Analyzing Linux Networking Issues
Users are recommended to follow this section only in the case of intermittent packet drops or packet reordering. Please make sure to double check udp_dest
settings at the beginning of this section, as the information provided is not useful if users are getting zero data.
In case the users are getting zero data and are unable to resolve the issue please contact our Field Application Team.
This section captures tools and procedures to troubleshoot networking issues for a system consisting of a PC/Workstation L2 Switch and one or more Ouster Sensors. Though examples use the Linux Operating System as a model, the material is equally relevant to debugging issues in the Windows environment. Where possible Windows command-line and UI analogs will be discussed in passing.
Debugging the Workstation Data Path
The workstation maintains a set of statistics associated with each layer in the network stack that can be used to diagnose packet loss. The correct way to approach a network stack problem is to start with the lowest layer in the stack first, examine the statistics for errors, and work your way up to the highest layer. The reason that we start with the lowest layer is that issues in the lowest layer can cause issues in other parts of the data-path.
Link Layer Statistics and Configuration
In Linux, ethtool is used to query the NIC for statistics as well as view and change the NIC configuration. Linux also offers more generic mechanisms to do this by writing/reading keys in the kernel file-system. Ethtool is often the tool that is widely use to debug system, and is generally the most complete system for configuration and debug. Ethtool is a double edged-sword, because ethtool is vendor-centric the output of its commands and range of configuration options will be slightly different depending on which NIC is used.
Line Interface Statistics
The most useful starting point when debugging the link-layer is to examine the line-interface statistics, these are queried with ethtool -S <ethX> where ethX is the identifier of the NIC as listed by ifconfig, if the device has multiple NICs and you are uncertain which NIC is receiving the traffic, run some traffic and monitor the stats reported by ifconfig.
The output of ethtool -S <ethX> is 100% NIC vendor specific and will be quite different depending on NIC vendor used in your system.
Example: Output of ethtool -S:
NIC statistics:
rx_packets: 0
tx_packets: 0
rx_bytes: 0
tx_bytes: 0
rx_broadcast: 0
tx_broadcast: 0
rx_multicast: 0
tx_multicast: 0
rx_errors: 0
tx_errors: 0
tx_dropped: 0
multicast: 0
collisions: 0
rx_length_errors: 0
rx_over_errors: 0
rx_crc_errors: 0
rx_frame_errors: 0
rx_no_buffer_count: 0
rx_missed_errors: 0
tx_aborted_errors: 0
tx_carrier_errors: 0
tx_fifo_errors: 0
tx_heartbeat_errors: 0
tx_window_errors: 0
tx_abort_late_coll: 0
tx_deferred_ok: 0
tx_single_coll_ok: 0
tx_multi_coll_ok: 0
tx_timeout_count: 52
tx_restart_queue: 0
rx_long_length_errors: 0
rx_short_length_errors: 0
rx_align_errors: 0
tx_tcp_seg_good: 0
tx_tcp_seg_failed: 0
rx_flow_control_xon: 0
rx_flow_control_xoff: 0
tx_flow_control_xon: 0
tx_flow_control_xoff: 0
rx_csum_offload_good: 0
rx_csum_offload_errors: 0
rx_header_split: 0
alloc_rx_buff_failed: 0
tx_smbus: 0
rx_smbus: 0
dropped_smbus: 0
rx_dma_failed: 0
tx_dma_failed: 0
rx_hwtstamp_cleared: 0
uncorr_ecc_errors: 0
corr_ecc_errors: 0
tx_hwtstamp_timeouts: 0
tx_hwtstamp_skipped: 0
MAC Errors
Users are mainly interested in the path where the sensor is transmitting to the workstation, focusing on the “rx” (receive) statistics. Generally, anything that is labeled as rx.*error on this NIC constitutes a stats that might be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
Based on the NIC, these “error” statistics are primarily associated with problems identified by the MAC. Such problems are generally indicative of an L1 problem (though they could also indicate a problem with the link-partner’s MAC), such as a loose connector, faulty transceiver, or an out-of-spec cable.
Internal System Errors
User might come across stats like rx_dma_failed and rx_no_buffer_count that do not have an “error” postfix but constitute very real errors. These are indicative of failures in the hand-off between the NIC driver.
Solving MAC Errors
If users encounter MAC errors this most likely points to a cabling issue, so the first step would be to replace the cable. If the errors persist, the next step would be to try to test against a different node. One can use the “iPerf” or “iPerf3” utility (discussed below) to validate that the workstation against another workstation computer. A final step would be to swap out the sensor.
