Sensor Data

Coordinate Frames and XYZ Calculation

Ouster defines two coordinate frames:

The Lidar Coordinate Frame follows the Right Hand Rule convention and is a point cloud-centric frame of reference that is the simplest frame in which to calculate and manipulate point clouds. The X-axis points backwards towards the external connector, which is an unintuitive orientation that was deliberately chosen to meet the following criteria:

  • Data frames split at the back of the sensor i.e. the external connector

  • Data frames start with the azimuth angle equal to 0°

All point cloud features including setting an azimuth window and phase locking are defined in the Lidar Coordinate Frame.

The Sensor Coordinate Frame follows the Right Hand Rule convention and is a mechanical housing-centric frame of reference that follows robotics convention with X-axis pointing forward. Ouster-provided drivers and visualizers represent data in the Sensor Coordinate Frame.


All Ouster coordinate frames follow the Right Hand Rule, allowing for standard 3D transformation matrix math to convert between them. For multi-sensor systems that require calibration, this Linear Algebra-based approach can be convenient. However, customers with single-sensor systems may find it more intuitive to stay in the Lidar Coordinate Frame and take arithmetic shortcuts.

Lidar Coordinate Frame

The Lidar Coordinate Frame is defined at the intersection of the lidar axis of rotation and the lidar optical midplane (a plane parallel to Sensor Coordinate Frame XY plane and coincident with the 0° elevation beam angle of the sensor).

The Lidar Coordinate Frame axes are arranged with:
  • positive X-axis pointed at encoder angle 0° and the external connector

  • positive Y-axis pointed towards encoder angle 90°

  • positive Z-axis pointed towards the top of the sensor

The Lidar Coordinate Frame is marked in both diagrams below with XL, YL, and ZL.


Top-down view of Lidar Coordinate Frame

Lidar Range to XYZ

Given the following information, range data may be transformed into 3D cartesian XYZ coordinates in the Lidar Coordinate Frame:

From a measurement block from the UDP packet:
  • Measurement ID value can be found on the lidar data packet

  • scan_width value of the horizontal resolution

  • r or range_mm1 value of the data block of the i-th channel

  • r' or range_to_beam_origin_mm2

From the GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/beam_intrinsics HTTP Command:
  • beam_to_lidar_transform3 value

  • beam_altitude_angles array

  • beam_azimuth_angles array

The corresponding 3D point can be computed by

r &= \texttt{range\_mm} \\
|\vec{n}| &= \sqrt{(beam\_to\_lidar[0,3])^2 + (beam\_to\_lidar[2,3])^2} \\
r &= |\vec{r'}| + |\vec{n}| \\
\theta_{encoder} &= 2\pi \cdot \left ( 1 - \frac{\texttt{measurement\ ID}}{\texttt{scan\_width}}\right ) \\
\theta_{azimuth} &= -2\pi \frac{\texttt{beam\_azimuth\_angles[i]}}{360} \\
\phi &= 2\pi \frac{\texttt{beam\_altitude\_angles[i]}}{360} \\
x &= (r-|\vec{n}|) \cos\left(\theta_{encoder} + \theta_{azimuth}\right) \cos(\phi) + (beam\_to\_lidar[0,3]) \cos\left(\theta_{encoder}\right) \\
y &= (r-|\vec{n}|) \sin\left(\theta_{encoder} + \theta_{azimuth}\right) \cos(\phi) + (beam\_to\_lidar[0,3]) \sin\left(\theta_{encoder}\right) \\
z &= (r-|\vec{n}|) \sin(\phi) + (beam\_to\_lidar[2,3]) \\


Side view of Lidar Coordinate Frame


Firmware version 2.x is not supported for OSDome. Minimum requirement is Firmware version 3.x and later.


r or range_mm is the sum of the magnitudes of vectors of r’ and n. This value is provided for each measurement in blocks [0-15] of the i-th channel.


r' or range_to_beam_origin_mm is the magnitude of the distance vector from lidar front optics to the detected object. This value is NOT provided; It is only to help illustrate the concept.


beam_to_lidar_transform is a translation matrix from the center of the lidar origin coordinate frame to lidar front optics. This value is provided from the GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/beam_intrinsics, please refer to the API Guide for more information.

Sensor Coordinate Frame

The Sensor Coordinate Frame is defined at the center of the sensor housing on the bottom, with the X-axis pointed forward, Y-axis pointed to the left and Z-axis pointed towards the top of the sensor. The external connector is located in the negative x direction. The Sensor Coordinate Frame is marked in the diagram below with XS, YS, ZS.


