

void ouster::viz::add_default_controls(viz::PointViz &viz, std::mutex *mx = nullptr)

Add default keyboard and mouse bindings to a visualizer instance

Controls will modify the camera from the thread that calls run() or run_once(), which will require synchronization when using multiple threads.

  • viz[in] the visualizer instance

  • mx[in] mutex to lock while modifying camera


class PointViz

A basic visualizer for sensor data.

Displays a set of point clouds, images, cuboids, and text labels with a few options for coloring and handling input.

All operations are thread safe when running rendering (run() or run_once()) in a separate thread. This is the intended way to use the visualizer library when a nontrivial amount of processing needs to run concurrently with rendering (e.g. when streaming data from a running sensor).

Public Functions

void add_default_controls(std::mutex *mx)

Add default keyboard and mouse bindings to a visualizer instance

Controls will modify the camera from the thread that calls run() or run_once(), which will require synchronization when using multiple threads.


mx[in] mutex to lock while modifying camera

explicit PointViz(const std::string &name, bool fix_aspect = false, int window_width = default_window_width, int window_height = default_window_height)

Creates a window and initializes the rendering context

  • name[in] name of the visualizer, shown in the title bar

  • fix_aspect[in] Window aspect to set

  • window_width[in] Window width to set, else uses the default_window_width

  • window_height[in] Window height to set, else uses the default_window_height


Tears down the rendering context and closes the viz window

void run()

Main drawing loop, keeps drawing things until running(false)

Should be called from the main thread for macos compatibility

void run_once()

Run one iteration of the main loop for rendering and input handling

Should be called from the main thread for macos compatibility

bool running()

Check if the run() has been signaled to exit


true if the run() loop is currently executing

void running(bool state)

Set the running flag. Will signal run() to exit


state[in] new value of the flag

void visible(bool state)

Show or hide the visualizer window


state[in] true to show

void update()

Update visualization state

Send state updates to be rendered on the next frame.

void push_key_handler(std::function<bool(const WindowCtx&, int, int)> &&callback)

Add a callback for handling keyboard input


callback[in] the callback. The second argument is the ascii value of the key pressed. Third argument is a bitmask of the modifier keys The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining key callbacks should be called.

void push_mouse_button_handler(std::function<bool(const WindowCtx &ctx, ouster::viz::MouseButton button, ouster::viz::MouseButtonEvent event, ouster::viz::EventModifierKeys mods)> &&callback)

Add a callback for handling mouse button input


callback[in] the callback. The callback’s arguments are ctx: the context containing information about the buttons pressed, the mouse position, and the viewport; button: the mouse button pressed; mods: representing which modifier keys are pressed during the mouse click. The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining mouse button callbacks should be called.

void push_scroll_handler(std::function<bool(const WindowCtx&, double x, double y)> &&callback)

Add a callback for handling mouse scrolling input


callback[in] the callback. The callback’s arguments are ctx: the context containing information about the buttons pressed, the mouse position, and the viewport; x: the amount of scrolling in the x direction; y: the amount of scrolling in the y direction. The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining mouse scroll callbacks should be called.

void push_mouse_pos_handler(std::function<bool(const WindowCtx&, double x, double y)> &&callback)

Add a callback for handling mouse movement


callback[in] the callback. The callback’s arguments are ctx: the context containing information about the buttons pressed, the mouse position, and the viewport; x: the mouse position in the x direction; y: the mouse position in the y direction. The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining mouse position callbacks should be called.

void push_frame_buffer_handler(std::function<bool(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, int, int)> &&callback)

Add a callback for processing every new draw frame buffer.

NOTE: Any processing in the callback slows the renderer update loop dramatically. Primary use to store frame buffer images to disk for further processing.



function callback of a form f(fb_data, fb_width,

fb_height) The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining frame buffer callbacks should be called.

void pop_key_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling keyboard events

void pop_mouse_button_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling mouse button events

void pop_scroll_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling mouse scroll events

void pop_mouse_pos_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling mouse position events

void pop_frame_buffer_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling frame buffer events

void push_frame_buffer_resize_handler(std::function<bool(const WindowCtx&)> &&callback)

Add a callback for handling frame buffer resize events.


callback[in] function callback of the form f(const WindowCtx&). The callback’s return value determines whether the remaining frame buffer resize callbacks should be called.

void pop_frame_buffer_resize_handler()

Remove the last added callback for handling frame buffer resize events.

