"""Ouster sensor Python client.
Copyright (c) 2021, Ouster, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This module contains more idiomatic wrappers around the lower-level module
generated using pybind11.
from contextlib import closing
from typing import (cast, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple,
Union, Callable)
import time
import logging
import numpy as np
import warnings
from more_itertools import take
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from ouster.sdk._bindings.client import (SensorInfo, PacketFormat, LidarScan, ScanBatcher, get_field_types,
LidarPacket, Packet, FieldType)
from .data import (FieldTypes)
from .scan_source import ScanSource
logger = logging.getLogger("ouster.sdk.client.core")
[docs]class ClientError(Exception):
"""Base class for client errors."""
[docs]class ClientTimeout(ClientError):
"""Raised when data does not arrive within the expected time."""
[docs]class ClientOverflow(ClientError):
"""Raised when data loss is possible due to internal buffers filling up."""
[docs]class PacketSource(Protocol):
"""Represents a single-sensor data stream."""
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
"""A PacketSource supports ``Iterable[Packet]``.
Currently defined explicitly due to:
def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo:
"""Metadata associated with the packet stream."""
[docs] def close(self) -> None:
"""Release the underlying resource, if any."""
def is_live(self):
[docs]class Packets(PacketSource):
"""Create a :class:`PacketSource` from an existing iterator."""
_it: Iterable[Packet]
_metadata: SensorInfo
def __init__(self, it: Iterable[Packet], metadata: SensorInfo):
it: A stream of packets
metadata: Metadata for the packet stream
self._it = it
self._metadata = metadata
def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo:
return self._metadata
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Packet]:
"""Return the underlying iterator."""
return iter(self._it)
[docs] def close(self) -> None:
def is_live(self) -> bool:
return False
[docs]class Scans(ScanSource):
"""Deprecated: An iterable stream of scans batched from a PacketSource.
Batching will emit a scan every time the frame_id increments (i.e. on
receiving first packet in the next scan). Reordered packets will be handled,
except across frame boundaries: packets from the previous scan will be
Optionally filters out incomplete frames and enforces a timeout. A batching
timeout can be useful to detect when we're only receiving incomplete frames
or only imu packets. Can also be configured to manage internal buffers for
soft real-time applications.
def __init__(self,
source: PacketSource,
complete: bool = False,
timeout: Optional[float] = 2.0,
fields: Optional[List[FieldType]] = None,
_max_latency: int = 0) -> None:
source: any source of packets
complete: if True, only return full scans
timeout: seconds to wait for a scan before error or None
fields: specify which channel fields to populate on LidarScans
_max_latency: (experimental) approximate max number of frames to buffer
warnings.warn("client.Scans(...) is deprecated: "
"Use client.ScansMulti(...).single_source(0) or the appropriate scan source directly instead. "
"This API is planned to be removed in Q4 2024.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
self._source = source
self._complete = complete
self._timeout = timeout
self._max_latency = _max_latency
# used to initialize LidarScan
self._field_types: FieldTypes = (
fields if fields is not None else
self._fields = []
for f in self._field_types:
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[LidarScan]:
"""Get an iterator."""
w = self._source.metadata.format.columns_per_frame
h = self._source.metadata.format.pixels_per_column
columns_per_packet = self._source.metadata.format.columns_per_packet
packets_per_frame = w // columns_per_packet
column_window = self._source.metadata.format.column_window
# If source is a sensor, make a type-specialized reference available
from ouster.sdk.client import Sensor
sensor = cast(Sensor, self._source) if isinstance(
self._source, Sensor) else None
ls_write = None
pf = PacketFormat.from_info(self._source.metadata)
batch = ScanBatcher(self._source.metadata)
# Time from which to measure timeout
start_ts = time.monotonic()
it = iter(self._source)
self._packets_consumed = 0
self._scans_produced = 0
while True:
packet = next(it)
self._packets_consumed += 1
except StopIteration:
if ls_write is not None:
if not self._complete or ls_write.complete(column_window):
yield ls_write
if self._timeout is not None and (time.monotonic() >=
start_ts + self._timeout):
raise ClientTimeout(
f"No valid frames received within {self._timeout}s")
if isinstance(packet, LidarPacket):
ls_write = ls_write or LidarScan(
h, w, self._field_types, columns_per_packet)
if batch(packet, ls_write):
# Got a new frame, return it and start another
if not self._complete or ls_write.complete(column_window):
yield ls_write
self._scans_produced += 1
start_ts = time.monotonic()
ls_write = None
# Drop data along frame boundaries to maintain _max_latency and
# clear out already-batched first packet of next frame
if self._max_latency and sensor is not None:
buf_frames = sensor.buf_use // packets_per_frame
drop_frames = buf_frames - self._max_latency + 1
if drop_frames > 0:
batch = ScanBatcher(w, pf)
[docs] def close(self) -> None:
"""Close the underlying PacketSource."""
def metadata(self) -> SensorInfo:
"""Return metadata from the underlying PacketSource."""
return self._source.metadata
def is_live(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the source is a live data stream."""