Top-down view of Sensor Coordinate Frame


Side view of Sensor Coordinate Frame

Combining Lidar and Sensor Coordinate Frame

The Lidar Coordinate Frame’s positive X-axis (0 encoder value) is opposite the Sensor Coordinate Frame’s positive X-axis to center lidar data about the Sensor Coordinate Frame’s positive X-axis. A single measurement frame starts at the Lidar Coordinate Frame’s 0° position and ends at the 360° position. This is convenient when viewing a “range image” of the Ouster Sensor measurements, allowing the “range image” to be centered in the Sensor Coordinate Frame’s positive X-axis, which is generally forward facing in most robotic systems.

The Ouster Sensor scans in the clockwise direction when viewed from the top, which is a negative rotational velocity about the Z-axis. Thus, as encoder ticks increase from 0 to 90,111, the actual angle about the Z-axis in the Lidar Coordinate Frame will decrease.

Lidar Intrinsic Beam Angles

The intrinsic beam angles for each beam may be queried with a HTTP command GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/beam_intrinsics to provide an azimuth and elevation adjustment offset to each beam. The azimuth adjustment is referenced off of the current encoder angle and the elevation adjustment is referenced from the XY plane in the Sensor and Lidar Coordinate Frames.

Lidar Range Data To Sensor XYZ Coordinate Frame

For applications that require calibration against a precision mount or use the IMU data (Inertial Measurement Unit) in combination with the lidar data, the XYZ points should be adjusted to the Sensor Coordinate Frame. This requires a Z translation and a rotation of the X,Y,Z points about the Z-axis. The Z translation is the height of the lidar aperture stop above the sensor origin, which varies depending on the sensor you have, and the data must be rotated 180° around the Z-axis. This information can be queried over TCP in the form of a homogeneous transformation matrix in row-major ordering.

Example JSON formatted query using the HTTP command GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/lidar_intrinsics:

  "lidar_to_sensor_transform": [-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 38.195, 0, 0, 0, 1]

Which corresponds to the following matrix

\texttt{M\_lidar\_to\_sensor} = \begin{bmatrix}
-1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & -1 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1 & 38.195\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1

IMU Data To Sensor XYZ Coordinate Frame

The IMU is slightly offset in the Sensor Coordinate Frame for practical reasons. The IMU origin in the Sensor Coordinate Frame can be queried over HTTP command in the form of an homogeneous transformation matrix in row-major ordering.

Example 1- Expected response for HTTP command GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/imu_intrinsics when using Gen1 OS1 (all revisions), Gen2 OS01 (all revisions) and Gen2 OS2 (top-level revisions A, B, C)

  "imu_to_sensor_transform": [1, 0, 0, 6.253, 0, 1, 0, -11.775, 0, 0, 1, 7.645, 0, 0, 0, 1]

Which corresponds to the following matrix

\texttt{M\_imu\_to\_sensor} = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0 & 6.253\\
0 & 1 & 0 & -11.775\\
0 & 0 & 1 & 7.645\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1

Example 2- Expected response for HTTP command GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/imu_intrinsics when using Gen2 OS2 (top-level revisions D and higher)

  "imu_to_sensor_transform": [1, 0, 0, 6.253, 0, 1, 0, -11.775, 0, 0, 1, 11.645, 0, 0, 0, 1]

Which corresponds to the following matrix

\texttt{M\_imu\_to\_sensor} = \begin{bmatrix}
1 & 0 & 0 & 6.253\\
0 & 1 & 0 & -11.775\\
0 & 0 & 1 & 11.645\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1

Lidar Data Packet Format

With firmware version 2.3 and above, users will have the option to switch between different lidar data packet formats as shown below.

By default, the data packet format will be set to Single Return Profile for Firmware v2.5.0 and later.


In order to enable dual returns the user needs to have both a Rev 06 sensor or later and an upgrade to firmware version 2.2 or later. If using a Rev7 Sensor and later then FW 3.0 or later is a minimum requirement.


Please note LEGACY data packet format will be deprecated in Q3,2023.

Configurable Data Packet Format

When setting the udp_profile_lidar to a value other than LEGACY, a new packet format will be automatically activated. This packet format, called the configurable data packet format, allows the users to choose between different options for the channel data profile depending on their usage, while maintaining a uniform packet structure across different profiles. It is described in detail below.

