

class AutoExposure

Adjusts brightness to between 0 and 1.

Public Functions


Default constructor using default percentile and update values.

AutoExposure(int update_every)

Constructor specifying update modulo, and using default percentiles.


update_every[in] update every this number of frames.

AutoExposure(double lo_percentile, double hi_percentile, int update_every)

Constructor specifying low and high percentiles, and update modulo.

  • lo_percentile[in] low percentile to use for adjustment.

  • hi_percentile[in] high percentile to use for adjustment.

  • update_every[in] update every this number of frames.

void operator()(Eigen::Ref<img_t<float>> image, bool update_state = true)

Scales the image so that contrast is stretched between 0 and 1.

The top percentile is 1 - hi_percentile and the bottom percentile is lo_percentile. Similar to linear ‘contrast-stretch’, i.e. normalization.

  • image[in] Reference to the image, modified in place.

  • update_state[in] Update lo/hi percentiles if true.

void operator()(Eigen::Ref<img_t<double>> image, bool update_state = true)

Scales the image so that contrast is stretched between 0 and 1.

The top percentile is 1 - hi_percentile and the bottom percentile is lo_percentile. Similar to linear ‘contrast-stretch’, i.e. normalization.

  • image[in] Reference to the image, modified in place.

  • update_state[in] Update lo/hi percentiles if true.

class BeamUniformityCorrector

Corrects beam uniformity by minimizing median difference between rows, thereby correcting subtle horizontal line artifacts in images, especially the ambient image.

Public Functions

void operator()(Eigen::Ref<img_t<float>> image, bool update_state = true)

Applies dark count correction to an image, modifying it in-place to have reduced horizontal line artifacts.

  • image[in] Reference to the image, modified in-place.

  • update_state[in] Update dark counts if true.

void operator()(Eigen::Ref<img_t<double>> image, bool update_state = true)

Applies dark count correction to an image, modifying it in-place to have reduced horizontal line artifacts.

  • image[in] Reference to the image, modified in-place.

  • update_state[in] Update dark counts if true.