Copyright (c) 2021, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Sensor data visualization tools.
Visualize lidar data using OpenGL.
from collections import (deque)
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
import os
import threading
import time
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (Callable, ClassVar, Deque, Dict, Generic, Iterable, List,
Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Any)
from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable
import weakref
import logging
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from ouster import client
from ouster.client import _utils, ChanField
from ..client._client import Version
from ._viz import (PointViz, Cloud, Image, Cuboid, Label, WindowCtx, Camera,
TargetDisplay, add_default_controls, calref_palette,
spezia_palette, grey_palette, viridis_palette, magma_palette)
logger = logging.getLogger("viz-logger")
# limit ouster_client log statements to "debug" and direct the output to log file
# rather than the console (default).
# TODO uncomment when we figure out where we want to write it everywhere, have more useful logs
# client.init_logger("info", "ouster-python.log")
T = TypeVar('T')
def push_point_viz_handler(
viz: PointViz, arg: T, handler: Callable[[T, WindowCtx, int, int],
bool]) -> None:
"""Add a key handler with extra context without keeping it alive.
It's often useful to add a key callback that calls a method of an object
that wraps a PointViz instance. In this case it's necessary to take some
extra care to avoid a reference cycle; holding onto self in the callback
passed to native code would cause a memory leak.
viz: The PointViz instance.
arg: The extra context to pass to handler; often `self`.
handler: Key handler callback taking an extra argument
weakarg = weakref.ref(arg)
def handle_keys(ctx: WindowCtx, key: int, mods: int) -> bool:
arg = weakarg()
if arg is not None:
return handler(arg, ctx, key, mods)
return True
def push_point_viz_fb_handler(
viz: PointViz, arg: T, handler: Callable[[T, List, int, int],
bool]) -> None:
"""Add a frame buffer handler with extra context without keeping it alive.
See docs for `push_point_viz_handler()` method above for details.
viz: The PointViz instance.
arg: The extra context to pass to handler; often `self`.
handler: Frame buffer handler callback taking an extra argument
weakarg = weakref.ref(arg)
def handle_fb_data(fb_data: List, fb_width: int, fb_height: int) -> bool:
arg = weakarg()
if arg is not None:
return handler(arg, fb_data, fb_width, fb_height)
return True
class FieldViewMode(Protocol):
"""LidarScan field processor
View modes define the process of getting the key data for
the scan and return number as well as checks the possibility
of showing data in that mode, see `enabled()`.
def name(self) -> str:
"""Name of the view mode"""
def names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Name of the view mode per return number"""
def _prepare_data(self,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Prepares data for visualization given the scan and return number"""
def enabled(self, ls: client.LidarScan, return_num: int = 0) -> bool:
"""Checks the view mode availability for a scan and return number"""
class ImageMode(FieldViewMode, Protocol):
"""Applies the view mode key to the viz.Image"""
def set_image(self,
img: Image,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> None:
"""Prepares the key data and sets the image key to it."""
class CloudMode(FieldViewMode, Protocol):
"""Applies the view mode key to the viz.Cloud"""
def set_cloud_color(self,
cloud: Cloud,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> None:
"""Prepares the key data and sets the cloud key to it."""
class ImageCloudMode(ImageMode, CloudMode, Protocol):
"""Applies the view mode to viz.Cloud and viz.Image"""
def _second_chan_field(field: client.ChanField) -> Optional[client.ChanField]:
"""Get the second return field name."""
# yapf: disable
second_fields = dict({
client.ChanField.RANGE: client.ChanField.RANGE2,
client.ChanField.SIGNAL: client.ChanField.SIGNAL2,
client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY: client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY2,
client.ChanField.FLAGS: client.ChanField.FLAGS2
# yapf: enable
return second_fields.get(field, None)
class SimpleMode(ImageCloudMode):
"""Basic view mode with AutoExposure and BeamUniformityCorrector
Handles single and dual returns scans.
