Visualizations in 3D

The Ouster Python SDK provides two visualization utilities for user convenience. These are introduced briefly below.

Visualization with Ouster’s SDK CLI ouster-cli

Ouster’s OpenGL-based visualizer allows for easy visualization from pcaps and sensors on all platforms the Ouster SDK supports.

The default Ouster SDK CLI ouster-cli source <sensor | pcap | osf> viz visualizer view includes two 2D range images atop which can be cycled through the available fields, and a 3D point cloud on the bottom. For dual returns sensors, both returns are displayed by default.


Ouster SDK CLI ouster-cli source <sensor | pcap | osf> viz visualization of OS1 128 Rev 7 sample data

The visualizer can be controlled with mouse and keyboard:

Keyboard Controls



What it does


Camera Translation with mouse drag


Camera pitch up


Camera pitch down


Camera yaw left


Camera yaw right


Reset camera


Set camera to the birds-eye view


Toggle camera mode FOLLOW/FIXED

= / -

Dolly in/out


Toggle orthographic camera



What it does


Toggle pause

. / ,

Step one frame forward/back

ctrl + . / ,

Step 10 frames forward/back

> / <

Increase/decrease playback rate (during replay)

2D View


What it does

b / B

Cycle top 2D image

n / N

Cycle bottom 2D image

e / E

Increase/decrease size of displayed 2D images

3D View


What it does

p / P

Increase/decrease point size

m / M

Cycle point cloud coloring mode

f / F

Cycle point cloud color palette


Toggle first return point cloud visibility


Toggle scans accumulation view mode (ACCUM)


Toggle overall map view mode (MAP)


Toggle poses/trajectory view mode (TRACK)


Toggle second return point cloud visibility


Show axes

' / "

Increase/decrease spacing in range markers

ctrl + '

Increase thickness of range markers


Cycle current highlight mode

j / J

Increase/decrease point size of accumulated clouds or map

k / K

Cycle point cloud coloring mode of accumulated clouds or map

g / G

Cycle point cloud color palette of accumulated clouds or map



What it does


Toggle on-screen display


Print keys to standard out


Save a screenshot of the current view


Toggle a continuous saving of screenshots



To run the visualizer with a sensor:

$ ouster-cli source $SENSOR_HOSTNAME viz

This will auto-configure the udp destination of the sensor while leaving the lidar port as previously set on the sensor.

To run the visualizer with a pcap:

$ ouster-cli source $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH [--meta $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH] viz

Visualization with Ouster’s viz.PointViz

Please refer to PointViz Tutorial & API Usage for details on extending and customizing viz.PointViz.

Visualization with Open3d

The Open3d library contains Python bindings for a variety of tools for working with point cloud data. Loading data into Open3d is just a matter of reshaping the numpy representation of a point cloud, as demonstrated in the examples.pcap.pcap_3d_one_scan() example:

1# compute point cloud using client.SensorInfo and client.LidarScan
2xyz = client.XYZLut(metadata)(scan)
4# create point cloud and coordinate axes geometries
5cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud(
6    o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz.reshape((-1, 3))))  # type: ignore
7axes = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(
8    1.0)  # type: ignore

The examples.open3d module contains a more fully-featured visualizer built using the Open3d library, which can be used to replay pcap files or visualize a running sensor. The bulk of the visualizer is implemented in the examples.open3d.viewer_3d() function.


You’ll have to install the Open3d package from PyPI to run this example.

As an example, you can view frame 84 from the sample data by running the following command:

$ python3 -m ouster.sdk.examples.open3d \
    --pcap $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH --meta $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH --start 84 --pause

You may also want to try the --sensor option to display the output of a running sensor. Use the -h flag to see a full list of command line options and flags.

Running the example above should open a window displaying a scene from a city intersection, reproduced below:


Open3D visualization of OS1 sample data (frame 84). Points colored by SIGNAL field.

You should be able to click and drag the mouse to look around. You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel, and hold control or shift while dragging to pan and roll, respectively.

Hitting the spacebar will start playing back the rest of the pcap in real time. Note that reasonable performance for real-time playback requires relatively fast hardware, since Open3d runs all rendering and processing in a single thread.

All of the visualizer controls are listed in the table below:

Open3d Visualizer Controls


What it does

Mouse wheel

Zoom in and out

Left click + drag

Tilt and rotate the camera

Ctrl + left click + drag

Pan the camera laterally

Shift + left click + drag

Roll the camera

“+” / “-”

Increase or decrease point sizes


Pause or resume playback


Cycle through channel fields used for visualization

Right arrow key

When reading a pcap, jump 10 frames forward

Visualization with Matplotlib

You should have defined source using either a pcap file or UDP data streaming directly from a sensor, please refer to Developer’s Quick Start with the Ouster Python SDK for introduction.


Below pictures were rendered using OS2 128 Rev 05 Bridge sample data.

Let’s read from source until we get to the 50th frame of data:

from contextlib import closing
from more_itertools import nth
with closing(client.Scans(source)) as scans:
    scan = nth(scans, 50)


If you’re using a sensor and it takes a few seconds, don’t be alarmed! It has to get to the 50th frame of data, which would be 5.0 seconds for a sensor running in 1024x10 mode.

We can extract the range measurements from the frame of data stored in the LidarScan datatype and plot a range image where each column corresponds to a single azimuth angle:

range_field = scan.field(client.ChanField.RANGE)
range_img = client.destagger(info, range_field)

We can plot the results using standard Python tools that work with numpy data types. Here, we extract a column segment of the range data and display the result:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(range_img[:, 640:1024], resample=False)


If running gives you an error about your Matplotlib backend, you will need a GUI backend such as TkAgg or Qt5Agg in order to visualize your data with matplotlib.


Range image of OS2 bridge data. Data taken at Brooklyn Bridge, NYC.

In addition to viewing the data in 2D, we can also plot the results in 3D by projecting the range measurements into Cartesian coordinates. To do this, we first create a lookup table, then use it to produce X, Y, Z coordinates from our scan data with shape (H x W x 3):

xyzlut = client.XYZLut(info)
xyz = xyzlut(scan)

Now we rearrange the resulting numpy array into a shape that’s suitable for plotting:

import numpy as np
[x, y, z] = [c.flatten() for c in np.dsplit(xyz, 3)]
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
r = 10
ax.set_xlim3d([-r, r])
ax.set_ylim3d([-r, r])
ax.set_zlim3d([-r/2, r/2])
z_col = np.minimum(np.absolute(z), 5)
ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=z_col, s=0.2)

Point cloud from OS2 bridge data with colormap on z. Data taken at Brooklyn Bridge, NYC.

You should be able to rotate the resulting scene to view it from different angles.

To learn more about manipulating lidar data, see: