Converting PCAPs to Other Formats


Sometimes we want to get a point cloud (XYZ + other fields) as a CSV file for further analysis with other tools.

To convert the first 5 scans of our sample data from a pcap file, you can try:

$ python3 -m ouster.sdk.examples.pcap $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH pcap-to-csv --scan-num 5

The source code of an example below:

Because we stored the scan as structured 2D images, we can easily recover it by loading it back into a numpy.ndarray and continuing to use it as a 2D image.

import numpy as np

# read array from CSV
frame = np.loadtxt('my_frame_00000.csv', delimiter=',')

# convert back to "fat" 2D image [H x W x num_fields] shape
frame = frame.reshape((128, -1, frame.shape[1]))

We used 128 while restoring 2D image from a CSV file because it’s the number of channels of our OS-1-128.pcap sample data recording.


To convert to the first 5 scans of our sample data from a pcap file to LAS, you can try:

$ python3 -m ouster.sdk.examples.pcap $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH pcap-to-las --scan-num 5

Checkout the examples.pcap.pcap_to_las() documentation for the example source code.


To convert to the first 5 scans of our sample data from a pcap file to PCD, you can try:

$ python3 -m ouster.sdk.examples.pcap $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH pcap-to-pcd --scan-num 5

Checkout the examples.pcap.pcap_to_pcd() documentation for the example source code.


Here we will reuse the PCAP to PCD function that uses Open3d and will exploit the extensive Open3d File IO that gives us an easy way to save the loaded point cloud to PLY. Alternative ways are available via plyfile library.

To convert to the first 5 scans of our sample data from a pcap file to PLY, you can try:

$ python3 -m ouster.sdk.examples.pcap $SAMPLE_DATA_PCAP_PATH $SAMPLE_DATA_JSON_PATH pcap-to-ply --scan-num 5

Checkout the examples.pcap.pcap_to_ply() documentation for the example source code.