When AutoExposure is enabled its state updates only for return_num=0 but
applies for both returns.
def __init__(self,
info: client.SensorInfo,
field: client.ChanField,
prefix: Optional[str] = "",
suffix: Optional[str] = "",
use_ae: bool = True,
use_buc: bool = False) -> None:
info: sensor metadata used mainly for destaggering here
field: ChanField to process, second return is handled automatically
prefix: name prefix
suffix: name suffix
use_ae: if True, use AutoExposure for the field
use_buc: if True, use BeamUniformityCorrector for the field
self._info = info
self._fields = [field]
field2 = _second_chan_field(field)
if field2:
self._ae = _utils.AutoExposure() if use_ae else None
self._buc = _utils.BeamUniformityCorrector() if use_buc else None
self._prefix = f"{prefix}: " if prefix else ""
self._suffix = f" ({suffix})" if suffix else ""
self._wrap_name = lambda n: f"{self._prefix}{n}{self._suffix}"
def name(self) -> str:
return self._wrap_name(str(self._fields[0]))
def names(self) -> List[str]:
return [self._wrap_name(str(f)) for f in self._fields]
def _prepare_data(self,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
if not self.enabled(ls, return_num):
return None
f = self._fields[return_num]
key_data = ls.field(f).astype(np.float32)
if self._buc:
if self._ae:
self._ae(key_data, update_state=(return_num == 0))
key_max = np.max(key_data)
if key_max:
key_data = key_data / key_max
return key_data
def set_image(self,
img: Image,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> None:
key_data = self._prepare_data(ls, return_num)
if key_data is not None:
img.set_image(client.destagger(self._info, key_data))
def set_cloud_color(self,
cloud: Cloud,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> None:
key_data = self._prepare_data(ls, return_num)
if key_data is not None:
def enabled(self, ls: client.LidarScan, return_num: int = 0):
return (self._fields[return_num] in ls.fields
if return_num < len(self._fields) else False)
class ReflMode(SimpleMode, ImageCloudMode):
"""Prepares image/cloud data for REFLECTIVITY channel"""
def __init__(self, info: client.SensorInfo) -> None:
super().__init__(info, client.ChanField.REFLECTIVITY, use_ae=True)
# used only for uncalibrated reflectivity in FW prior v2.1.0
# TODO: should we check for calibrated reflectivity status from
# metadata too?
self._normalized_refl = (Version.from_string(self._info.fw_rev) >=
def _prepare_data(self,
ls: client.LidarScan,
return_num: int = 0) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
if not self.enabled(ls, return_num):
return None
f = self._fields[return_num]
refl_data = ls.field(f).astype(np.float32)
if self._normalized_refl:
refl_data /= 255.0
# mypy doesn't recognize that we always should have _ae here
# so we have explicit check
if self._ae:
self._ae(refl_data, update_state=(return_num == 0))
return refl_data
def is_norm_reflectivity_mode(mode: FieldViewMode) -> bool:
"""Checks whether the image/cloud mode is a normalized REFLECTIVITY mode
NOTE[pb]: This is highly implementation specific and doesn't look nicely,
i.e. it's more like duck/duct plumbing .... but suits the need.
return (hasattr(mode, "_normalized_refl") and mode._normalized_refl)
class ImgModeItem:
"""Image mode for specific return with explicit name."""
mode: ImageMode
name: str
return_num: int = 0
class CloudPaletteItem:
"""Palette with a name"""
name: str
palette: np.ndarray
LidarScanVizMode = Union[ImageCloudMode, ImageMode, CloudMode]
"""Field view mode types"""
[docs]class LidarScanViz:
"""Visualize LidarScan data.
Uses the supplied PointViz instance to easily display the contents of a
LidarScan. Sets up key bindings to toggle which channel fields and returns
are displayed, and change 2D image and point size.