Camera &camera()

Get a reference to the camera controls


Handler to the camera object

TargetDisplay &target_display()

Get a reference to the target display controls


Handler to the target display controls

void add(const std::shared_ptr<Cloud> &cloud)

Add an object to the scene


cloud[in] Adds a point cloud to the scene

void add(const std::shared_ptr<Image> &image)

Add an object to the scene


image[in] Adds an image to the scene

void add(const std::shared_ptr<Cuboid> &cuboid)

Add an object to the scene


cuboid[in] Adds a cuboid to the scene

void add(const std::shared_ptr<Label> &label)

Add an object to the scene


label[in] Adds a label to the scene

bool remove(const std::shared_ptr<Cloud> &cloud)

Remove an object from the scene


cloud[in] Remove a point cloud from the scene


true if successfully removed else false

bool remove(const std::shared_ptr<Image> &image)

Remove an object from the scene


image[in] Remove an image from the scene


true if successfully removed else false

bool remove(const std::shared_ptr<Cuboid> &cuboid)

Remove an object from the scene


cuboid[in] Remove a cuboid from the scene


true if successfully removed else false

bool remove(const std::shared_ptr<Label> &label)

Remove an object from the scene


label[in] Remove a label from the scene


true if successfully removed else false

int viewport_width() const

Get a viewport width in pixels.


viewport width reported by glfw

int viewport_height() const

Get a viewport height in pixels.


viewport height reported by glfw

int window_width() const

Get a window width in screen coordinates.

NOTE: this value maybe different from the viewport size on retina displays


window width reported by glfw

int window_height() const

Get a window height in screen coordinates.


this value maybe different from the viewport size on retina displays


window height reported by glfw

double fps() const

Get frames per second (FPS) value, updated every second

Updated every second in the draw() function


fps value,

class Camera

Controls the camera view and projection.

Public Functions



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impl::CameraData matrices(double aspect) const

Calculate camera matrices.


aspect[in] aspect ratio of the viewport


projection, view matrices and target location.

void reset()

Reset the camera view and fov.

void birds_eye_view()

Set camera view as looking from the top as a bird (Birds Eye View).

void yaw(float degrees)

Orbit the camera left or right about the camera target.


degrees[in] offset to the current yaw angle

void set_yaw(float degrees)

Set yaw in degrees.


degrees[in] yaw angle

float get_yaw() const

Get the yaw in degrees.


yaw in degrees

void pitch(float degrees)

Pitch the camera up or down.


degrees[in] offset to the current pitch angle

void set_pitch(float degrees)

Set pitch in degrees.


degrees[in] pitch angle

float get_pitch() const

Get the camera pitch in degrees.


pitch in degrees

void dolly(double amount)

Move the camera towards or away from the target.


amount[in] offset to the current camera distance from the target

void set_dolly(double log_distance)

Set dolly (i.e. log distance) from the target to the camera.


log_distance[in] log of the distance from the target

double get_dolly() const

Get the log distance from the target to the camera.



void dolly_xy(double x, double y)

Move the camera in the XY plane of the camera view.

Coordinates are normalized so that 1 is the length of the diagonal of the view plane at the target. This is useful for implementing controls that work intuitively regardless of the camera distance.

  • x[in] horizontal offset

  • y[in] vertical offset

void set_view_offset(const vec3d &view_offset)

Set view offset.


view_offset[in] view offset of the camera

vec3d get_view_offset() const

Get view offset.


view offset of the camera

void set_fov(float degrees)

Set the diagonal field of view.


degrees[in] the diagonal field of view, in degrees

float get_fov() const

Get field of fiew of a camera in degrees


fov in degrees

void set_orthographic(bool state)

Use an orthographic or perspective projection.


state[in] true for orthographic, false for perspective

bool is_orthographic() const

Get orthographic state.


true if orthographic, false if perspective

void set_proj_offset(float x, float y)

Set the 2d position of camera target in the viewport.