Lidar Data Format

When the config parameter udp_profile_lidar is set to a parameter other than LEGACY, we will be in the Configurable data packet format. Each data packet consists of Packet Header, Measurement Header, Channel Data Blocks and Packet Footer. The packet rate is dependent on the lidar mode. Words are 32 bits in length and little endian. By default, lidar UDP data is forwarded to Port 7502. Please refer to the HTTP API portion of this manual for more information on setting this parameter. Alternately, this mode can also be configured via the Web Interface.

Packet layout

Packet Header [256 bits]

  • Packet type [16 bit unsigned int] - Identifies lidar data vs. other packets in stream. Packet Type is 0x1 for Lidar packets.

  • Frame ID [16 bit unsigned int] - Index of the lidar scan, increments every time the sensor completes a rotation, crossing the zero azimuth angle.

  • Init ID [24 bit unsigned int] - Initialization ID. Updates on every reinit, which may be triggered by the user or an error, and every reboot. This value may also be obtained by running the HTTP command GET /api/v1/sensor/metadata/sensor_info.

  • Serial No [40 bit unsigned int] - Serial number of the sensor. This value is unique to each sensor and can be found on a sticker affixed to the top of the sensor. In addition, this information is also available on the Sensor Web UI and by reading the field prod_sn from get_sensor_info.

  • Shot limiting status [4 bit unsigned int] - Indicates the shot limiting status of the sensor. Different codes indicates whether the sensor is in Normal Operation or in Shot Limiting. Please refer to Shot Limiting section for more details.

  • Shutdown Status [4 bit unsigned int] - Indicates whether thermal shutdown is imminent. Please refer to Shot Limiting section for more details.

  • Shot limiting Countdown [8 bit unsigned int] - Countdown from 30s to indicate when shot limiting is imminent. Please refer to Shot Limiting section for more details.

  • Shutdown Countdown [8 bit unsigned int] - Countdown from 30s to indicate that thermal shutdown is imminent. Please refer to Shot Limiting section for more details.

  • Alert Flags [8 bit unsigned int]:
    • bit [0-5]: alert_cursors (Increments sequentially everytime a new alert is active. At this time users can query get_alerts to understand which alert was activated).

    • bit [6]: cursor_overflow (true if cursor overflows, cleared when get_alerts is read. cursor_overflow turns on whenever alert_cursors goes from 63->0, and stays on until the next time get_alerts is called).

    • bit [7]: alerts_active (true if ANY alerts are active).

Column Header Block [96 bits]

  • Timestamp [64 bit unsigned int] - Timestamp of the measurement in nanoseconds.

  • Measurement ID [16 bit unsigned int] - Sequentially incrementing measurement counting up from 0 to 511, or 0 to 1023, or 0 to 2047 depending on lidar_mode.

  • Status [1 bit unsigned int] - Indicates validity of the measurements. Status is 0x01 for valid measurements. Status is 0x00 for dropped or disabled columns.

Channel Data Blocks [Varies based on channel data profile]

  • The size and the structure of the channel data block varies based on the configurable data packet format chosen by the user. More information on each of these options are described below in the following sections.

Packet Footer [256 bits]

  • Reserved [192 bits]

  • E2E CRC [64 bits] - This covers the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) on the entire data packet. For more details refer below:

End2End CRC64 calculation parameters

The CRC64 is calculated on the received UDP lidar packet payload bytes, in the same received bit order, without the encoded CRC64 value [I.E. excluding the last 64 bits of the received lidar packet], and by using the following CRC algorithm calculation parameters:

E2E CRC Calculation

CRC Result Width

64 bits



Initial Value


Input data reflected


Result data reflected


XOR Value


Since the value of the CRC64 in the received lidar packet is encoded as a Little-Endian hex value; you will have to reverse the CRC64 bytes (last 8 bytes of the lidar packet) before comparing them with the hex value of the calculated CRC64 that is based on the received lidar packet bytes.


Configurable Data Packet Configuration

Channel Data Profiles

This section describes the different channel data profile options that are available to the users as part of the configurable data packet format. Each of these data profiles can be selected by setting the configuration parameter udp_profile_lidar to one of the following options:

  • RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16 (Single Return Profile)

  • RNG15_RFL8_NIR8 (Low Data Rate Profile)

  • RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL (Dual Return Profile)

More details on how to set the configuration parameters are described in the HTTP API Reference Guide portion of this Firmware User Manual.


Calibrated reflectivity has certain hardware requirements. Please refer to the Calibrated Reflectivity section for more details.