return self._source.is_live
def is_seekable(self) -> bool:
return False
def is_indexed(self) -> bool:
return False
def field_types(self) -> List[FieldType]:
return self._field_types
def fields(self) -> List[str]:
return self._fields
def scans_num(self) -> Optional[int]:
return None
def __len__(self) -> int:
raise TypeError("len is not supported on live or non-indexed sources")
def _seek(self, _) -> None:
raise RuntimeError(
"can not invoke __getitem__ on non-indexed source")
def __getitem__(self, _: Union[int, slice]
) -> Union[Optional[LidarScan], ScanSource]:
raise RuntimeError(
"can not invoke __getitem__ on non-indexed source")
def __del__(self) -> None:
def _slice_iter(self, _: slice) -> Iterator[Optional[LidarScan]]:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def slice(self, _: slice) -> ScanSource:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clip(self, fields: List[str], lower: int, upper: int) -> ScanSource:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reduce(self, beams: int) -> 'ScanSource':
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mask(self, fields: List[str], mask: Optional[np.ndarray]) -> ScanSource:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod
def sample(
hostname: str = "localhost",
n: int = 1,
lidar_port: int = 7502,
metadata: Optional[SensorInfo] = None
) -> Tuple[SensorInfo, Iterator[List[LidarScan]]]:
"""Conveniently sample n consecutive scans from a sensor.
Does not leave UDP ports open. Suitable for interactive use.
hostname: hostname of the sensor
n: number of consecutive frames in each sample
lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data
metadata: explicitly provide metadata for the stream
A tuple of metadata queried from the sensor and an iterator that
samples n consecutive scans
from .sensor import Sensor
with closing(Sensor(hostname, lidar_port, 7503,
metadata=metadata)) as sensor:
metadata = sensor.metadata
def next_batch() -> List[LidarScan]:
with closing(
buf_size=n * 0.2,
_flush_before_read=False)) as source:
scans = cls(source, timeout=2.0, complete=True, _max_latency=0)
return take(n, scans)
return metadata, iter(next_batch, [])
[docs] @classmethod
def stream(
hostname: str = "localhost",
lidar_port: int = 7502,
buf_size: float = 1.0,
timeout: Optional[float] = 2.0,
complete: bool = True,
metadata: Optional[SensorInfo] = None,
fields: Optional[List[FieldType]] = None) -> 'Scans':
"""Stream scans from a sensor.
Will drop frames preemptively to avoid filling up internal buffers and
to avoid returning frames older than the scanning period of the sensor.
hostname: hostname of the sensor
lidar_port: UDP port to listen on for lidar data
timeout: seconds to wait for scans before signaling error
complete: if True, only return full scans
metadata: explicitly provide metadata for the stream
fields: specify which channel fields to populate on LidarScans
from .sensor import Sensor
source = Sensor(hostname,
return cls(source,
class FrameBorder:
"""Create callable helper that indicates the cross frames packets."""
def __init__(self, meta: SensorInfo, pred: Callable[[Packet], bool] = lambda _: True):
self._last_f_id = -1
self._last_packet_ts = None
self._last_packet_res = False
self._pred = pred
self._pf = PacketFormat(meta)
def __call__(self, packet: Packet) -> bool:
if isinstance(packet, LidarPacket):
# don't examine packets again
if (self._last_packet_ts and (packet.host_timestamp != 0) and
self._last_packet_ts == packet.host_timestamp):
return self._last_packet_res
f_id = self._pf.frame_id(packet.buf)
changed = (self._last_f_id != -1 and f_id != self._last_f_id)
self._last_packet_res = changed and self._pred(packet)
self._last_f_id = f_id
return self._last_packet_res
return False
def first_valid_column(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return first valid column of a LidarScan"""
return int(np.bitwise_and(scan.status, 1).argmax())
def last_valid_column(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return last valid column of a LidarScan"""
return int(scan.w - 1 - np.bitwise_and(scan.status, 1)[::-1].argmax())
def first_valid_column_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return first valid column timestamp of a LidarScan"""
return scan.timestamp[first_valid_column(scan)]
def first_valid_packet_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return first valid packet timestamp of a LidarScan"""
columns_per_packet = scan.w // scan.packet_timestamp.shape[0]
return scan.packet_timestamp[first_valid_column(scan) // columns_per_packet]
def last_valid_packet_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return first valid packet timestamp of a LidarScan"""
columns_per_packet = scan.w // scan.packet_timestamp.shape[0]
return scan.packet_timestamp[last_valid_column(scan) // columns_per_packet]
def last_valid_column_ts(scan: LidarScan) -> int:
"""Return last valid column timestamp of a LidarScan"""
return scan.timestamp[last_valid_column(scan)]
def first_valid_column_pose(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return first valid column pose of a LidarScan"""
return scan.pose[first_valid_column(scan)]
def last_valid_column_pose(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return last valid column pose of a LidarScan"""
return scan.pose[last_valid_column(scan)]
def valid_packet_idxs(scan: LidarScan) -> np.ndarray:
"""Checks for valid packets that was used in in the scan construction"""
valid_cols = scan.status & 0x1
valid_packet_ts = scan.packet_timestamp != 0
sp = np.split(valid_cols, scan.packet_timestamp.shape[0])
# here we consider the packet is valid when either one is true:
# - any columns in the packet has a valid status
# - packet_timestamp is not zero, which may occur even when
# all columns/px data in invalid state within the packet.
# It means that we received the packet without per px data
# but with all other headers in place
valid_packets = np.logical_or(np.any(sp, axis=1), valid_packet_ts)
return np.nonzero(valid_packets)[0]
def poses_present(scan: LidarScan) -> bool:
"""Check whether any of scan.pose in not identity"""
return not np.allclose(np.eye(4), scan.pose)