  • x[in] horizontal position in in normalized coordinates [-1, 1]

  • y[in] vertical position in in normalized coordinates [-1, 1]

vec2d get_proj_offset() const

Get the 2d position of camera target in the viewport.


(x, y) position of a camera target in the viewport

void set_target(const mat4d &target)

Directly set camera target object pose


target[in] target where camera is looking at

mat4d get_target() const

Get the pose of a camera target.


target camera pose

class TargetDisplay

Manages the state of the camera target display.

Public Functions

void enable_rings(bool state)

Enable or disable distance ring display.


state[in] true to display rings

void set_ring_size(int n)

Set the distance between rings.


n[in] space between rings will be 10^n meters

void set_ring_line_width(int line_width)

Set the line width of the rings.


line_width[in] of the rings line

class Image

Manages the state of an image.

Public Functions



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void update_from(const Image &other)

Updates this image’s state with the state of other, accounting for prior changes to this objects’s state.


other[in] the object to update the state from.

void clear()

Clear dirty flags.

Resets any changes since the last call to PointViz::update()

void set_image(size_t width, size_t height, const float *image_data)

Set the image data.

  • width[in] width of the image data in pixels

  • height[in] height of the image data in pixels

  • image_data[in] pointer to an array of width * height elements interpreted as a row-major monochrome image

void set_image_rgb(size_t width, size_t height, const float *image_data_rgb)

Set the image data (RGB).

  • width[in] width of the image data in pixels

  • height[in] height of the image data in pixels

  • image_data_rgb[in] pointer to an array of width * height elements interpreted as a row-major RGB image

void set_image_rgba(size_t width, size_t height, const float *image_data_rgba)

Set the image data (RGBA).

  • width[in] width of the image data in pixels

  • height[in] height of the image data in pixels

  • image_data_rgba[in] pointer to an array of width * height elements interpreted as a row-major RGBA image

void set_mask(size_t width, size_t height, const float *mask_data)

Set the RGBA mask.

Not required to be the same resolution as the image data

  • width[in] width of the image data in pixels

  • height[in] height of the image data in pixels

  • mask_data[in] pointer to array of 4 * width * height elements interpreted as a row-major rgba image

void set_position(float x_min, float x_max, float y_min, float y_max)

Set the display position of the image.


: this is super weird. Coordinates are {x_min, x_max, y_max, y_min} in sort-of normalized screen coordinates: y is in [-1, 1], and x uses the same scale (i.e. window width is ignored). This is currently just the same method the previous hard-coded ‘image_frac’ logic was using; I believe it was done this way to allow scaling with the window while maintaining the aspect ratio.

  • x_min[in]

  • x_max[in]

  • y_min[in]

  • y_max

void set_hshift(float hshift)

Set horizontal shift in normalized viewport screen width coordinate.

This may be used to “snap” images to the left/right screen edges.

Some example values: 0 - default, image is centered horizontally on the screen -0.5 - image moved to the left for the 1/4 of a horizontal viewport -1 - image moved to the left for the 1/2 of a horizontal viewport +1 - image moved to the right for the 1/2 of a horizontal viewport +0.5 - image moved to the right for the 1/4 of a horizontal viewport


hshift[in] shift in normalized by width coordinates from 0 at the center [-1.0..1.0]

void set_palette(const float *palette, size_t palette_size)

Set the image color palette.

  • palette[in] the new palette to use, must have size 3*palette_size

  • palette_size[in] the number of colors in the new palette

void clear_palette()

Removes the image color palette.

std::pair<int, int> window_coordinates_to_image_pixel(const WindowCtx &ctx, double x, double y) const

Returns the image pixel corresponding to the provided window coordinates.

  • ctx[in] the WindowCtx.

  • x[in] X coordinate for the window

  • y[in] Y coordinate for the window


std::runtime_error – if the image data has not been set, or if the image size (set by set_position) is zero in either dimension.


Image pixel corresponding to the provided window coordinates. IMPORTANT: the pixel is outside the image if either the (x, y) are less than zero or greater than the image (width, height).

std::pair<double, double> image_pixel_to_window_coordinates(const WindowCtx &ctx, int px, int py) const

Returns the inverse of “window_coordinates_to_image_pixel” This is useful for computing positions relative to an image pixel.

