class LidarScanStreamMeta : public ouster::osf::MetadataEntryHelper<LidarScanStreamMeta>
Metadata entry for LidarScanStream to store reference to a sensor and field_types
OSF type: ouster/v1/os_sensor/LidarScanStream
Flat Buffer Reference: fb/os_sensor/lidar_scan_stream.fbs
Public Functions
LidarScanStreamMeta(const uint32_t sensor_meta_id, const ouster::LidarScanFieldTypes field_types = {})
- Parameters:
sensor_meta_id – [in] Reference to LidarSensor metadata that describes the sensor configuration.
field_types – [in] LidarScan fields specs, this argument is optional.
uint32_t sensor_meta_id() const
Return the sensor meta id.
- Returns:
The sensor meta id.
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> buffer() const final
Byte represantation of the internal derived metadata type, used as serialization function when saving to OSF file.
- Returns:
The byte vector representation of the metadata.
static std::unique_ptr<MetadataEntry> from_buffer(const std::vector<uint8_t> &buf)
Create a LidarScanStreamMeta object from a byte array.
- Todo:
Figure out why this wasnt just done as a constructor overload.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] The raw flatbuffer byte vector to initialize from.
- Returns:
The new LidarScanStreamMeta cast as a MetadataEntry
virtual std::string repr() const override
Get the string representation for the LidarScanStreamMeta object.
- Returns:
The string representation for the LidarScanStreamMeta object.
LidarScanStreamMeta(const uint32_t sensor_meta_id, const ouster::LidarScanFieldTypes field_types = {})
struct MetadataTraits<LidarScanStreamMeta> - #include <stream_lidar_scan.h>
Templated struct for returning the OSF type string.
Public Static Functions
static inline const std::string type()
Return the OSF type string.
- Returns:
The OSF type string “ouster/v1/os_sensor/LidarScanStream”.
static inline const std::string type()