Solving Internal System Errors
These errors are often the most difficult to understand. It can be quite surprising that the MAC is receiving everything and traffic is still being dropped. The root cause is generally that the processor cannot handle the peak rate. Though the average load may be only a few hundred megabits, the real situation is that all traffic received by the NIC arrives at line rate – for a 10G NIC this means that many frames may be received back-to-back at the line rate of the NIC.
Just how many frames arrive depends on the behavior of the sensors. Ouster sensor attempts to transmit the data as it is captured. Assuming a 40K (on the wire) LiDAR frame and 10 sensors, the worst case load will be 40K x 10 = 400K at 10G (since the peak transmit rate of each sensor is 1G x 10 = 10G.) 400K is a lot of 10G data to process all at once, and without hardware buffering things will certainly fail.
The NIC maintains a hardware ring-buffer or on advanced hardware, potentially multiple ring-buffers. The entries in the ring-buffer are pointers into kernel packet-buffer structures. This mechanism enables the NIC to efficiently deliver packets to the kernel at line rate. For our specific use-case the default size of this ring-buffer may be too small.
To update this value user can use ethtool:
ethtool -g <ethX> will display the current setting and device limits
ethtool -G <ethX> rx <value> is used to update the setting
Example: Using a laptop/system, ring-buffer has enough buffer for 256 entries by default:
ethtool -g enp0s31f6
Ring parameters for enp0s31f6:
Pre-set maximums:
RX: 4096
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 4096
Current hardware settings:
RX: 256
RX Mini: 0
RX Jumbo: 0
TX: 256
To find out how much buffer is sufficient we can apply the burst-tolerance equation:
fill_rate = NIC_line_speed - max_measured_throughput
fill_time = rx_buffer_size * 1518 * 8 / fill_rate
MBS = fill_time * NIC_line_speed
It is not always easy to obtain max_measured_throughput, and in a busy workstation it can be subject to variable delay.
As a rule-of-thumb we need to at least accommodate one max-burst (one LiDAR packet) from the sensor. Assuming a 40KB LiDAR packet that’s 40KB/1518=27 frames. So 256 should be more than adequate.
However, even with the default buffer of 256, user can observe packet loss due to DMA errors. This is because the work-station is not a real-time system and the delay can be quite variable. Linux uses a technique called interrupt coalescence that determines how often it will service the driver, when it gets very busy.
Interrupt coalescence is controlled by the kernel filesystem key:
/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_budget_usecs and by default its 8000us!
If the problem is not resolved by increasing the buffer size, its possible to reduce netdev_budget_usecs in order to favor moving data over other activities that the system could be doing. Its also possible to increase the maximum number of frames the OS is willing to process when the line interface does get serviced which is controlled by:
On some systems the user need to make the rx-ring-buffer quite large or disable interrupt coalescence all together.
In addition to the “soft” interrupt coalescence that is found under /proc/sys/net/core the NIC itself will delay the hardware interrupt. User can find the settings with ethtool in the usual way. Here is an example that shows the ACQ107’s default settings:
ethtool -c enp4s0
Coalesce parameters for enp4s0:
Adaptive RX: off
TX: off
stats-block-usecs: 0
sample-interval: 0
pkt-rate-low: 0
pkt-rate-high: 0
rx-usecs: 112
rx-frames: 0
rx-usecs-irq: 0
rx-frames-irq: 0
tx-usecs: 510
tx-frames: 0
tx-usecs-irq: 0
tx-frames-irq: 0
rx-usecs-low: 0
rx-frames-low: 0
tx-usecs-low: 0
tx-frames-low: 0
rx-usecs-high: 0
rx-frames-high: 0
tx-usecs-high: 0
tx-frames-high: 0
Another useful parameter is the /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog. The backlog queue, is a FIFO on the other side of the NIC ring-buffer. Increasing the backlog buffer is one more way to add capacity earlier in the data-path. Its difficult to determine when to increase netdev_max_backlog vs increasing the rx ring-buffer. Certainly the ring-buffer is the only place where we can add capacity that can absorb traffic bursts at line rate.