_cloud_palette: Optional[CloudPaletteItem]
def __init__(
meta: client.SensorInfo,
viz: Optional[PointViz] = None,
_img_aspect_ratio: float = 0,
_ext_modes: Optional[List[LidarScanVizMode]] = None,
_ext_palettes: Optional[List[CloudPaletteItem]] = None) -> None:
meta: sensor metadata used to interpret scans
viz: use an existing PointViz instance instead of creating one
# used to synchronize key handlers and _draw()
self._lock = threading.Lock()
# cloud display state
self._cloud_mode_ind = 0 # index into _cloud_mode_channels
self._cloud_enabled = [True, True]
self._cloud_pt_size = 2.0
self._cloud_refl_mode = False
self._cloud_palettes: List[CloudPaletteItem]
self._cloud_palettes = [
CloudPaletteItem("Ouster Colors", spezia_palette),
CloudPaletteItem("Greyscale", grey_palette),
CloudPaletteItem("Viridis", viridis_palette),
CloudPaletteItem("Magma", magma_palette),
self._cloud_palettes.extend(_ext_palettes or [])
self._cloud_palette_ind = 0
self._cloud_palette = self._cloud_palettes[self._cloud_palette_ind]
self._cloud_palette_name = self._cloud_palette.name
# image display state
self._img_ind = [0, 1] # index of field to display
self._img_refl_mode = [False, False]
self._img_size_fraction = 6
self._img_aspect = _img_aspect_ratio or (
max(meta.beam_altitude_angles) -
min(meta.beam_altitude_angles)) / 360.0
# misc display state
self._ring_size = 1
self._ring_line_width = 1
self._osd_enabled = True
self._modes: List[LidarScanVizMode]
self._modes = [
SimpleMode(meta, ChanField.NEAR_IR, use_ae=True, use_buc=True),
SimpleMode(meta, ChanField.SIGNAL),
SimpleMode(meta, ChanField.RANGE),
self._modes.extend(_ext_modes or [])
self._image_modes: List[ImgModeItem]
self._image_modes = [
ImgModeItem(mode, name, num) for mode in self._modes
if isinstance(mode, ImageMode)
for num, name in enumerate(mode.names)
self._cloud_modes: List[CloudMode]
self._cloud_modes = [m for m in self._modes if isinstance(m, CloudMode)]
self._viz = viz or PointViz("Ouster Viz")
self._metadata = meta
self._clouds = (Cloud(meta), Cloud(meta))
# initialize images
self._images = (Image(), Image())
# initialize rings
# initialize osd
self._osd = Label("", 0, 1)
# key bindings. will be called from rendering thread, must be synchronized
key_bindings: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable[[LidarScanViz], None]] = {
(ord('E'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.update_image_size, amount=1),
(ord('E'), 1): partial(LidarScanViz.update_image_size, amount=-1),
(ord('P'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.update_point_size, amount=1),
(ord('P'), 1): partial(LidarScanViz.update_point_size, amount=-1),
(ord('1'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.toggle_cloud, i=0),
(ord('2'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.toggle_cloud, i=1),
(ord('B'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.cycle_img_mode, i=0),
(ord('N'), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.cycle_img_mode, i=1),
(ord('M'), 0): LidarScanViz.cycle_cloud_mode,
(ord('F'), 0): LidarScanViz.cycle_cloud_palette,
(ord("'"), 0): partial(LidarScanViz.update_ring_size, amount=1),
(ord("'"), 1): partial(LidarScanViz.update_ring_size, amount=-1),
(ord("'"), 2): LidarScanViz.cicle_ring_line_width,
(ord("O"), 0): LidarScanViz.toggle_osd,
def handle_keys(self: LidarScanViz, ctx: WindowCtx, key: int,
mods: int) -> bool:
if (key, mods) in key_bindings:
key_bindings[key, mods](self)
return True
push_point_viz_handler(self._viz, self, handle_keys)
[docs] def cycle_img_mode(self, i: int) -> None:
"""Change the displayed field of the i'th image."""