Configurable Data Packet Profiles


Single Return Profile

Low Data Rate Profile

Dual Return Profile





Words per pixel




Range RET1

19 bits

15 bits

19 bits

Reflectivity RET1

8 bits

8 bits

8 bits

Range RET2

Not Available

Not Available

19 bits

Reflectivity RET2

Not Available

Not Available

8 bits

Signal RET1

16 bits

Not Available

16 bits

Signal RET2

Not Available

Not Available

16 bits


16 bits

8 bits

16 bits

Single Return Profile

The data packet format for all sensors by default are set to RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16 i.e., Single Return Profile. This channel data profile can also be activated from a different setting by changing the configuration parameter udp_profile_lidar to RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16.


This is only available with firmware version 2.3 or later. If you are using a Rev7 sensor then FW 3.0 or later is the minimum requirement.

set_config_param udp_profile_lidar RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16

The above command will set the channel data profile in the configurable data packet format to Single Return mode. This channel data profile is identical to the channel data block present in LEGACY format, but makes use of the configurable data packet format. Users looking to take advantage of the configurable data packet format can use this profile in place of LEGACY. The channel data profile for this is described below.

Channel Data Blocks [96 bits each for RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16 profile]

For RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16 profile the channel data block consists of 3 words to accommodate data for porting over the LEGACY profile to configurable Data Packet format. Only a single return will be made available to the user.

  • Range [19 bit unsigned int] - Range in millimeters, discretized to the nearest 1 millimeters with a maximum range of 524m. Note that range value will be set to 0 if out of range or if no detection is made.

  • Calibrated Reflectivity [8 bit unsigned int] - Sensor Signal Photons measurements are scaled based on measured range and sensor sensitivity at that range, providing an indication of target reflectivity.

  • Signal Photons [16 bit unsigned int] - Signal intensity photons in the signal return measurement are reported.

  • Near Infrared Photons [16 bit unsigned int] - NIR photons related to natural environmental illumination are reported.


Single Return Configuration

Low Data Rate Profile

This channel data profile can be activated by setting the configuration parameter udp_profile_lidar to RNG15_RFL8_NIR8.


This is only available with firmware version 2.3 or later. If you are using a Rev7 sensor then FW 3.0 or later is the minimum requirement.

set_config_param udp_profile_lidar RNG15_RFL8_NIR8

The above command will set the channel data profile in the configurable data packet format to Low Data Rate configuration.

This channel data profile is especially useful to users who are looking to adopt a channel data profile to fit with limited compute capabilities. The data rate and the data packet size that are achieved as a result of using this profile will be smaller as compared to the other channel data profile options that are available.

The channel data profile for this is described below.

Channel Data Blocks [32 bits each for RNG15_RFL8_NIR8 profile]

For the RNG15_RFL8_NIR8 profile the channel data block consists of only 1 word to accommodate data for optimizing information at a low data rate. Only a single return will be made available to the user.

  • Range [15 bit unsigned int] - Range scaled down by a factor of 8 mm, for a maximum range of (2^15*8) = 262 mm in 15 bits. Note The range value will be set to 0 if out of range or if no detection is made.

  • Calibrated Reflectivity [8 bit unsigned int] - Sensor Signal Photons measurements are scaled based on measured range and sensor sensitivity at that range, providing an indication of target reflectivity.

  • Near Infrared Photons [8 bit unsigned int] - NIR photons related to natural environmental illumination are reported. Measurements are taken similar to LEGACY and other data profiles (Single Data Profile and Dual Return Profile) but it is scaled down by a factor of 16.


Low Data Rate Configuration

Dual Return Profile

This channel data profile can be activated by setting the configuration parameter udp_profile_lidar to RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL.


Please note in order to enable dual returns the user needs to have both a Rev 06 sensor or later and an upgrade to firmware version 2.2 or later. If using a Rev7 sensor then the minimum firmware version requirement is 3.0.0 or later.

set_config_param udp_profile_lidar RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL


Starting firmware v3.0.0, RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL profile is valid for 1024x20 and 2048x10 lidar mode.

This feature is meant to allow the sensor to provide an output up to 2 returns (Strongest and Second Strongest).

This feature will allow Ouster sensors to operate in scenarios with semi-transparent obscurants, such as rain, fog, or even a chain-link fence. In these scenarios, the strongest and second strongest returns are required to see both the semi-transparent object, as well as whatever may lie behind it.

Channel Data Blocks [128 bits each for RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL profile]

For RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL profile the channel data block consists of 4 words to accommodate data for the multiple returns. A total of up to two returns will be made available to the user.