Troubleshooting Advanced NICs
Advanced hardware interfaces have multiple ring-buffers that are typically mapped to different CPU cores (a technique known as RSS.) Each NIC has it’s own proprietary scheme for mapping input traffic flows to ring-buffers, and sometimes a NIC will incorrectly split a traffic flow into multiple FIFOs. If you see this behavior it means that the NIC itself will cause frames to be reordered in a way that will horribly disrupt the IP stack above it. The ACQ107 is one such NIC. The problem can be identified by looking at ethtool -S <ethX>. The NIC will list stats for each FIFO, and by sending a single large traffic flow we can see that device errantly split the flow into all of the different FIFOs. Below you can see that this NIC has stats labeled Queue[0] … Queue[7].
ethtool -S enp4s0
NIC statistics:
InPackets: 350287807
InUCast: 350048688
InMCast: 231724
InBCast: 7395
InErrors: 0
OutPackets: 363162007
OutUCast: 363160208
OutMCast: 1306
OutBCast: 493
InUCastOctets: 525223100117
OutUCastOctets: 545214487081
InMCastOctets: 16440320
OutMCastOctets: 206101
InBCastOctets: 1316312
OutBCastOctets: 58497
InOctets: 525240856749
OutOctets: 545214751679
InPacketsDma: 23207849
OutPacketsDma: 22064728
InOctetsDma: 34568308793
OutOctetsDma: 33164524696
InDroppedDma: 2002075
Queue[0] InPackets: 23087183
Queue[0] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[0] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[0] InErrors: 0
Queue[0] AllocFails: 0
Queue[0] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[0] Polls: 7373190
Queue[0] OutPackets: 649028
Queue[0] Restarts: 0
Queue[1] InPackets: 80
Queue[1] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[1] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[1] InErrors: 0
Queue[1] AllocFails: 0
Queue[1] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[1] Polls: 14672
Queue[1] OutPackets: 1651541
Queue[1] Restarts: 0
Queue[2] InPackets: 103
Queue[2] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[2] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[2] InErrors: 0
Queue[2] AllocFails: 0
Queue[2] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[2] Polls: 215484
Queue[2] OutPackets: 3815296
Queue[2] Restarts: 0
Queue[3] InPackets: 269
Queue[3] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[3] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[3] InErrors: 0
Queue[3] AllocFails: 0
Queue[3] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[3] Polls: 14469
Queue[3] OutPackets: 1580307
Queue[3] Restarts: 0
Queue[4] InPackets: 119681
Queue[4] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[4] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[4] InErrors: 0
Queue[4] AllocFails: 0
Queue[4] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[4] Polls: 157920
Queue[4] OutPackets: 3670607
Queue[4] Restarts: 0
Queue[5] InPackets: 83
Queue[5] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[5] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[5] InErrors: 0
Queue[5] AllocFails: 0
Queue[5] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[5] Polls: 9006
Queue[5] OutPackets: 931971
Queue[5] Restarts: 0
Queue[6] InPackets: 407
Queue[6] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[6] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[6] InErrors: 0
Queue[6] AllocFails: 0
Queue[6] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[6] Polls: 15387
Queue[6] OutPackets: 1636793
Queue[6] Restarts: 0
Queue[7] InPackets: 43
Queue[7] InJumboPackets: 0
Queue[7] InLroPackets: 0
Queue[7] InErrors: 0
Queue[7] AllocFails: 0
Queue[7] SkbAllocFails: 0
Queue[7] Polls: 11584
Queue[7] OutPackets: 343508
Queue[7] Restarts: 0
PTP Queue[16] InPackets: 0
PTP Queue[16] InJumboPackets: 0
PTP Queue[16] InLroPackets: 0
PTP Queue[16] InErrors: 0
PTP Queue[16] AllocFails: 0
PTP Queue[16] SkbAllocFails: 0
PTP Queue[16] Polls: 0
PTP Queue[16] OutPackets: 0
PTP Queue[16] Restarts: 0
PTP Queue[31] InPackets: 0
PTP Queue[31] InJumboPackets: 0
PTP Queue[31] InLroPackets: 0
PTP Queue[31] InErrors: 0
PTP Queue[31] AllocFails: 0
PTP Queue[31] SkbAllocFails: 0
PTP Queue[31] Polls: 0
MACSec InCtlPackets: 0
MACSec InTaggedMissPackets: 0
MACSec InUntaggedMissPackets: 23252064
MACSec InNotagPackets: 23252064
MACSec InUntaggedPackets: 0
MACSec InBadTagPackets: 0
MACSec InNoSciPackets: 0
MACSec InUnknownSciPackets: 0
MACSec InCtrlPortPassPackets: 0
MACSec InUnctrlPortPassPackets: 23252064
MACSec InCtrlPortFailPackets: 0
MACSec InUnctrlPortFailPackets: 0
MACSec InTooLongPackets: 0
MACSec InIgpocCtlPackets: 0
MACSec InEccErrorPackets: 0
MACSec InUnctrlHitDropRedir: 0
MACSec OutCtlPackets: 1
MACSec OutUnknownSaPackets: 22064727
MACSec OutUntaggedPackets: 0
MACSec OutTooLong: 0
MACSec OutEccErrorPackets: 0
MACSec OutUnctrlHitDropRedir: 0
The vendor provided a workaround in their README.