with self._lock:
self._img_ind[i] += 1
[docs] def cycle_cloud_mode(self) -> None:
"""Change the coloring mode of the 3D point cloud."""
with self._lock:
self._cloud_mode_ind = (self._cloud_mode_ind + 1)
[docs] def cycle_cloud_palette(self) -> None:
"""Change the color palette of the 3D point cloud."""
with self._lock:
self._cloud_palette_ind = (self._cloud_palette_ind + 1) % len(
self._cloud_palette = self._cloud_palettes[self._cloud_palette_ind]
[docs] def toggle_cloud(self, i: int) -> None:
"""Toggle whether the i'th return is displayed."""
with self._lock:
if self._cloud_enabled[i]:
self._cloud_enabled[i] = False
self._cloud_enabled[i] = True
[docs] def update_point_size(self, amount: int) -> None:
"""Change the point size of the 3D cloud."""
with self._lock:
self._cloud_pt_size = min(10.0,
max(1.0, self._cloud_pt_size + amount))
for cloud in self._clouds:
[docs] def update_image_size(self, amount: int) -> None:
"""Change the size of the 2D image."""
with self._lock:
size_fraction_max = 20
self._img_size_fraction = (self._img_size_fraction + amount +
(size_fraction_max + 1)) % (
size_fraction_max + 1)
vfrac = self._img_size_fraction / size_fraction_max
hfrac = vfrac / 2 / self._img_aspect
self._images[0].set_position(-hfrac, hfrac, 1 - vfrac, 1)
self._images[1].set_position(-hfrac, hfrac, 1 - vfrac * 2,
1 - vfrac)
# center camera target in area not taken up by image
self._viz.camera.set_proj_offset(0, vfrac)
[docs] def update_ring_size(self, amount: int) -> None:
"""Change distance ring size."""
with self._lock:
self._ring_size = min(3, max(-2, self._ring_size + amount))
[docs] def cicle_ring_line_width(self) -> None:
"""Change rings line width."""
with self._lock:
self._ring_line_width = max(1, (self._ring_line_width + 1) % 10)
[docs] def toggle_osd(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
"""Show or hide the on-screen display."""
with self._lock:
self._osd_enabled = not self._osd_enabled if state is None else state
def scan(self) -> client.LidarScan:
"""The currently displayed scan."""
return self._scan
def scan(self, scan: client.LidarScan) -> None:
"""Set the scan to display"""
self._scan = scan
[docs] def draw(self, update: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Process and draw the latest state to the screen."""
with self._lock:
if update:
return self._viz.update()
return False
[docs] def run(self) -> None:
"""Run the rendering loop of the visualizer.
See :py:meth:`.PointViz.run`
# i/o and processing, called from client thread
# usually need to synchronize with key handlers, which run in render thread
def _draw(self) -> None:
# figure out what to draw based on current viz state
scan = self._scan
# available display modes
img_modes = list(
filter(lambda m: m.mode.enabled(scan, m.return_num),
cloud_modes = list(filter(lambda m: m.enabled(scan),
# update 3d display
self._cloud_mode_ind %= len(cloud_modes)
cloud_mode = cloud_modes[self._cloud_mode_ind]
refl_mode = is_norm_reflectivity_mode(cloud_mode)
if refl_mode:
self._cloud_palette = (CloudPaletteItem("Cal. Ref", calref_palette)
if not self._cloud_refl_mode else None)
if self._cloud_refl_mode:
self._cloud_palette = self._cloud_palettes[
self._cloud_refl_mode = refl_mode
for i, range_field in ((0, ChanField.RANGE), (1, ChanField.RANGE2)):