  • Range RET1/2 [19 bit unsigned int] - range in millimeters, discretized to the nearest 1 millimeters with a maximum range of 524m. Note that range value will be set to 0 if out of range or if no detection is made.

  • Calibrated Reflectivity RET1/2 [8 bit unsigned int] - Sensor Signal Photons measurements are scaled based on measured range and sensor sensitivity at that range, providing an indication of target reflectivity.

  • Signal Photons RET1/2 [16 bit unsigned int] - Signal intensity photons in the signal return measurement are reported.

  • Near Infrared Photons [16 bit unsigned int] - NIR photons related to natural environmental illumination are reported.


Dual Return Data Packet Configuration

Packet Size Calculation (Configurable)

Packet size can be calculated by the following formula:

packet_header_size + columns_per_packet * (measurement_header_size + pixels_per_column * channel_data_block_size) + packet_footer_size

For example:

  • 32 + 16 * (12 + n * s) + 32 bytes

    • packet_header_size = 32 bytes

    • columns_per_packet = 16

    • measurement_header_size = 12 bytes

    • n is pixels_per_column (correspond to the number of channels: 128 for OS1-128)

    • s is the size of a channel data block (16 bytes for RNG19_RFL8_SIG16_NIR16_DUAL configuration)

    • packet_footer_size = 32 bytes

The following tables below provide values for packet sizes, packet rates, and data rates for various products and configurations. These tables assume a default azimuth window of 360°. Providing a custom azimuth window can further lower packet rate and data rate. See the Azimuth Window section for details on setting a custom azimuth window.

Lidar Packet Size (Bytes) Breakdown, Product vs Data Packet Format


Single Return

Dual Return

Low Data Rate













Packet Rate (Hz) Breakdown, Product vs Lidar Mode



















Data Rate (Mbps) Breakdown in 2048x10 or 1024x20 modes, Product vs Data Packet Format


Single Return

Dual Return

Low Data Rate













LEGACY Data Packet Format


LEGACY Data Packet Format is soon to be deprecated. Please refer to Single Return Profile section which will be the default mode starting with firmware v2.5 and later.

This option is backward compatible and is supported on earlier hardware versions as well. The data profile can be modified by changing the configuration parameter udp_profile_lidar to LEGACY.

Lidar Data Format


Gen 1 OS1-16 and OS1-32 customers should note that upgrading to firmware v2.0.0 or higher will change their lidar packet format which reduces their data rates which is not backwards compatible with pre-v2.0.0 clients.

In this mode, lidar packets consist of 16 Measurement Blocks and vary in size relative to the number of channels in the sensor. The packet rate is dependent on the lidar mode. Words are 32 bits in length and little endian. By default, lidar UDP data is forwarded to Port 7502. Please refer to the HTTP API Reference Guide portion of this manual for more information on setting this parameter. Alternately, this mode can also be configured via the Web Interface.

Lidar frames are composed of 512, 1024, or 2048 measurement blocks, depending upon lidar mode and are completely deterministic in number per frame and their monotonic order and position within lidar data packets. This determinism allows for efficient lookup table-based decoding in clients.

Each Measurement Block contains:

Header Block [128 bits]

  • Timestamp [64 bit unsigned int] - timestamp of the measurement in nanoseconds.

  • Measurement ID [16 bit unsigned int] - a sequentially incrementing measurement counting up from 0 to 511, or 0 to 1023, or 0 to 2047 depending on lidar_mode.

  • Frame ID [16 bit unsigned int] - index of the lidar scan. Increments every time the sensor completes a rotation, crossing the zero point of the encoder.

  • Encoder Count [32 bit unsigned int] - an azimuth angle as a raw encoder count, starting from 0 with a max value of 90,111 - incrementing 44 ticks every azimuth angle in 2048 mode, 88 ticks in 1024 mode, and 176 ticks in 512 mode. Note: the encoder count is redundant with the Measurement ID and will be deprecated in the future.

Channel Data Blocks [96 bits each]

  • Range [32 bit unsigned int - only 20 bits used] - range in millimeters, discretized to the nearest 1 millimeters.

  • Calibrated Reflectivity [8 bit unsigned int] - sensor Signal Photons measurements are scaled based on measured range and sensor sensitivity at that range, providing an indication of target reflectivity. Note that calibrated reflectivity has certain hardware requirements. Please refer to the Calibrated Reflectivity section for more details.

  • Signal Photons [16 bit unsigned int] - signal intensity photons in the signal return measurement are reported.

  • Near Infrared Photons [16 bit unsigned int] - NIR photons related to natural environmental illumination are reported.

