pcap_delta - real_delta)
if (packet_info.dst_port == self._metadata.udp_port_lidar):
yield LidarPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata, timestamp)
elif (packet_info.dst_port == self._metadata.udp_port_imu):
yield ImuPacket(buf[0:n], self._metadata, timestamp)
except ValueError:
# TODO: bad packet size or init_id here, use specific exceptions
def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo:
return self._metadata
def ports(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Specified or inferred ports associated with lidar and imu data.
Values <= 0 indicate that no lidar or imu data will be read.
return (self._metadata.udp_port_lidar, self._metadata.udp_port_imu)
[docs] def reset(self) -> None:
"""Restart playback from beginning. Thread-safe."""
with self._lock:
if self._handle is not None:
def closed(self) -> bool:
"""Check if source is closed. Thread-safe."""
with self._lock:
return self._handle is None
[docs] def close(self) -> None:
"""Release resources. Thread-safe."""
with self._lock:
if self._handle is not None:
self._handle = None
def _replay(pcap_path: str, info: SensorInfo, dst_ip: str, dst_lidar_port: int,
dst_imu_port: int) -> Iterator[bool]:
"""Replay UDP packets out over the network.
Not really sure about this interface
pcap_path: Path to the pcap file to replay
info: The sensor metadata
dst_ip: IP to send packets to
dst_lidar_port: Destination port for lidar packets
dst_imu_port: Destination port for imu packets
An iterator that reports whether packets were sent successfully as it's
socket_out = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET,
pcap_handle = Pcap(pcap_path, info)
for item in pcap_handle:
port = 0
if isinstance(item, LidarPacket):
port = dst_lidar_port
if isinstance(item, ImuPacket):
port = dst_imu_port
socket_out.sendto(item._data.tobytes(), (dst_ip, port))
yield True
yield False
if pcap_handle is not None:
[docs]def record(packets: Iterable[Packet],
pcap_path: str,
src_ip: str = "",
dst_ip: str = "",
lidar_port: int = 7502,
imu_port: int = 7503,
use_sll_encapsulation: bool = False) -> int:
"""Record a sequence of sensor packets to a pcap file.
packets: A (finite!) sequence of packets
pcap_path: Path of the output pcap file
src_ip: Source IP to use for all packets
dst_ip: Destination IP to use for all packets
lidar_port: Src/dst port to use for lidar packets
imu_port: Src/dst port to use for imu packets
use_sll_encapsulation: Use sll encapsulaiton
Number of packets captured
has_timestamp = None
error = False
buf_size = 2**16
n = 0
handle = _pcap.record_initialize(pcap_path, src_ip, dst_ip, buf_size,
for packet in packets:
if isinstance(packet, LidarPacket):
src_port = lidar_port
dst_port = lidar_port
elif isinstance(packet, ImuPacket):
src_port = imu_port
dst_port = imu_port
raise ValueError("Unexpected packet type")
if has_timestamp is None:
has_timestamp = (packet.capture_timestamp is not None)
elif has_timestamp != (packet.capture_timestamp is not None):
raise ValueError("Mixing timestamped/untimestamped packets")
ts = packet.capture_timestamp or time.time()
_pcap.record_packet(handle, src_port, dst_port, packet._data, ts)
n += 1
except Exception:
error = True
if error and os.path.exists(pcap_path) and n == 0:
return n