if range_field in scan.fields:
range_data = scan.field(range_field)
range_data = np.zeros((scan.h, scan.w), dtype=np.uint32)
if self._cloud_palette is not None:
if cloud_mode.enabled(scan, i):
self._clouds[i], scan, return_num=i)
self._clouds[i], scan, return_num=0)
if self._cloud_palette is not None:
self._cloud_palette_name = self._cloud_palette.name
# palette is set only on the first _draw when it's changed
self._cloud_palette = None
# update 2d images
for i in (0, 1):
self._img_ind[i] %= len(img_modes)
img_mode_item = img_modes[self._img_ind[i]]
img_mode = img_mode_item.mode
refl_mode = is_norm_reflectivity_mode(img_mode)
if refl_mode and not self._img_refl_mode[i]:
if not refl_mode and self._img_refl_mode[i]:
self._img_refl_mode[i] = refl_mode
img_mode.set_image(self._images[i], scan, img_mode_item.return_num)
# update osd
meta = self._metadata
enable_ind = [i + 1 for i, b in enumerate(self._cloud_enabled) if b]
nonzeros = np.flatnonzero(scan.timestamp)
first_ts = scan.timestamp[nonzeros[0]] if len(nonzeros) > 0 else 0
if self._osd_enabled:
f"image: {img_modes[self._img_ind[0]].name}/{img_modes[self._img_ind[1]].name}\n"
f"cloud{enable_ind}: {cloud_modes[self._cloud_mode_ind].name}\n"
f"palette: {self._cloud_palette_name}\n"
f"frame: {scan.frame_id}\n"
f"sensor ts: {first_ts / 1e9:.3f}s\n"
f"profile: {str(meta.format.udp_profile_lidar)}\n"
f"{meta.prod_line} {meta.fw_rev} {meta.mode}\n"
f"shot limiting status: {str(scan.shot_limiting())}\n"
f"thermal shutdown status: {str(scan.thermal_shutdown())}")
class _Seekable(Generic[T]):
"""Wrap an iterable to support seeking by index.
Similar to `more_itertools.seekable` but keeps indexes stable even values
are evicted from the cache.
The :meth:`seek` and :meth:`__next__` methods maintain the invariant:
(read_ind - len(cache)) < next_ind <= read_ind + 1
def __init__(self, it: Iterable[T], maxlen=50) -> None:
self._next_ind = 0 # index of next value to be returned
self._read_ind = -1 # index of most recent (leftmost) value in cache
self._iterable = it
self._it = iter(it)
self._maxlen = maxlen
self._cache: Deque[T] = deque([], maxlen)
def __iter__(self) -> '_Seekable[T]':
return self
def __next__(self) -> T:
# next value already read, is in cache
if self._next_ind <= self._read_ind:
t = self._cache[self._read_ind - self._next_ind]
self._next_ind += 1
return t
# next value comes from iterator
elif self._next_ind == self._read_ind + 1:
t = next(self._it)
if len(self._cache) > self._maxlen:
self._next_ind += 1
self._read_ind += 1
return t
raise AssertionError("Violated: next_ind <= read_ind + 1")
def next_ind(self) -> int:
return self._next_ind
def seek(self, ind: int) -> bool:
"""Update iterator position to index `ind`.
ind: the desired index to be read on the subsequent call to
True if seeking succeeded, False otherwise. Seeking may fail if the
desired index has been evicted from the cache.
StopIteration if seeking beyond the end of the iterator
# seek forward until ind is next to be read
while ind > self._next_ind:
# here ind <= _read_ind + 1. Left to check whether value is in the cache
if ind > (self._read_ind - len(self._cache)):
self._next_ind = ind
return True
# value not in cache, seek failed
return False
def close(self) -> None:
"""Close the underlying iterable, if supported."""