Currently, NIC does not support RSS for fragmented IP packets, which leads to an incorrect handling of RSS for fragmented UDP traffic. To disable RSS for UDP one can use the following RX Flow L3/L4 rule: ethtool -N eth0 flow-type udp4 action 0 loc 32
When Stats Fail
Sometimes a NIC will drop frames without any error stats incrementing. When this happens, the issue can be detected by inserting a managed L2 switch in between the sensor and the workstation. The managed switch will report receive and transmit stats, which can be correlated against the rx stats of the NIC to determine that the NIC has dropped frames without incrementing any stat.
IP Statistics
After the link layer the next layer up is IP. IP errors can be identified with the netstat tool:
netstat -s
This tool will output a lot of information, but in this document we will focus on only the IP section.
In this report you can see that there are a few different error categories, and you have to review carefully through all of the text to find them:
Let’s look at each class of error and consider its implications:
Packets received with invalid address means that they were sent to our MAC, but with an incorrect source IP.
Packets dropped because of missing route indicates that the packet was sent to the correct IP address but no client program was listening on the destination port.
Fragments dropped after timeout means that we received some data but subsequent data didn’t arrive in time to be processed.
Fragments reassemblies failed means that some data was missing due to an Ethernet frame being aborted by the stack or being lost in transit and the IP layer was not able to reassemble a complete datagram.
Debugging a Layer 3 Issue
The best way to debug issues in the IP layer is to find them in the link layer, because generally speaking layer-3 issues are caused by layer-2 bugs, but this is not always the case.
For instance, packets received with invalid address are probably indicative of stale ARP table entries or some other external network bug or temporal state that will most likely clear up on its own. This sort of problem is probably not worth debugging unless its persistent. Packets dropped because of missing route is more indicative of an issue at the application layer (the client or server simply wasn’t listening when the packets arrived).
If a problem is detectable by L3 and not by L2, then it’s most likely a problem in the NIC itself, and if the NIC isn’t providing a FIFO or DMA stat that explains it. One possibility is packet reordering by the NIC. This can be detected by modifying
This kernel attribute determines the systems tolerance to receiving out-of-order IPv4 frames. Nominally L2 networks do not reorder packets, so you should be able to configure a value of 1 and not observe a change in behavior. However, if setting a low threshold exacerbates the issue, or setting a high value makes the problem less severe then the NIC is most likely to blame.
Useful network debugging tools
is a useful tool when debugging the performance of a network. It can be used to quickly validate whether or not a system can handle a given throughput. It can be configured to output a stream of data in a variety of formats to mimic the expected load on the system during use. For more information refer to iPerf documentation.
How to use iPerf to debug sensor network issues
can be used to rule out sensor failures, and quickly reproduce errors that occur when the network is under a high-traffic load. iPerf
must be used from two machines:
Server (receiving data)
Client (sending data)
Both the server and client will measure the number of packets sent/received, and report a percentage of packets lost.
Example usage of iPerf
to test sender can send 300Mbps of UDP packets of 20KB to receiver:
Receiver arguments
: Required to indicate that this is the machine that will be RECEIVING data.
--port 5300
: Specify the port at which to listen for incoming data. Useful if testing with multiple sources simultaneously.
Sender arguments
--client : The IP address to send data to. Must be the IP address or hostname of the receiver.
--port 5300
: The port to send data to. This must match the –port argument provided by the receiver.
: Indicates that UDP traffic will be sent. If not supplied, TCP data will be sent.
--bitrate 300M
: The rate in (in bits per second) to send data to the receiver. This can be used to simulate different amounts of network load.This supports a suffix such as K , M , or G to indicate Kbps, Mbps, or Gbps instead of bps.