Measurement Block Status [32 bits]- indicates whether the measurement block contains valid or zero-padded data in its channels’ Data Blocks. Valid = 0xFFFFFFFF, Padded = 0x0. If the Measurement Block Status is Padded (e.g. in the case of channel data being dropped or if the Measurement Block is outside of the azimuth window), values within the Channel Data Blocks will be 0, but values within the Header Block remain valid.


LEGACY Packet Data Configuration

Packet Size Calculation (LEGACY)

The table below shows the lidar data packet size breakdown for all products when LEGACY profile is configured. Since the size of the measurement block varies proportional to the number of channels in a sensor, all sensors with the same number of channels have the same lidar packet data structure and size.

Packet Size Breakdown- LEGACY Profile


Number of words in Measurement Block

Size of single Measurement Block (Bytes)

Size of lidar packet (Bytes)





OS0-32, OS1-32, OS2-32




OS0-64, OS1-64, OS2-64




OS0-128, OS1-128, OS2-128




The table below calculates the data of all products operating at the highest lidar modes, 2048x10 or 1024x20 for LEGACY profile assuming a default azimuth window of 360°. Providing a custom azimuth window can further lower data rate. See the Azimuth Window section for details on setting a custom azimuth window.

Data Rate- LEGACY Profile


LEGACY Lidar packet size (Bytes)

LEGACY Lidar packets rate (Hz)

LEGACY Data Rate (Mbps)





OS0-32, OS1-32, OS2-32




OS0-64, OS1-64, OS2-64




OS0-128, OS1-128, OS2-128




Calibrated Reflectivity

Starting in firmware v2.1.0, sensors have an 8-bit reflectivity data field. Existing sensors in the field that update to v2.1.0 will have default calibration values pushed to them. Sensors that have been factory calibrated for reflectivity will have a higher accuracy of reflectivity.


If using Rev7 sensors, please use Firmware v3.0.0 and later.

The command get_calibration_status will return the status of your sensor calibration. The calibration status is returned with the following format:

      "valid": "true: if factory calibrated for better accuracy, false: if not calibrated -- using default
                      values and likely has less accuracy",
      "timestamp": "Date when the calibration has been performed"

Please contact your if you have questions on whether your sensor is hardware-enabled for calibrated reflectivity.

Reflectivity Data Mapping

Reflectivity values between 0-100 are linearly mapped for lambertian targets with values between 0% and 100% reflectivity. Values between 101-255 are mapped as log 2 with linear interpolation between logarithmic points for retroreflective targets. The 255 value corresponds to a retroreflector 864 times stronger than a 100% lambertian target. The charts below show the mapping functions.


% Reflectivity vs Representation


% Reflectivity vs Representation (Log Scale)


Representation and Reflectivity data set

IMU Data Format

IMU UDP Packets are 48 Bytes long and by default are sent to Port 7503 at 100 Hz. Data is organized in little endian format.


IMU data format is the same regardless of the lidar data profile selected by the user.

Each IMU data block contains:

  • IMU Diagnostic Time [64 bit unsigned int] - timestamp of monotonic system time since boot in nanoseconds.

  • Accelerometer Read Time [64 bit unsigned int] - timestamp for accelerometer time relative to timestamp_mode in nanoseconds.

  • Gyroscope Read Time [64 bit unsigned int] - timestamp for gyroscope time relative to timestamp_mode in nanoseconds.

  • Acceleration in X-axis [32 bit float] - acceleration in g.

  • Acceleration in Y-axis [32 bit float] - acceleration in g.

  • Acceleration in Z-axis [32 bit float] - acceleration in g.

  • Angular Velocity about X-axis [32 bit float] - Angular velocity in deg per sec.

  • Angular Velocity about Y-axis [32 bit float] - Angular velocity in deg per sec.

  • Angular Velocity about Z-axis [32 bit float] - Angular velocity in deg per sec.

Note that the first timestamp (Words 0,1) is for diagnostics only and is rarely used under normal operation.

The second two timestamps, (Words 2,3) and (Words 4,5), are sampled on the same clock as the lidar data, so should be used for most applications.

Ouster provides timestamps for both the gyro and accelerometer in order to give access to the lowest level information. In most applications it is acceptable to use the average of the two timestamps.

Data Rate - IMU Data Packet


IMU packet size (Bytes)

IMU packets per second




OS0-32, OS1-32, OS2-32



OS0-64, OS1-64, OS2-64



OS0-128, OS1-128, OS2-128




IMU Packet Format