if hasattr(self._iterable, 'close'):
self._iterable.close() # type: ignore
def _save_fb_to_png(fb_data: List,
fb_width: int,
fb_height: int,
action_name: Optional[str] = "screenshot",
file_path: Optional[str] = None):
img_arr = np.array(fb_data,
dtype=np.uint8).reshape([fb_height, fb_width, 3])
img_fname = datetime.now().strftime(
f"viz_{action_name}_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f")[:-3] + ".png"
if file_path:
img_fname = os.path.join(file_path, img_fname)
PILImage.fromarray(np.flip(img_arr, axis=0)).convert("RGB").save(img_fname)
return img_fname
# TODO: Make/Define a better ScanViz interface
# not a best way to describe interface, yeah duck typing danger, etc ...
# but ScanViz object shoud have a write property 'scan' and underlying
# Point viz member at '_viz'
AnyScanViz = Union[LidarScanViz, Any]
[docs]class SimpleViz:
"""Visualize a stream of LidarScans.
Handles controls for playback speed, pausing and stepping."""
_playback_rates: ClassVar[Tuple[float, ...]]
_playback_rates = (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
def __init__(self,
arg: Union[client.SensorInfo, AnyScanViz],
rate: Optional[float] = None,
pause_at: int = -1,
_buflen: int = 50) -> None:
arg: Metadata associated with the scans to be visualized or a
LidarScanViz instance to use.
rate: Playback rate. One of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 or
None for "live" playback (the default).
pause_at: scan number to pause at, dafault (-1) - no auto pause, to
stop after the very first scan use 0
ValueError: if the specified rate isn't one of the options
if isinstance(arg, client.SensorInfo):
self._metadata = arg
self._viz = PointViz("Ouster Viz")
self._scan_viz = LidarScanViz(arg, self._viz)
elif isinstance(arg, LidarScanViz):
self._metadata = arg._metadata
self._viz = arg._viz
self._scan_viz = arg
# we continue, so custom ScanVizs can be used with the same
# SimpleViz class and basic controls
self._viz = arg._viz
self._scan_viz = arg
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._live = (rate is None)
self._rate_ind = SimpleViz._playback_rates.index(rate or 0.0)
self._buflen = _buflen
self._pause_at = pause_at
# pausing and stepping
self._cv = threading.Condition()
self._paused = False
self._step = 0
self._proc_exit = False
# playback status display
self._playback_osd = Label("", 1, 1, align_right=True)
self._osd_enabled = True
# continuous screenshots recording
self._viz_img_recording = False
key_bindings: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Callable[[SimpleViz], None]] = {
(ord(','), 0): partial(SimpleViz.seek_relative, n_frames=-1),
(ord(','), 2): partial(SimpleViz.seek_relative, n_frames=-10),
(ord('.'), 0): partial(SimpleViz.seek_relative, n_frames=1),
(ord('.'), 2): partial(SimpleViz.seek_relative, n_frames=10),
(ord(' '), 0): SimpleViz.toggle_pause,
(ord('O'), 0): SimpleViz.toggle_osd,
(ord('X'), 1): SimpleViz.toggle_img_recording,
(ord('Z'), 1): SimpleViz.screenshot,
# only allow changing rate when not in "live" mode
if not self._live:
(ord(','), 1):
partial(SimpleViz.modify_rate, amount=-1),
(ord('.'), 1):
partial(SimpleViz.modify_rate, amount=1),
def handle_keys(self: SimpleViz, ctx: WindowCtx, key: int,
mods: int) -> bool:
if (key, mods) in key_bindings:
key_bindings[key, mods](self)
# override rather than add bindings
return False
return True
push_point_viz_handler(self._viz, self, handle_keys)
def _update_playback_osd(self) -> None:
if not self._osd_enabled:
elif self._paused:
self._playback_osd.set_text("playback: paused")
elif self._live:
self._playback_osd.set_text("playback: live")
rate = SimpleViz._playback_rates[self._rate_ind]
f"playback: {str(rate) + 'x' if rate else 'max'}")
[docs] def toggle_pause(self) -> None:
"""Pause or unpause the visualization."""
with self._cv:
self._paused = not self._paused
if not self._paused:
[docs] def seek_relative(self, n_frames: int) -> None:
"""Seek forward of backwards in the stream."""