  • ctx[in] the WindowCtx.

  • px[in] X pixel coordinate

  • py[in] Y pixel coordinate


a coordinate normalized to -1, 1 in the window’s Y axis

std::pair<double, double> pixel_size(const WindowCtx &ctx) const

Returns the pixel size as a pair representing width and height in window pixels.


ctx[in] the WindowCtx.


a pair representing the image pixel size in window pixels.

class Cuboid

Manages the state of a single cuboid.

Public Functions

Cuboid(const mat4d &transform, const vec4f &rgba)

Constructor to initialize a cuboid

  • transform[in] 4x4 matrix representing a transform defining the cuboid

  • rgba[in] 4x4 float matrix representing cuboid color in RGBA format

void update_from(const Cuboid &other)

Updates this cuboid’s state with the state of other, accounting for prior changes to this objects’s state.


other[in] the object to update the state from.

void clear()

Clear dirty flags.

Resets any changes since the last call to PointViz::update()

void set_transform(const mat4d &pose)

Set the transform defining the cuboid.

Applied to a unit cube centered at the origin.


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void set_rgba(const vec4f &rgba)

Set the color of the cuboid.


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class Label

Manages the state of a text label.

Public Functions

Label(const std::string &text, const vec3d &position)

Constructs a Label object

  • text[in] Text to display

  • position[in] Set 3D position of label as x,y,z coordinates of type double

Label(const std::string &text, float x, float y, bool align_right = false, bool align_top = false)

Sets the 2D position of the lavel

  • text[in] Label text to display

  • x[in] horizontal position [0, 1]

  • y[in] vertical position [0, 1]

  • align_right[in] interpret position as right of the label

  • align_top[in] interpret position as top of the label

void update_from(const Label &other)

Updates this label’s state with the state of other, accounting for prior changes to this objects’s state.


other[in] the object to update the state from.

void clear()

Clear dirty flags.

Resets any changes since the last call to PointViz::update()

void dirty()

Set all dirty flags.

Re-sets everything so the object is always redrawn.

void set_text(const std::string &text)

Update label text.


text[in] new text to display

void set_position(const vec3d &position)

Set label position.


position[in] 3d position of the label

void set_position(float x, float y, bool align_right = false, bool align_top = false)

Set position of the 2D label.

  • x[in] horizontal position [0, 1]

  • y[in] vertical position [0, 1]

  • align_right[in] interpret position as right of the label

  • align_top[in] interpret position as top of the label

void set_scale(float scale)

Set scaling factor of the label.


scale[in] text scaling factor

void set_rgba(const vec4f &rgba)

Set the color of the label.


rgba[in] color in RGBA format


struct WindowCtx

Context for input callbacks.

Public Functions

double aspect_ratio() const

return the aspect ratio of the viewport.


The aspect ratio of the viewport.

std::pair<double, double> normalized_coordinates(double x, double y) const

return 2d coordinates normalized to (-1, 1) in the y-axis, given window coordinates.

PointViz renders 2d images and labels in this coordinate system, and as such this method can be used to determine if a pixel in window coordinates falls within a 2d image.

  • x[in] X axis value of 2D window coordinate

  • y[in] Y axis value of 2D window coordinate


2d coordinates normalized to (-1, 1) in the y-axis

std::pair<double, double> window_coordinates(double normalized_x, double normalized_y) const

the inverse of “normalized_coordinates”.

Given 2d coordinates normalized to (-1, 1) in the y-axis, return window coordinates.

  • normalized_x[in] X axis value of 2D normalized coordinate

  • normalized_y[in] Y axis value of 2D normalized coordinate


2d coordinates in window pixel space.

void check_invariants() const

raises std::logic_error if this WindowCtx doesn’t satisfy class invariants.

Public Members

bool lbutton_down = {false}

True if the left mouse button is held.

bool mbutton_down = {false}

True if the middle mouse button is held.

double mouse_x = {0}

Current mouse x position.

double mouse_y = {0}

Current mouse y position.

int viewport_width = {0}

Current viewport width in pixels.

int viewport_height = {0}

Current viewport height in pixels.

int window_width = {0}

Current window width in screen coordinates.

int window_height = {0}

Current window height in screen coordinates.