with self._cv:
self._paused = True
self._step = n_frames
[docs] def modify_rate(self, amount: int) -> None:
"""Switch between preset playback rates."""
n_rates = len(SimpleViz._playback_rates)
with self._cv:
self._rate_ind = max(0, min(n_rates - 1, self._rate_ind + amount))
[docs] def toggle_osd(self, state: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
"""Show or hide the on-screen display."""
with self._cv:
self._osd_enabled = not self._osd_enabled if state is None else state
def toggle_img_recording(self) -> None:
if self._viz_img_recording:
self._viz_img_recording = False
print("Key SHIFT-X: Img Recording STOPPED")
self._viz_img_recording = True
def record_fb_imgs(fb_data: List, fb_width: int, fb_height: int):
saved_img_path = _save_fb_to_png(fb_data,
print(f"Saving recordings to: {saved_img_path}")
# continue to other fb_handlers
return True
print("Key SHIFT-X: Img Recording STARTED")
def screenshot(self, file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
def handle_fb_once(viz: PointViz, fb_data: List, fb_width: int,
fb_height: int):
saved_img_path = _save_fb_to_png(fb_data,
print(f"Saved screenshot to: {saved_img_path}")
push_point_viz_fb_handler(self._viz, self._viz, handle_fb_once)
def _frame_period(self) -> float:
rate = SimpleViz._playback_rates[self._rate_ind]
if rate and not self._paused:
if isinstance(self._scan_viz, LidarScanViz):
return 1.0 / (self._metadata.format.fps * rate)
# if some other scan viz that is not derived from LidarScanViz
# we default to 10 Hz
return 1.0 / (10 * rate)
return 0.0
def _process(self, seekable: _Seekable[client.LidarScan]) -> None:
last_ts = time.monotonic()
scan_idx = -1
while True:
# wait until unpaused, step, or quit
with self._cv:
self._cv.wait_for(lambda: not self._paused or self._step or
if self._proc_exit:
if self._step:
seek_ind = seekable.next_ind + self._step - 1
self._step = 0
if not seekable.seek(seek_ind):
period = self._frame_period()
# process new data
scan_idx = seekable.next_ind
self._scan_viz.scan = next(seekable)
if self._pause_at == scan_idx:
self._paused = True
# sleep for remainder of scan period
to_sleep = max(0.0, period - (time.monotonic() - last_ts))
if scan_idx > 0:
last_ts = time.monotonic()
# show new data
except StopIteration:
# signal rendering (main) thread to exit, with a delay
# because the viz in main thread may not have been started
# and on Mac it was observed that it fails to set a flag if
# _process fails immediately after start
[docs] def run(self, scans: Iterable[client.LidarScan]) -> None:
"""Start reading scans and visualizing the stream.
Must be called from the main thread on macos. Will close the provided
scan source before returning.
scans: A stream of scans to visualize.
When the stream is consumed or the visualizer window is closed.
seekable = _Seekable(scans, maxlen=self._buflen)
logger.warn("Starting processing thread...")
self._proc_exit = False
proc_thread = threading.Thread(name="Viz processing",
args=(seekable, ))
logger.warn("Starting rendering loop...")
logger.info("Done rendering loop")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# some scan sources may be waiting on IO, blocking the
# processing thread
except Exception as e:
logger.warn(f"Data source closed with error: '{e}'")
# processing thread will still be running if e.g. viz window was closed
with self._cv:
self._proc_exit = True
logger.info("Joining processing thread")
__all__ = [
'PointViz', 'Cloud', 'Image', 'Cuboid', 'Label', 'WindowCtx', 'Camera',
'TargetDisplay', 'add_default_controls', 'calref_palette', 'spezia_palette',
'grey_palette', 'viridis_palette', 'magma_palette', 'ImageMode',
'CloudMode', 'ImageCloudMode', 'CloudPaletteItem'